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Revision as of 18:35, 25 October 2017 by BNEUMANN1 (talk | contribs)
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Status Active
Race Human
Gender Male
Guild Warrior Mage
Instance Prime
Relatives [[Arkarm Crime Family]], [[Idon Raiders]]

From Awesome to Average, The End of a Legend


It is said that hair can make a man. Short and buisness-like creates a sense of propriety, while long and free harkens to lazy days on the beach, occasionally beating off crabs. Erixx had Greggers, and Greggers was truly a masterpiece. Cropped short on the sides and then flowing down the back, this mullet of magnificence gave Erixx a sense of unimaginable power and allowed him to achieve a greatness many will strive for, but no one will ever reach.

One cold morning, Erixx awoke from a deep slumber to find a single strand of hair on his pillow. Panicking, he ran his fingers through his luxurious mane only to come back with more loose hairs! Male pattern baldness had set in. He enlisted the help of the most skilled empaths in the land, but their healing powers could not restore the magic, and day by day, he became weaker and his eyes slowly lost their sparkle.

As Greggers departed, so did the fire behind the man and his mission. He lost is verve, his endearing personality, his lust for destruction. He became merely a shell of his former self, some would call him an "empty Erixx box". He was once everything, an anti-hero, a menace, so powerful the gods themselves trembled at the mere mention of his name... now, he is ordinary, kind of a nuisance, and plain.

It is a sad time in Elanthia while we wait for a new power to arise. Let us hope that the spirit of Greggers finds itself perched upon a new head, where it will again rise to power and dominate our world once more.

(um... yeah, so Erixx has a new person at the keyboard but I really like this story and I didn't want to delete it...<3 Synamon)


You see Arcane Deathslinger Erixx Arkarm, Elemental Terror of Elanthia, a Human. Erixx's skin has taken on a greenish granite-like sheen, roughening his features and lending him the forbidding appearance of living stone.
Erixx has an angular face, dark pupilless eyes and a crooked nose. His russet-streaked blue-black hair is long and straight, and is worn cropped short on top, longer in the back and sides. He has tanned skin.
He is slightly under average height for a Human.
A black diamond with the words "Idon Raider" in silver script rests on his forehead, just above his eyes.
He appears to be in his prime.
He has a tattoo of multicolored elemental flames flowing from symbols resembling arcane sigils, the dark markings beginning at his wrists and spiraling up both arms to his elbows. Towards his shoulders the fire becomes more pronounced, swirling across his chest into the silhouette of a perched heron. The bird jealously clutches a bulging gem pouch in its long beak, holding its prize just above the muscles on his shoulder.
He is wearing some plate greaves, a well-made blight-ogre cowl, some lumium heavy plate gauntlets, a blue-grey steel staff acid-etched with geometric runes, a lumium ceremonial shield, a midnight black torturer's sack interlaced with barbed wire, a supple black leather backpack with a silver skull clasp, a battered nightsilk duffel bag with a crude silver "Idon Raider" clasp, a pair of blood-red wood fangs, a sigilated platinum ring, a pair of tyrium-studded black boots with ruined soles, a pair of tyrium cufflinks molded into flames, a steely grey cloak lined in deep red velvet bearing the Arkarm family crest, a pair of shadowy black leather pants, an open-collared grey shirt, a lifesculpted glossy ebony durgauldite and tyrium band, a black leather naphtha holder with vial slots stitched to the sides, a blue-lacquered ghast skull, a bloodstained leather armband embossed with a large black heron, a blued-steel wrist knife with a golden gryphon-shaped hilt, an expertly folded black silk tie with a gold ram's head clip, a sooty black firesilk sash fastened by an electrum scarab, some enameled elbow spikes, some pitted steel-toed footwraps, a golden finger claw, a polished silver badge etched with the phrase "I burn with a passion for blazing destruction!", a brushed platinum ring etched with the emblem of the Idon Raiders, some spiked knuckles,.


A Journey Thru the Life of An Elemental Terror

“Excuse me!”

Clearing her throat loudly an Elothean moon mage pushes her way through the crowd. She motions for the crowd to gather round as she pulls a name badge labeled “Sunny” from a pitch-black bag at her waist.

“We are a little behind schedule so I need you all to listen! The first of the moongates will be opening in a moment, just hurry through and we will get started!”

A moongate opens up with the flick of her wrist and smiling politely she begins to shove people into the astral gateway. Bewildered cries can barely be heard as the accidental tourists are ushered into the first leg of their trip.

“There we go,” she says as she breaches the portal and the gate collapses behind her. “So, sorry for the late start, moons can be temperamental at times, making you wait and all.” Waving her hand distractedly she continues, “But, enough of that, let’s go, I know you are anxious to get started!"

The people in the small crowd look from one to the other, no one quite sure what is happening. Taking note of the towering wall just beyond the trees they realize that they are just outside of the bustling town of Rivercrossing. A run down shack sits, crumbling, at the edge of the woods.

Motioning to the deteriorating home, the woman begins speaking in hushed tones. “Beginnings are the best place to start, and we are all children to begin with, so, we are here. This is his childhood home.

“Not everyone is born into a life of luxury, and our hero is no exception. He was unwanted and neglected, forced to work to support a family that held nothing but disdain for him. His mother attempted to show him kindness, but paid the ultimate price at the hands of his father.”

Nodding solemnly at her audience, and completely ignoring the confused questions directed her way, Sunny begins chanting under her breath. A moongate opens and the bewildered crowd finds itself being herded through once more.

“You people will need to get with the program a little,” she announces with an authoritative nod. ”Moongate means move, we don’t want to be at this all day.”

Now in a dirty alley in Crossing, the tour guide kicks at some of the rubble near her feet before beginning to speak again, “So, motherless, the boy was found bloody and beaten, somewhere near here.” A shudder rolls through the crowd at the thought of a child in such a place.

“Found guilty of the heinous murder of his wife, the child’s father was thrown into prison. No one in the family claimed the boy, and he was left to the mercy of the kind warrior mage that found him.

"The mage took it upon himself to to bring the boy into the guild, where he learned at the hand of Gauthus. He was found to be something of a prodigy in elemental magic and combat. However, his fellow students and mentors alike claim to have felt something dark brewing under the surface of the eager pupil.

“Shortly after he turned 18, his father was released from prison. The young man vanished, and his father was found brutally murdered. His hand was severed and nowhere to be found.”

Pausing for effect the moon mage looks out at her audience grimly. Noticing that a couple of people seemed to be attempting to sneak away, she quickly begins spell preparations and conjures a new moongate that appears in front of them. Hastily shoving people through it, she glances over her shoulder at an approaching guard. Passing through the portal herself, it snaps closed, cutting off the shouts of the angry guardsman.

Finding themselves outside the temple in Crossing, the group quickly gathers their dropped belongings before turning their attention back to their guide.

“Little is known about the young man for quite some time after the death of his father. Rumors of murders and dismemberment were often associated with him, but no one could be sure. He lived in obscurity until he emerged again as a member of the Idon Raiders. The group thrived, attacking unsuspecting citizens and robbing them of their coin and, frequently, their lives. They invaded Shard in retribution for not giving Idon the due they felt the god deserved.

“The young mage was a fierce fighter, and gives little regard to his victims. He waged war on the Illithi Inquisition, decimating them in front of the empath guild leader Annael. This action resulted in his banning from the guildhall.

“As the Raiders drifted into obscurity, he began to seek out a new place to call home.”

Once more a moongate opens and this time the group moves through quicker, if only out of desire to avoid the shoving. Happy to see that her audience is finally catching on, the moon mage passes through the gate behind them and into the middle of the Promodo Village.

“Loyalty is something that the Elemental Terror had begun to value above all else. He had aligned himself repeatedly with the Arkarm Crime Family, and as the last of the Raiders drifted away, he found a new home at their table.

“Quick to act and never one to back away from a fight, the human warrior mage quickly became an integral part of the tight knit family. His propensity to rain fire from the sky and admirable combat skills are nothing compared to the awe inspiring mullet that he wears with pride.”

Smiling brightly at her captive audience, the enigmatic tour guide realizes that several people are holding their hands in the air awkwardly.

A slight woman near the front of the group steps forward when acknowledged. “While this is all very interesting, if you don’t mind, we were all wondering,” fidgeting nervously she glances at her fellow travelers before continuing. “... who are you talking about?”

Breaking into a wide grin, Sunny laughs as she announces, “Erixx Arkarm, of course.”

Suddenly the air around them takes on an eerie calm, a palpable panic takes hold of the group as the moon mage disappears in a flash of light. The sky darkens and a rumble rolls from the heavens, just before a rain of fire falls from the sky in a hellish downpour.

Great Balls of Fire, an Artists Rendering

Fire from above, Erixx Arkarm (featuring Greggers)


All that is Greggers

“Unfathomable awesomeness” are words rarely used when describing a man’s hair. Such terms are typically reserved for the immortals, but, in the case of the mullet, known affectionately as Greggers, no other word would do.

Cropped short in the front giving of an air authoritative dignity, the style convinces the observer that it could only be the ‘do of an aristocrat. But, the back, my friends, the back is a party unlike no other! Long and flowing, begging to be touched, the luscious locks of awesome bring tears to your eyes and a create a longing in your heart that floods you with so much emotion, the weak drop dead at a glance.

This is all that is Greggers, and Erixx Arkarm is the only man who can pull it off.


Erixx is currently wanted in all provinces

  • Pilfering
  • Pickpocketing
  • Felony Stealing
  • Murder
  • Assault
  • Hooliganism
  • Endangering the Public
  • Crimes Against the State
  • Aiding and Abetting
  • Forbidden Practices
  • Enemy of the State

Erixx's Theme Song

Because you wish you were cool enough to have a perfect theme song...
Follow this link!

Artwork Credit

Earlier Artwork by Crayzeke Arkarm, prodigy. New Artwork by Mystylaine Rincon, wife and Empath.


No one was harmed in the telling of this history. If you think you might have been harmed, you weren't, so stop being a baby. <3 the player of Synamon