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About two feet high, the welkin are, from one source, covered in brown fur and have bright brown eyes, or, from another source, dressed in dapper suits and carry polished walnut canes, or, from still another source, are just foot-tall Sprites. Due to their clandestine and nocturnal habits, no one has really ever seen a welkin, and those who have have never seen one again. Welkin -- whatever they look like -- are very helpful creatures who like to aid those who are in need. They, too, love bread and milk.

Created by Faenella but favorite servants of Divyaush, who often sends them to help a craftsmen in need.


ItemSource isRare item
Aged cherrywood humidor trimmed with a thin golden bandDunshade: Echo of Tears/End loot
Animal crackerItem:Colorful pouch with small animal figures stitched upon itfalse
Animal skeletonRandom creature dropHollow Eve Festival 396Grave earth pile 432 prizesGrave earth pile 428 prizesGrave earth pile 425 prizesGrave earth pile 421 prizesGrave earth pile
Anloral welkin pinSoulful Trinkets (2)Soulful Trinkets (1)true
Articulated platinum handfasting cord adorned with sparkling diamond and onyx beadsSputkin's WagonSputkin's Splendors (5)Sputkin's Splendors (4)Sputkin's (3)Sputkin's (2)Sputkin's Splendors (6)
Black willow pyi-pya carved with welkin along the scrollItem:Goose turd-hued gift sackEvike's Office/Archive
Blue trousers batiked with a playful welkin sliding down the leg
Brass bell with a carved onyx raven handleExaltation Tintinnabulum (1)
Brilliant cerulean prayer rug emblazoned with a stately welkin working over a forgeSputkin's Splendors (4)Sputkin's (3)Sputkin's Splendors (6)Sputkin's Splendors (5)
Brilliant cerulean prayer rug emblazoned with a stately welkin working over a forge (1)Sputkin's Wagon
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