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Yamcer Neujahr
Race Elf
Gender Male
Guild Warrior Mage
Instance Prime


You see Warrior Mage Yamcer Neujahr, Veteran of the Zoluren Infantry, an Elf.
He has pointed ears and black eyes. His grey-streaked black hair is long and straight, and is worn feathered back from his face in a windblown look. He has tanned skin and an athletic build.
He has a tattoo of a white rose encircled by a blood-stained thorny vine on his arm.


The 8th day of the 2nd month of Ka'len the Sea Drake in the year of the Golden Panther, 303 years after the victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
Married Fyrelace
You affirmed your vows before the gods in the 3rd month of Lirisa the Archer in the year of the Iron Toad, 361.


  • Father is Everdeath
  • Mother is Tristianna
  • Daughter from first wife, Fyrelace, is Akaira