Elemental barrage

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Incomplete Article
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Elemental Barrage is a Warrior Mage"Warrior mage" is not in the list (None, Bard, Barbarian, Cleric, Empath, Moon Mage, Necromancer, Paladin, Ranger, Thief, ...) of allowed values for the "Guild association is" property. quest-learned Pathway ability. Barrage links a fully formed target matrix from a spell to a held weapon attack. The spell casts as normal, but the targetting matrix enhances the immediate strike as well as adding some flare for the element used.

To use Barrage, you must have a proper Targeted Magic Spell prepared and fully targeted. That target will be the target for the melee attack. Since the spell's target will be the melee target as well you can't choose a different target for the melee attack, but you CAN specify what type of melee attack you wish to use.


BARRAGE {maneuver}
Current valid options are: thrust, lunge, slice, chop, sweep, jab, draw, pummel, swing, bash, feint, and attack.
BARRAGE alone will default to attack.


Attack Strings

The string indicating a bonus you see just prior to your attack will vary depending on the element of the spell you are casting, as follows:

Heatless orange flames climb your scimitar before winking out of existance.
A shimmering silvery-blue glow quickly spreads from your hand to the tip of your scimitar, then quickly fades.
Tiny fingers of lightning course rapidly along your scimitar, disappearing almost immediately.
Pebbles all around your feet jump quickly into the air and hover a moment, before falling back down.
A thin layer of frost quickly forms on your iltesh before just as quickly evaporating.
(There are currently no targetable air spells)


  • Elemental flare indicates bonus to melee attack was successful.
  • Requires a fully formed target matrix to activate.
  • Cannot be used while another pathway is active.
  • Barrage uses a fair amount of your elemental charge for pathways.
  • Attempting to barrage a nonexistant body part maintains the spell but uses up reserve when it fails.
  • Analogous patterns spells don't create a visible effect between the cast and attack.
  • The Melee attack portion of barrage will attempt to continue through spelled induced stuns.

Despite wobbling from the stun, your greatsword continues on course.

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Click here to search for related posts."Warrior mage" is not in the list (None, Bard, Barbarian, Cleric, Empath, Moon Mage, Necromancer, Paladin, Ranger, Thief, ...) of allowed values for the "Guild association is" property.