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Leilond Sootherin
Race Elf
Gender Male
Guild Bard
Instance Prime


Birth Name: Unknown
Date of Birth: 12th day of Skullcleaver 316AV
Hobbies: Training, Sparring, and Playing Wind Instruments
Dislikes: Alcohol and Lazy Bards
Weapons: Dual Katars('Kil' and 'Ke'), and Various Throwing Weapons
Leilond got his hair color shifted before meeting the Bard Guildleader Silvyrfrost. Leilond has two split personalities which seem to shift unpredictably. The first is light hearted, care free, and somewhat naive; however, the second is a dark, cold, and introverted personality.


You see Leilond Sootherin, an Elf.

Leilond has pointed ears and thick-lashed stormy grey eyes. His deep purple hair is long and fine, and is worn loose. He has fair skin and a brawny build.
He is average height for a Elf.
He has a tattoo of a darkened shadowy dragon that appears to be burned into the skin on his back.

He is wearing a scarred and hardened mask with two narrow eye slits, a tattered and torn wrapped cloak of burgundy nightsilk, a duffel bag, a scrimshaw banded backtube, a half-length charcoal grey vest, a chain lorica, some soft tan leather armbands, a small brace buckler, a carved pick, a scarred leather craftsman's belt, a low-slung belt with studded steel panels, a polished leather raekhlo with a katar and a katar hanging from it, some loose burgundy nightsilk breeches, some light tan legwraps, a wrapped thigh sheath, some tall hiking boots with steel reinforcements and an etched steel parry stick with black leather straps.


Due to much of his training, Leilond enjoys testing his skill against others, especially those more powerful than him. He prizes himself and is very confident with his vocal ability and the power of his Enchantes. He is so self-confident, in fact, that one could almost call him arrogant. Surely, Leilond is almost always training, and when he's not improving his fighting technique he's usually spending time focusing his mind through instrument practice. Though he is affiliated with the Bard guild, he has no deeper connection to instruments outside of improving his own mental ability in combat, as he believes a fight is much akin to the melody of a song. For him, physical and mental prowess is an obsession.

History of a Fallen Bard

Leilond never saw the faces of his true parents; he was separated from them upon birth, being born nameless into Dragon Priest slavery and branded in servitude to the World Dragon. He grew up as nothing more than property. At first, feelings of sadness and self-loathing filled his entire existence; however, quickly those feelings decayed into anger and hatred towards the world, especially to that of the Dragon Priests.

One day, an enlightened Bard by the name of Kilke came upon the cage-confined child. The Bard returned later that night dressed as a beautiful woman and, using his cunning to trick the Dragon Priests, rescued the boy from slavery and non-identity, assigning him the name of "Leilond" after one of the dragons in his various song renditions.

Leilond followed Kilke over the years despite the Bard's often insane ramblings. Eventually, Kilke decided to leave Leilond for fear of his own destruction--For over the years Leilond had developed a separate personality to mask his complete and utter hatred, and Kilke saw this. Leilond was not abandoned without care, and that very same day Annalyse so graciously adopted the young elf into her family. Before long he was met by Daresacorei who he eventually married; however, after their marriage she soon fell into a deathly sleep and departed the world forever. This violently upset Leilond to the point that his other personality tore through the rift of his clouded emotions, and his eyes faded to a shade of stormy grey.

At that point, Leilond became distant from his family and all those around him, seeking only additional power to the point of obsession. Along the way Leilond made friends sparingly, usually with those also driven by power, some of whom include Dekarion and Aveda. Though his face personality has remained dominant, his darker and more unnerving personality has managed to escape on more than a few occasions.

Sadly, on one cold Winter evening Leilond was soundly defeated by two fierce fighters by the names of Mazrian and Galren. Fully astonished by the amount of strength they each possessed, Leilond vowed to reach that level of power, and it was the corruption of Leilond's desire for power that took over at that point. He shut out even those friends who he held dear, and focused solely on his training and improving his fighting ability. It was not until Leilond's closest friend, Catleena, expressed a deep sorrow toward him because of his strange and cold behavior that he went off on his own to meditate. After three months of meditation, the deep subconscious of his other personality broke the bonds of his insanity and he returned again to how he once was. At that point, Leilond understood that he would have the power to choose which state of mind he would use in the future--Either light, or dark.