Truffenyi's Rally

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Paladin thumb.jpgPaladin Guild

Truffenyi's Rally Cyclic spell
Abbreviation: TR
Prerequisites: Marshall's Order, Anti-Stun, 50th circle
Signature: No
Spell Slots: 2
Mana Type: Unknown
Spell Type: cyclic / augmentation
Difficulty: esoteric
Prep (min/max): 5 / 20
Skill Range (min/max): Unknown / Unknown
Valid Spell Target: PC, Area
Duration (min/max): Indefinite
Pulse Timing: Unknown
Justice: Unknown
Corruption: Unknown
Description: In times of despair when spirits waver, Truffenyi's Rally lets you be the keen voice of valor among allies, spurring them onward and straightening their slumped backs.
Effect: Unknown
Example Messaging: You gesture.

You speak a few words of righteousness in Truffenyi's name.

Devices/Tattoos: No devices or tattoos documented.