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DragonRealms Platinum

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This article is about the DragonRealms Platinum instance and the Platinum subscription package. For information about the currency denomination, see Currency.

DragonRealms Platinum is a separate instance of the game that requires an additional $10 fee over the cost of Premium services to access.

It is focused primarily on roleplay and a small community.


Along with all Premium benefits, Platinum players also get:

  • 100 extra long term benefit points a month.
  • Personal teleportation jewelry
  • Free custom title
  • Free vaults
  • Bigger initial vault size: all vaults start with a 250 item capacity
  • 28 character slots
  • 50% off the cost of all quests
  • Free runs of older quests like Dunshade and Gnome.
  • Hollow Eve Festival festival admit all tickets for $30
  • Early access to most new releases before premium
  • Automatic access to the test server
  • Jadeite and Kyanite gweth drops
  • Gweth reach is worldwide: hear anyone, anytime.
    • NOTE: This channel is IC.
  • Global chatter.
    • NOTE: This channel is OOC.
  • Free Fallen account
  • After 5 years, you also get access to special portals that take you to any major city, any time you want!
  • Large capacity donation baskets in each province.
  • Smaller crowds, which means more space in hunting areas and more attention during events
  • Some Estate Holder teleportation rings to Fang Cove start out unlocked - no need for a GMNPC merchant!

NOTE: Most of these Perks only apply in the Plat instance.


  • Make sure you turn "chatter /on" when you get in game. This will add you to the worldwide chat channel, where players can talk to each other OOC.
  • Platinum characters take knowing each other seriously! Be sure to introduce yourself and get to know other character's names before actually knowing who they are.
  • Many Platinum players create character profiles on Elanthipedia for both other players and GMs to get a general OOC understanding of who the character is, in order to better accommodate that character's interests into certain events.

Helpful Resources

External Links official Platinum page - a player run site with news and other info specific to Platinum