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Bard thumb.jpgBard Guild

Sanctuary Cyclic spell
Abbreviation: SANCTUARY
Prerequisites: Eye of Kertigen or Blessing of the Fae, 30th circle
Signature: No
Spell Slots: 2
Mana Type: Unknown
Spell Type: cyclic / utility
Difficulty: esoteric
Prep (min/max): 5 / 40
Skill Range (min/max): Unknown / Unknown
Valid Spell Target: Area
Duration (min/max): Indefinite
Pulse Timing: 21 seconds
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: The notes of Sanctuary allow you to disrupt the flow of clairvoyance and sound for as far as your voice may reach, creating an area through which one will find it very difficult, or impossible, to locate those inside of it through magical means. Even creatures, confused by their inability to orient themselves, will be hindered in their attempts to casually wander into the area.

This enchante once received wide use by Bards who sought to hide their locations, or those who protected dignitaries and scholars from harm, but was lost three decades ago when the last True Bard that knew it fell to the onslaught of Tenebraus. It is only through the fortunes of fate that his journal was recovered and notes recently deciphered enough that we may make use of this enchante once again.

Effect: +{{{buffs}}}, -{{{debuffs}}}, {{{dtype}}}, {{{htype}}}, Prevents clairvoyance, creatures spawning and entering, hiding, and invisibility.
Example Messaging: You weave a soft melody as you begin "Sanctuary", the notes so light and airy they can barely be heard.

You draw out each note of your enchante with a gentle dexterity, coaxing full-bodied tones from each note to further embellish the dark harmonies already plentiful throughout it. The music takes hold, manifesting as a dome of faintly shimmering light.

Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.

Prevents various forms of clairvoyance or locating within room, including Locate, DG, SHM, familiars and HUNT. Prevents hiding or invisibility in the room. Prevents creatures from entering or spawning in the room.

Requires multiple pulses in the same room before full effect is achieved.

Cannot be cast in extremely deep water.