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Tenemlor is the Guardian of the Blessed, defending the dead from necromancers and others who would disturb their rest. Serenity, silence, peace, and order are her domain. Prydaen Empaths revere her, for her touch heals fever and madness, and Moon Mage"Moon mage" is not in the list (None, Bard, Barbarian, Cleric, Empath, Moon Mage, Necromancer, Paladin, Ranger, Thief, ...) of allowed values for the "Guild association is" property.s appeal to her for clear weather and freedom from distractions.
Tenemlor appears as a tall, proud, white-furred Prydaen with one blackened and withered paw. It is said of a good ruler that "Tenemlor stands behind him" -- maintaining peace and order, and watching his back for traitors.
The Shariza, a disc of blue gold bearing a pair of crescent moons.
Other Aspects
Altar Locations
- Sorrow's Reach just before the river.
Proper Offerings
- A skin from an undead creature.
The Triquetra Chronicles, Volume 1
Known as the Ruler of the Afterlife, Tenemlor holds dominion over the dreaming life and moonlight hours, embodying serenity, silence, peace and order. As Guardian of the Blessed, she defends the dead from necromancers and others who would disturb their rest. Prydaen Empaths revere her, for her touch heals fever and madness, and Moon Mages appeal to her for clear weather and freedom from distractions. It is said of a good ruler that "Tenemlor stands behind him" -- maintaining peace and order, and watching his back for traitors. She presides over all births and deaths, and holds safe the final resting place, where Prydaen reside for eternity once they have tired of life's wheel. She is more reclusive than her brother God Demrris, though history handed down through the millenia tells of a time when she walked the lands in the form of a proud, white-furred Prydaen with one blackened and withered paw -- it is said even unto this day that kits born with pure white or albino coloration are indeed blessed with the direct favor of Tenemlor. Often associated with her are shades of blue, ranging into the deepest black to span all colors of the night, and the reflections of the moons. Her symbol is the shariza, a disc crafted from blue gold which bears in bas relief twin crescent moons, waxing and waning.
A popular myth among our people says that once a year Demrris and Tenemlor trade roles for a day. A few clans believe that at any given time, either deity can be in either role.