Natural born killers

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Natural Born Killers.jpg

Background and Information

The Natural Born Killers are a loose organization of players that engage in group skirmishes with the other two major PvP factions, the Ravens and Bardbarians. Given their early membership, they are theoretically based in Dirge, but make no plays for territory and have no governing in-character allegiances. They exist primarily to foster OOC enjoyment of player-versus-player conflict, both individually and in groups. As such, they are nominally an OOC organization, with the IC justification that they are a militia group that assists in "combat training" with other factions.

Mission Statement


History Placeholder


Crest Placeholder

Known Members

Name Nickname Rank
Anthari Nickname Rank
Apolys Nickname Rank
Damoone Nickname Rank
Deathbeing Nickname Rank
Gniloi Nickname Rank
Malkien Nickname Rank
Melindrha Nickname Rank
Navesi Nickname Rank
Remyngton Nickname Rank
Saragos Nickname Rank
Sekmeht Nickname Rank
Shekma Nickname Rank
Tankata Nickname Rank

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