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Revision as of 18:21, 6 July 2009 by CARAAMON (talk | contribs) (added card image)
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Incomplete Article
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  • Infobox entry for location
Ezruh Matsham
Status: Alive
Guild: Bard
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Location: Riverhaven (Ranik Map 30)
Type: guild leader
Associates: Simon

Bard guildleader in Riverhaven. Simon is his companion.


Ezruh is a Human man shaped much like a ripe pear with gentle blue eyes looking out of a face crinkled by good humor and a good heart. Dressed in a simple, unadorned tunic with wisps of grey hair flying whichever way the wind last blew, his sleeves are rolled up, revealing forearms corded with muscle and slim, strong hands shaped by his life's work.

=Trading Card Image

This card depicts Ezruh, leader of the Riverhaven Bard Guild. A faintly bemused expression creases his face as his blue eyes attempt to focus on a wildly gesticulating apprentice holding a poorly-dyed orange mandolin. Ezruh's hands and strong arms gently cover a leather-bound tome, guarding it against any damage from the apprentice's dripping instrument. Simon the cat sits on the floor licking clean one orange paw that contrasts with his otherwise black and white fur, obviously innocent of any involvement in the affair of the mandolin.


You see Guildleader Ezruh Matsham, a Human Bard.
Ezruh has crystal blue eyes. His grey hair is short and fine, and is worn loose. He has fair skin and a rotund build.
He is a bit over average height for a Human.
He is aged for a Human.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a jadeite gwethdesuan, a kyanite gwethdesuan, a soft leather music bag, an ivory-inlaid double-stringed crossbow, a finely tailored shirt with rolled-up sleeves, a simple leather tunic, some pale grey trousers and some worn leather boots.


Was wrapped up in the event involving hooded figures and Medmaev.