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Crafting Properties

Hardness Durability Workability Boulder Weight Density Boulder Value (Kronars) Source
95 50 20 32,000 5 ? Unique


ItemSource isRare item
Dark felstone bowl painted with crude figuresSkyward Crafting (2)Skyward Crafting (1)true
Demonbone-hafted mace with a felstone snarling boar's headSputkin's Splendors (4)Sputkin's Splendors (6)Sputkin's Splendors (5)
Felstone bowl covered with blood-like stainsSkyward Crafting (3)true
Felstone imbuement rod topped with a laughing skullSkyward Crafting (7)true
Felstone mirror featuring a blank face with a haughtily aristocratic noseReturn to the Keep 423/Supply Wagon
Hollow Eve 439 giftSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 447/End lootSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 443/End lootIcheaHollow Eve Festival 439true
Hollow felstone mixing stick shaped like a funnel cloudSkyward Crafting (2)Skyward Crafting (1)true
Item:Dark felstone bowl painted with crude figures
Item:Hollow felstone mixing stick shaped like a funnel cloud
Polished felstone arrowheadsDarsam's Drifters (3)true
... further results