Goose family

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Revision as of 23:16, 3 March 2009 by NAVAK (talk | contribs)
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The Goose Family Crime Syndicate is also commonly called the Goose Family, the Gooses, the Gaggle, or the Geese.


  • Based out of Crossings, Zoluren.
  • Specialize in theft, bribery, extortion, etc.
  • Hired assassins and mercenaries available.

Current Family Members

As of Moliko 393 (March 2009):


After reports of raids on Crossing by the Idon Raiders, The Goose Family felt it was time to let this group of misfits and miscreants know that there are bigger dogs that prowl this playground. Two days ago in a brilliant display of violence war was declared on the so-called Idon Raiders. Deaths were reported far and wide, from the remote Islands all the way to Shard and even as far north as Theren. If there were Raiders to be found, we hunted them down and executed them.

Once we felt our message had been heard a meeting of leaders was arranged and an agreement was reached. For a sum we, the Goose Family would agree to a temporary cease fire of sorts. Half of this was paid up front with an understanding that in 4 days, if both parties have abided by the agreement the other half shall be delivered. This is obviously still a quite volatile situation, both sides keeping their swords close at hand on the off chance the silence is broken by either party.

As the Goose Family has no true loyalty but to themselves and the highest bidder however, the Raiders were warned that we shall remember their names for the future and shall they cross us or if the proper payment is offered, they shall see us standing over their graves once again.

End Game: Ceasefire and blood money paid to the Goose Family. Final death tally was ninety dead Idon Raiders to an unknown but significantly fewer number of deaths of Geese.

Mascot, Emblem, Etc.

A curious grey goose of the Goose Family Crime Syndicate. He is rumored to be under command of the Goose family Matriarch and sightings of Booze are an often omen of impending death. Beware the Goose. Fear the Goose.


Booze the seventh, all previous Boozes were lost in glorious combat