Danduwen Forest Housing

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Danduwen Forest Housing
Location: Langenfirth, Therengia (RanikMap41)
Class / Type: Upper / Rural
Restrictions: None
Justice: none
Form: Tree
Homes (Free): 6 (0)
Last Checked: 27 Apr 2018

Danduwen Forest.gif

Location Category Restrictions Owner Appearance
Danduwen Forest - 1 Upper Class, Rural Tabia ancient eucalyptus tree with long streamers of ghostly white beard moss hanging from its branches
Danduwen Forest - 2 Upper Class, Rural Azurinna weeping willow tree with a latticework of climbing wisteria vines decorating the trunk
Danduwen Forest - 2 Upper Class, Rural Rirsti tall acanth tree with a murder of crows secreted among its branches
Danduwen Forest - 3 Upper Class, Rural Silqui contorted black deobar tree with hundreds of tiny mobiles twirling
Danduwen Forest - 4 Upper Class, Rural Darkhellegur tall chestnut tree with lush twining ivy winding up the trunk
Beech Grove - 5 Upper Class, Rural Cosgrach towering white beech tree