Breaking and Entering

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The Breaking and Entering system will allow individuals or groups to enter properties to steal items and gain experience. The system entered the Test server in 433 (January 2020).


  • The system takes advantage of the new BURGLE verb. It should only work in justice areas that are outdoors.
  • You need some method of entry, either a lockpick, lockpick ring, or a heavy rope. This will determine the entry method experience you get.
  • Survival skillset placement has a significant impact in multiple ways, including chance to find a piece of loot from a surface and cooldown*.
  • All houses contain a Kitchen and a Bedroom.
  • Each primary skillset unlocks a different room*. For example, having a Moon Mage and a Barbarian will unlock two additional rooms, the Study and the Armory.
  • Survival primary behaves slightly differently*. Each Survival primary in the group unlocks a random room that isn't unlocked, and increases the entry method experience. Enough Survival primes will allow you to learn both entry method skills.
  • Entry method experience is granted on exit. You get half experience if you are caught in the home, or exit the home with a guard in the room you started in.
  • You gain experience from SEARCHing or RUMMAGing through each surface in the rooms, Thievery and Stealth (if you're hidden/invisible)
  • Thieves will want to make use of some Khri. There are three Khri that give an advantage, but I'll leave it to you to experiment.
  • Premium subscription provides a few bonuses. It reduces cooldown and increases chance of loot slightly.
  • There is a new AVOID CRIME setting, which prevents people from leading you into a B&E instance, even if you're in their group.

Some warnings:

  • Failure is determined by the player doing something wrong, there is no random. The fine for being caught is fairly high.
  • Stay out of sight. Either dark of night, or stealth is required.
  • Don't linger. Unless you're a very fast Thief using all the Khri advantages, you don't have time to get loot out of every room.
  • Don't do it too often. There's a message when the cooldown expires.

*F2P Characters don't grant extra rooms, and they don't grant lower cooldown for better survival skillset placement. They also have a very low chance of finding loot, even using Khri.


  • in testing cunning seems to decrease my fine but this needs more testing