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=[[race association is::kaldar|Kaldar]] Verbs=
=[[race association is::kaldar|Kaldar]] Verbs=

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Kaldar Verbs

  • Hail is a Kaldaran greeting.


Command Messaging Room Messaging Other
HAIL <self> You pause for a moment, head down and eyes closed as you clench your fist to your heart in ancestral respect. <Kaldar> pauses for a moment in respectful silence.
HAIL <Kaldar> You hail <Kaldar> with a clenched fist over your heart and a respectful nod. <Kaldar> hails you with a clenched fist over <him/her> heart and a respectful nod, the traditional Kaldaran greeting. (If dead) <Kaldar> pauses for a moment, clenched fist over heart, in respectful silence.
HAIL <Gnome> You briefly drop to one knee as you hail <Gnome> with a clenched fist over your heart and a respectful nod. <Kaldar> briefly drops to one knee and hails you with a clenched fist over <him/her> heart and a respectful nod -- the traditional Kaldaran greeting.
HAIL <non-Albarian> You hail <non-Alberian> with an aloof nod. <Kaldar> hails you with a superior nod.


Command Messaging
Sweat Sweat begins to pour down Kaldar's face as (she/he) furrows (her/his) brow.
Sweat <self> Kaldar roughly brushes sweat from (her/his) brow with the back of (her/his) hand.
Sweat <Person> Kaldar glances at you and breaks into a sweat.


Command Messaging
Pose Strong Kaldar flexes (his/her) bulging biceps. Looks like (he/she) could lift a horse!
Twiddle <Self> Kaldar seems to be contemplating something as (she/he) carefully scoops up a hand full of dirt and lets it shift through (her/his) fingers.
Snap Kaldar snaps (her/his) fingers.
Snap <self> Kaldar rubs (her/his) fingers together quickly, a puzzled look on (her/his) face.
Roar Kaldar throws (her/his) head back and lets out a deep, guttural roar of pride!
Gobble <Person> An expression of pride crosses Kaldar's face.
Stare <Person> Kaldar fixes <person> a proud, defiant stare.

Gnome Verbs


Command Messaging Room Messaging Other
HAIL <person> (Gnome to Kaldar) You gaze upwards at Kaldar and hail <him/her> with a clenched fist over your heart and a respectful nod. Gnome gazes upwards at you and hails you with a clenched fist over <him/her> heart and a respectful nod in an attempt at the traditional Kaldaran greeting. Close enough.
HAIL <person> (Gnome to Gnome) Straining for every inch of height you stiffly hail Gnome2 with a clenched fist over your heart and a severe nod. You barely suppress a giggle. Straining for every inch of height Gnome1 stiffly hails you with a clenched fist over <his/her> heart and a severe nod -- a good-natured mockery of the traditional Kaldaran greeting.
Hail <non-Albarian> You go through the motions of the traditional Kaldaran greeting but it just doesn't seem quite right. ?? Gnome attempts a Kaldaran greeting but it just looks like a limp salute.


Command Messaging
Sweat Gnome's face flushes as (he/she) breaks into a sweat.
Sweat <self Gnome rubs the back of her neck as (he/she) begins to sweat profusely.
Sweat <item> Gnome looks apprehensively at an <item> and begin to sweat.
Sweat <Person> Gnome mops (his/her) brow as (he/she) stares up at you nervously.


Command Messaging
Twiddle <Self> Gnome twiddles (his/her) little thumbs, as a devious grin appears on (his/her) face.
Snap Gnome snaps (her/his) fingers.
Snap <self> Gnome furrows (her/his) brow and rubs (her/his) fingers together vigorously.
Gobble <Person> Gnome folds (his/her) hands together and looks around.
Stare <Person> Gnome fixes you with an acute, keen-witted stare.


Gnome throws the <material> <box> to the ground and jumps inside it. (He/She) proceeds to flail around in a wild frenzy of kicks that break the joints holding the crate together. The final joint gives way suddenly to a particularly strong kick that leaves (him/her) flat on (his/her) back. Dusting (himself/herself) off, (he/she) stands up and smiles.
studies the <material> <box> thoughtfully, poking and prodding various areas to test for strengths and weaknesses. Muttering under (his/her) breath, (he/she) quickly begins to dismantle the <material> <box> and rearrange the parts into a strange-looking device of some sort. Unfortunately, the contraption collapses into a heap which Gnome scatters with a disappointed kick, mumbling something about inferior parts.