Liani's Heaven

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Incomplete Article
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Liani's Heaven
Province Ilithi
Justice Unknown
Town Shard
Map Ranik's Map 67
Owner Liani
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Food shops, Drink shops
This store only accepts Dokoras

[Liani's Heaven, Taproom]
Light shimmers off the honey-colored wood that composes the low-roofed but expansive taproom of Liani's Heaven. A bar curves from one end of the tavern to the other, its surface polished to a high gleam by tankards and plates slung down its surface by the Halflings behind the bar. You also see a secluded booth.

Drinks Fit for Recovering Bards
Item Price Done
1 - Clear Water - Fresh from the river. 25   !!
2 - Lemonade 25   !!
3 - Lahini Juice 40   !!
Drinks Fit for Sober Bards
Item Price Done
4 - Spiked Punch 35   
5 - Snowfire Beer 35   !!
6 - Dark Hand Grog 45   !!
7 - Black Hand Rum 35   !!
8 - Modwyne - A staple of Halflings! 35   !!
9 - Corik's Cloud 35   !!
10 - White Wine 35   DG
11 - Peach Wine 50   !!
12 - Tart Appertif - A favorite of Liani. Flavored with cherry. 35   !!
13 - Taelbert's Raspberry Liquor 90   !!
14 - Apple Brandy - Specially made by stuffy local Elves! 100   
Item Price Done
15 - Mixed Berry 60   !!
16 - Garlic 60   !!
17 - Lemon 60   !!
18 - Coconut 60   !!
19 - Apple 60   
20 - Sugar 60   !!
21 - Blueberry 60   !!
22 - Chocolate 60   !!
23 - Strawberry 60   !!
24 - Roasted Pepper 60   !!
25 - Honey-Apple 60   !!
26 - Mushroom 60   DG
27 - Gooseberry 60   !!
28 - Mulberry 60   !!
29 - Orange 60   !!
30 - Black Currant 60   !!
31 - Starfruit 60   !!
32 - Banana 60   !!
33 - Lamb 60   !!
34 - Pecan-Almond 60   !!