Aesandry Darlaeth

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Aesandry Darlaeth Cyclic spell
Abbreviation: AD
Prerequisites: Circle 20, Aggressive Stance
Signature: No
Spell Slots: 3
Mana Type: Unknown
Spell Type: cyclic / augmentation, utility
Difficulty: intermediate
Prep (min/max): 5 / 25
Skill Range (min/max): 250 / 1000
Valid Spell Target: Self
Duration (min/max): Indefinite
Pulse Timing: 10 seconds
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: Aesandry Darlaeth forces your muscles and nerves to react much more swiftly than they normally would. As long as you maintain this spell, your reaction time will markedly decrease, improving your reflexes and making it easier to maintain your balance in combat. Such a quickness also means that your movement will not be obstructed by anything for long.
Effect: +Reflex (stat), Balance heal, recovery from immobilization/webbing
Example Messaging: You gesture.

Life energy floods through your veins, burning without consuming. Time seems to slow as it flows into your muscles and nerves, increasing your reaction speed.

Devices/Tattoos: Spherical inkpot


  • Self-only pulsing recovery of balance, immobilized status, and webbed status.
  • Immobilization recovery works even with the immobilization during a shift. With each pulse of AD, after each pulse of the shift, you will be able to move.