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A Gerenshuge Dictionary: Gerenshuge to Common

Throughout my travels, I have noted that frequently those poor travelers attempting to get by with only a dog-eared copy of a yellowing basic Gerenshuge dictionary were having a difficult time of actually communicating with others. It is for those individuals that I set pen to parchment this day. While this tome is still far from a comprehensive guide to the complex Elothean tongue, my hope is to allow for further communication between all peoples and provinces.

By my hand,
Scholar Miirena Suulan of the House of the Ivory Scroll


aux=auxiliary verb
dem=demonstrative pronoun
ind=indefinite pronoun
int=interrogative pronoun
pn=personal pronoun
rel=relative pronoun

Gerenshuge to Common


a [prep] of
abala [n] guild
acarar [v] become
adar [v] stay
adilea [adj] fair, just
aeliy [n] crescent
aelutihan [v] abandon, renounce
aelynitar [v] wash
aesry [n] place
afertu [n] princess
afertur [n] prince
agak [adv] rather
agani [n] tree
aganu [n] branch
ahad [adk] mean
ahad [prep] to
ahesnes [n] cloak
ahumar [v] want
ai [n] flame
ailirelitan [n] tomorrow
aka [adj] high
akan [aux] will
ashala [n] sky
akasu [pn] you (higher)
akasu [pn] your, yours (higher)
akhirea [adj] final, last
akito [pn] thee (higher)
akito [pn] thou (higher)
akito [pn] thy, thine (higher)
akuna [adj] red
alaer [n] bow (archery)
alaetur [n] archer
alafisea [adj] white
alam [n] world
alamea [adj] next
albare [n] bridge
aleidelkuna [adj] crazy, insane
aliege [relpn] who, whom
alirel [n] trade
Alireloa [n] Trader
aliriosh [prep] inside
alli [n] daughter
allina [n] granddaughter
almari [n] cupboard
alriosh [n] spear
aman [n] pearl
amat [adv] very
amay [n] chicken
ambilar [v] get
ambilcar [v] take
amma [n] grandmother
ampea [adj] true
ampi [n] truth
anak [n] pride
anakisea [adj] proud
anar [prep] across
anda [n] woman
anderar [v] joke
andrinoi [n] harness
anelome [n] edge
anggota [n] member
angin [n] dog
anugerahion [v] award
anuhimar [v] dress
apa [prep] at
api [n] baby
apina [adj] fast
aposhh [prep] after
appa [n] grandfather
appea [adj] brave
aranision [v] sing
arclata [n] crest
aristrona [adj] sacred
arki [n] silver
aronina [adj] more
aronitona [adj] most
arsutar [v] lead
arsutatur [n] leader
artima [aux] should
asanya [adj] usual
asap [n] smoke
aseiri [n] girl
asiarikion [v] tease
asiariosh [c] however, yet
asra [n] throat
asteayorion [v] bake
astia [n] enough
asturekion [v] admit, confess
asturekryva [adv] admittedly
asu [pn] you (equal)
asu [pn] your, yours (equal)
asuner [v] help
asynage [c] than
atas [prep] above
atru [n] book
aurdru [n] storm
awalea [adj] early
ayah [n] wine
ayor [n] path


bagasar [v]         gather
bagavanel [n]       noon
bahaya [n]          blood 
baicar [v]          shave
bailclar [v]        own
baju [n]            shirt
bakshar [v]         learn
bakshiloa [n]       student
bakshir [v]         study 
balai [n]           soul, spirit
balic [n]           back
balshin [adj]       rough
bandar [n]          arrow
bangsa [n]          race
banigar [v]         awake 
banjir [n]          flood
bantal [n]          pig 
banyakea [adj]      many 
bara [adv]          how much/many
barala [n]          thing    

baranina [adj]      female       : betia [relpn]       when         
baruna [adj]        new          : betia [intpn]       when?        
batar [n]           axe          : betulea [adj]      right, correct
batu [n]            mile         : biar [n]            leg          
batukion [v]        cough        : biarion [v]         allow        
bayarar [v]         pay          : bilic [n]           room         
bechar [v]          forget       : bimi [n]            thought      
begitu [adv/prep]   like         : bisala [n]          beard        
belajar [v]         leave        : bisita [adj]        noisy        
belea [adj]         short        : boken [adj]         strong       
Belrensh [n]        Halfling     : bolea [adj]         black        
belum [adv]     while, in a while: boleh [n]           bone         
beradar [v]         be           : bollo [pn]          none         
berdolo [n]         echo         : brella [n]          key          
berhentar [v]       stop         : brilau [n]          diamond      
beri [n]            goblet       : buah [n]            fruit        
bersihea [adj]      clean        : budak [prep]        against      
berus [n]           spell        : bulan [n]           month        
besar [n]           scabbard     : bunga [n]           flower       
besarea [adj]       big          : Byraen [n]          Prydaen      
beshtar [n]         pike         :                                  


                                 : cedai [n]           shop         
Caeldiar [n]        Kaldar       : ceenis [n]          agony        
caima [pn]          them         : censona [adj]       lightweight  
caita [pn]          their        : ceodian [adj]       late         
calauna [adj]       purple       : cermin [n]          mirror       
camal [n]           grave        : cerusi [n]          seagull      
camanan [n]         peasant      : chakapar [v]        say, talk    
campula [n]         village      : chamis [adv]        together     
camur [v]           call         : chass [n]           rain         
canan [n]       right (direction): chassalaer [n]      rainbow      
cantic [n]          bee          : chechi [adv]        up           
capal [n]           boat         : chianin [adj]       tall         
capishar [adv]      down         : chineirion [v]      rob, steal   
caraur [v]          disturb      : Chineirloa [n]      Thief        
cashina [adj]       pretty       : chirloa [n]         thief, robber
casut [n]           shoe         : chintar [v]         let          
catak [n]           chest, box   : chonan [n]          sword        
catilam [n]         bed          : chuluna [adj]       great        
cawan [n]           cup          : chulushon [n]       palace       
cawanea [adj]       future       : chydaer [n]       intent, purpose
ceadaan [n]         skin         : chyiatihan [v]      understand   
chyna [n]     gratitude, pleasure
Chyna asuna! [phr]  Thank you!
chynar [v]          thank
chyolvea [n]        mountain
ciane [adv]         maybe
cierea [adj]        glad, happy
cierziy [n]        joy, happiness
cilotan [v]         pour
cipasion [v]        fan
ciri [n]            left
citasi [n]          wife
cop [n]             backpack
cor [n]             west
coriaenar [v]       ambush
corievat [aux]      ought
corievat [n]        well
cosonea [adj]       first
coto [n]            dirt
cotorea [adj]       dirty
culiah [n]          lecture
curala [adj]        less
cuti [n]            holiday

da [prep]           by           
dahad [n]           boy          
dahl [n]            star         
dalna [adj]         orange       
daraehir [n]        answer       
datuc [n]           guard        
datucar [v]         guard        
decat [adv]         near         
degara [n]          province     
demakar [v]         pass         
denamea [adj]       few
dernaka [n]         fang
dertan [n]          stone 
dertruune [n]       runestone 
diaderar [v]        walk
diaka [n]           agent
diakar [v]          dream 
dialvea [n]         ink
dialvea [n]         ink
diea [adj]          hard         : elieleht [n]        insect       
dierik [aux]        can, may     : elirin [adv]        immediately  
dieyor [c]          because      : elitan [n]          day          
dilaan [adj]        grey         : elitasti [n]        evening      
dirsar [v]          forgive      : elochea [adj]       nice         
diygana [n]         punishment   : eloir [n]           god          
diyger [v]          punish       : Eloirthea [n]       Elothean     
diytane [n]         image        : elota [n]           child        
dohun [adj]         warm         : elykai! [int]       please!      
duducar [v]         sit          : elykayar [v]        please       
duit [n]            money        : emakana [n]         judgment     
durikion [v]        accuse       : emakar [v]          judge        
dutulea [adj]       wrong        : emantar [v]         buy          
                                 : emas [n]            brass        
E ============================== : emirion [v]         do           
echanon [v]         show         : emugan [n]          terror       
ekupetar [n]        falcon       : enasu [pn]          you (lower)  
elaenier [n]        hunger       : enasu [pn]    your, yours (lower)
eledei [n]          empress      : endaerion [v]       descend      
eledur [n]          emperor      : endeige [n]         hostility    
eliege [n]          ecstasy      : endishana [n]       surprise     

endishion [v]   astonish, suprise: esaristom [n]       tent         
endulakar [v]       hurt         : eskurentar [v]      demand       
endurek [relpn]     what         : esmei [dempn]       these        
endurek [intpn]     what?        : esoc [prep]         toward       
endurek [relpn]     which        : esono [n]           heart        
endurek [intpn]     which?       : etants [adv]        much         
endyrew [n]         custom, law  : etruna [adj]        other        
enea [adj]          low          :                                  
eneiner [v]         cause        :                                  
enet [n]            bay          : F ============================== 
eniaseler [v]       predict      : far [n]             food         
enihtorar [v]       move         : farshel [n]         neck         
enito [pn]          thee (lower) : fenafe [n]        spring (season)
enito [pn]          thou (lower) : fenasta [n]         scroll       
enito [pn]     thy, thine (lower): ferarar [v]         carry        
enogenoi [n]       fort, fortress: ferea [adj]         good         
enthar [n]          lore         : ferishan [v]        welcome      
entsa [n]           shoulder     : Ferishan! [polite]  Welcome!     
enuk [n]            life         : fonerar [v]         ride         
epal [adv]          anywhere     : frarum [n]          beggar       
ere [dempn]         this         : fre [prep]          on           

fremai [n]          secret       : Goantig [n]         Gor'Tog      
funoi [n]           comet        : gravoar [v]         order        
fura [n]            glory        : grazy [n]           lizard       
furapala [n]        crown        : grevar [v]          meet         
furoar [v]          run          : gront [n]           rat          
fyearikion [v]      think        : gula [n]            stream       
fyeltayeu [n]       artifice     : gunula [adj]        little       
G ============================== : H ============================== 
gacher [n]          district     : habision [v]        finish       
gambar [n]          picture      : halubar [v]         have, possess
gamenjar [v]        invite       : hari [n]            toe          
Ganaem [n]          Gnome        : hausea [adj]        thirsty      
Ganaemziy [adj]     Gnomish      : heriestar [v]       wish         
garpu [n]           fork         : herterar [v]        watch        
gelo [n]            cat          : hijauna [adj]       green        
gelon [v]           find         : hor [n]             land         
gembira [n]         hall, chamber: hoton [n]           stronghold   
gemuchea [adj]      fat          : hualang [n]         castle       
gera [n]            heavens      : hujan [adj]         quick        
gereyar [v]         tell


                                 : irina [adj]         gentle       
iaha [n]            street       : irsiar [v]          protect      
iahes [n]           crossroad    : isenion [v]         heal, cure   
ican [n]            fish         : ishan [v]           come         
iero [n]            gift         : isnin [n]           luck         
ihean [n]           brain, mind  : isro [n]            servant      
ikanar [v]          surrender    : isron [v]           serve        
ilaarnu [n]         longleaf     : ito [pn]            thee (equal) 
ildu [n]            knife        : ito [pn]            thou (equal) 
ilemilion [v]       regard       : ito [pn]       thy, thine (equal)
ileir [n]           fear         : itu [dempn]         that         
ilet [art]          the          :                                  
ilevea [adj]        easy         : J ============================== 
ilotan [n]          strength     : jalah [n]           evil         
iluhir [n]          brother      : jalan [n]           road         
ilyka [c]           or           : jalanar [v]         promise      
ilyrelion [v]       cry, weep    : jangar [v]          begin        
ime [n]             memory       : jauhea [adj]        far          
imenos [n]          pirate       : jenamal [int]       goodbye      
ineerek [n]         dust         : jento [n]           prayer       
ini [prep]          through      : jenton [v]          pray         

jililvea [n]        sand         : kiaar [n]           diadem, crown
jummaation [v]      daydream     : kiora [n]           music        
                                 : kiosh! [int]        hello        
K ============================== : kirar [v]           march        
kaensh [pn]         we, us       : kiyos [n]           tale         
kai [pn]            they         : klavat [n]          thigh        
kalak [n]           shrine       : kotiri [n]          pen          
kaltor [n]          prophecy     : kreg [n]            hill         
kaltoron [v]        prophesy     : kringarar [v]       bandage      
kalu [n]            donkey       : kron [n]          baron, baroness
kam [n]             tooth        : kukelina [adj]      round        
kanwe [n]           knee         : kumelirion [v]      disagree     
karanea [adj]       faithful     : kumil [prep]        in           
karanoi [n]         faith        : kumil [relpn]       where        
karuar [v]          fight        : kumil [intpn]       where?       
keirel [n]          horse        : kuryar [n]          merchant     
keme [n]            mouth        : kusha [n]           mother       
kerchi [n]          nephew       : kyloa [adv]         how          
kerchiye [n]        niece        :                                  
keutini [n]         neighbor     :                                  
khatea [adj]        old          :                                  


L ============================== : manakion [v]        eat          
lacang [n]          wolf         : mandi [n]           bath         
lafos [n]           skull        : mandina [adj]       swift        
lamir [n]           ivory        : mang [n]            desert       
lant [n]            king         : manisar [v]         sweer        
lento [n]           poem         : mantia [n]          wedding      
leuk [n]            lamp         : manuve [n]          hauberk      
livar [v]           float        : maruhea [adj]       cheap        
lorethew [n]        scholar, sage: masa [n]            time         
lutuon [v]          kiss         : Masarae [n]         Rakash       
ly [pn]             it           : mati [prep]         between      
                                 : mayula [adj]        kind         
M ============================== : mehe [n]            belt         
maiwea [adj]        young        : meja [n]            table        
makan tengahari [n] lunch        : meldakar [v]        hold         
makcic [n]          aunt         : melirion [v]        agree        
malahea [adj]       expensive    : meliyge [n]         art          
malar [n]           dinner       : meliygeloa [n]    artisan, artist
malko [n]           knight       : melyo [n]           eye          
malto [n]           top          : memberi [n]         winter       
maluar [v]          send         : menara [adj]        holy         

mendaga [relpn]     why          : minumar [v]         win          
mendaga [intpn]     why?         : minyak [n]          oil          
mengajar [v]        teach        : mir [pn]            I, me        
meniarin [v]        check        : misasina [adj]      lazy         
menkea [adj]        small        : misea [adj]         sweet        
merba [n]           bird         : misiynar [v]        hug, embrace 
merba [adj]         free         : misrel [n]          library      
merbanal [n]        freedom      : misriehtor [n]      danger       
merecea [adj]       thick        : molon [n]           pine         
meruune [n]         rune         : moramaki [n]        crow         
mesh [n]            ice          : munucurar [v]       measure      
mesti [aux]         must         : mura [n]            steel        
Miarna [n]          Elf          : murid [n]           pupil        
midave [n]          name         : mysanda [n]         crystal      
mihitan [n]         mainland     :                                  
midelku [n]         hate         : N ============================== 
milgada [n]         try          : nacar [v]           obey         
milinka [n]         desk         : nagara [adj]        fierce       
milyo [n]           fire         : nak [n]            serpent, snake
mina [pn]           she, her     : NakRensha [n]       S'Kra Mur    
minila [adj]        weak         : nakte [prep]        until        

nambin [v]          worry        : nina [adj]          some         
nanasea [adj]       pink         : nis [n]             song         
napasea [adj]       hot          : nla [n]             lion         
naran [n]           sun          : nola [n]            friend       
naratali [n]        dawn         : nolieleht [n]       statue       
nasar [v]           receive      : nolineir [n]        alliance     
nasate [n]          shame        : nolynage [n]        praise       
nata [n]            east         : nome [n]            necklace     
negeri [n]          spider       : noshu [n]           friendship   
neineloa [n]        teacher      : nuvar [n]           lake         
neir [prep]         without      :                                  
nekchiye [n]        night        : O ============================== 
neomon [v]          return       : obol [n]            caravan      
ner [n]             man          : okamion [v]         regret       
ni [art]            a, an        : okson [v]           put          
niaerine [adv]      just         : olem [n]            claw         
niarewion [v]       labor, work  : omolo [n]           circle       
nir [n]             victory      : onkalam [n]         shield       
nijare [n]          blade        : onolme [n]          plant        
niliaevat [n]       field        : onse [n]            arm          
nimunar [v]         drink        : orcris [n]       master, mistress 

orkam [n]           midnight     : pagi [n]       breakfast, morning
orton [v]           rise         : pala [n]            head         
osaene [n]          glass        : pantai [n]          beach        
Osaenesh [n]        Gorbesh      : papakshu [n]        somewhere    
osaetaner [v]       destroy      : parkarea [adj]      long         
osaevu [n]          war          : pasar [n]           market       
Osaevuloa [n]       Barbarian    : pasucan [n]         team         
osai [pn]           he           : pavular [v]         sail         
oseane [prep]       with         : pejabat [n]         office       
oselitan [n]        yesterday    : pelajarea [adj]     strange      
osika [n]           infant       : pemilachea [adj]    quiet        
osima [pn]          him          : pen [int]           hmm, hrm     
osinsh [n]          hut          : penar [v]           fall         
osita [pn]          his          : penat [n]           tradition    
osrar [v]           give         : pendec [n]          ship         
osreileht [n]       tablet       : pensch [n]          someone      
osrianithion [v]    enchant      : penucaran duit [n]  moneychanger 
osriansh [n]        gem, jewel   : perakrina [adj]     sharp        
                                 : pergir [v]          go           
P ============================== : peri [n]            boot         
paderi [n]          priest       : perua [n]           gown         

peta [n]            map          : prever [n]          anger        
petari [n]          breath       : puluna [adj]        important    
pihaclo [n]         harvest      :                                  
pilta [n]           leaf         : R ============================== 
pire [n]            something    : racar [n]           hat          
piroina [adj]       dry          : raesh [n]           person       
pisuna [adj]        brown        : Raesh Isen [n]      Empath       
plak [adv]          soon         : raeshtayaena [n]    dragon       
poel [n]            troll        : Raeshurdes [n]      Ranger       
poel [relpn]        whose        : rahanar [v]         lie          
poel [intpn]        whose?       : rando [n]           sorcery      
pokai [n]           hand         : ratala [n]          chair        
pokto [n]           frost        : ratrem [n]          harbor       
pomo [n]            drum         : ratu [prep]         behind       
por [n]             hearth       : rekea [adj]         full         
porat [prep]        from         : renoi [n]           bronze       
portoi [n]          leather      : rensh [n] citizen, person, people
praca [n]           brook        : Rensh Eloira [n]    Cleric       
pratim [prep]       under        : Rensh Nijarea [n]   general      
prejan [n]          occupation   : Rensh Nijarea[n]    admiral      
prereni [n]         deer         : Rensh Yolvea [n]    Dwarf        

renyr [pn]          mine         : S ============================== 
renyr [pn]          my, mine     : sabton [v]          respect      
riaedave [n]        aether       : sabun [n]           soap         
ribea [adj]         blue         : sae [int]           yes          
rielvea [adj]       alive        : saelel [n]          wing         
rietan [n]          liquor       : sahtu [n]           respect      
rika [n]            jaw          : sainyuso [n]        prophet      
rikauge [n]         pain         : sainyusoloa [n]     augur        
rive [n]            hammer       : sainyusona [adj]    divine       
riy [adv]           no, not      : salahar [v]         rule         
riyne [adv]         not          : salji [n]           snow         
rofuna [adj]        rich         : salu [n]            dune         
roti [n]            bread        : sampah [n]          rubbish      
rumahion [v]        happen       : sampul [adv]        forever      
rumition [v]        carve        : sanar [v]           shine        
rydaerion [v]       boast        : sanjina [adj]  beautiful, shining
ryl [n]             earth        : sant [n]            fountain     
rynsh [pn]          our, ours    : sarar [v]           seek         
                                 : sarbu [n]           moon         
                                 : Sarbu Tayeuraesh[n] Moon Mage    
                                 : sarbulan [n]        new moon     

sas [pn]            one          : senkreg [n]         foothill     
saya [adj]          yellow       : sentara [n]         queen        
sebaic saja [adv]   as soon as   : senuhir [n]         father       
sebarang [n]        anything     : senyap [n]          silence      
secali [adv]        once         : serala [adv]        now          
secian [adv]        there        : setem [n]           stable       
secolah [n]         school       : setilasa [adv]      never        
sedah [n]           finger       : sevisar [v]         warn         
sedar [v]           defend       : seyukea [adj]       cold         
sedea [adj]         deep         : shaa [n]            lotus        
selalu [adv]        always       : shaiyo [n]          ghost        
selamat [n]         mist         : shak [n]            hair         
selasar [v]         train        : shana [n]           marriage     
seltaisi [n]        island       : shanayon [v]        marry        
selum [prep]        before       : shang [n]           peak         
semalar [v]         sell         : sharme [n]          season       
semut [n]           ant          : shasaba [n]      language, speech
senarar [v]         listen       : shavaq [adv]        out          
sendirea [adj]      alone        : shoan [n]           home, house  
senk [n]            foot         : shom [n]            root         
senka [n]           footprint    : sibona [adj]        dark (color) 

sibowen [n]         darkness     : sosh [n]            sugar        
sidelkar [v]        act          : sot [n]             river        
sidelkuloa [n]      actor        : soya [n]            heir         
siehirion [v]       sigh         : stabar [v]          end          
sielar [v]          believe      : staha [n]           snake        
silap [n]           mistake      : sterenoi [n]        fen          
siliarik [n]        idol         : sucar [v]           like         
siliykai [aux]      would        : sud [n]             dew          
sini [adv]          here         : suda [n]            oak          
sinuar [v]          seem         : sul [n]             trap         
siressar [v]        dance        : sulihean [n]        puzzle       
sitan [c]           but          : sumil [n]           all          
siyar [v]           swim         : sungai [n]          rock         
siyselena [adj]     innocent     : supavi [n]          honor        
slapea [adj]        foolish      : surat [n]           letter       
smatel [n]          fog          : suriaena [n]        hour         
smeyon [v]          laugh        : surlae [n]          ocean        
smimon [v]          smile        : surlihir [n]        family       
smolular [v]        curse        : sushuar [v]         lose         
smotriy [n]         clan         : suur [n]            cloud        
soalan [n]          question     : 

sveton [v]          keep
swepon [v]          rest
sya [adj]           sylvan  
syela [n]           lily


                                 : tapi [n]            foreigner    
                                 : tapt [adv]          exactly      
                                 : tarafar [v]         stand        
                                 : taricar [v]         pull         
                                 : taris [n]           bark         
                                 : tasic [n]           lark         
tabasar [v]         read         : tatuna [adj]        cool         
tahun [n]           year         : taulera [n]         tongue       
tali [n]            rope         : tayaena [n]         animal       
talima [n]          sea          : tayeu [n]           magic        
tamakea [adj]       greedy       : tayeurensh [n]      wizard, mage 
taman [n]           garden       : tayimilar [v]       hunt         
tambala [n]         fate         : taylkusha [n]       sister       
tamdar [v]          touch        : teilotar [v]        defeat       
tamu [n]            guest        : tembatar [v]        play         
tangara [n]         crossbow     : temit [n]           bottle       
tantuna [adj]       certain, sure: tenaga [n]          forge        
tanyar [v]          ask          : tenet [n]           tail         
tapang [n]          thunder      : tengah [n]          middle       
tapark [adv]        still        : tengahari [n]       afternoon    
tapea [adj]         every        : tentera [n]         soldier      

tentuna [adj]       open         : tidurar [v]         sleep        
tepi [n]            side         : tiengar [n]         temple       
tepito [n]          den          : tiga [n]            voice        
teralo [n]          forest       : Tigaloa [n]         Commoner     
terbanar [v]        fly          : tikoi [n]           beast        
tereka [n]          cart, wagon  : tingalar [v]        join         
terima [adv]        then         : tinggar [v]         look         
terkantur [n]       seashell     : tishanae [n]        grace        
ternel [n]          manor        : tiyan [n]           inn, tavern  
thea [n]            idea         : tmas [prep]         over         
theal [n]           candle, light: tolola [n]          story        
thealea [adj]       bright, pale : tololar [v]         help         
theanisana [n]      town, village: tolothew [n]        storyteller  
theanision [v]      settle       : tonani [n]          lord         
theerel [n]         husband      : toniel [n]     barbarian (rustic)
thewea [adj]        wise         : Tonielaka [adj/n]   Human        
thewon [v]          know         : tonirik [n]         crop         
thrit [n]           swamp        : tota [n]            country      
tiada [n]           nothing      : totemaka [n]        judge        
tiapla [n]          string       : tourar [v]          use          
tidakar [v]         bring        : tre [c]             and          

trecas [n]          paper        : ugedacor [n]        southwest    
tref [prep]         among        : ugedanata [n]       southeast    
trenang [aux]       might        : ugeriol [n]         festival     
treserca [n]        iron         : ukar [n]            altar        
trespe [n]          noble        : ulabar [v]          repeat       
tual [n]            tracker      : ullu [demnp]        those        
tualar [v]          track        : umati [n]           bride        
tucarion [v]        change       : umbrar [v]          hear         
tufon [v]           kneel        : umen [adj]          soft         
tulisar [v]         wound        : umur [n]            age          
tunggur [v]         wait         : unaton [v]          live         
tuplak [n]          duty         : untuc [prep]        for          
turel [n]           egg          : upah [n]            pelt         
turibion [v]        hope         : upletea [adj]       angry        
tutun [n]           cave         : uposoi [n]          deed         
twere [n]           gate         : urdes [n]      nature, wilderness
tyura [n]           salt         : urdesea [adj]       wild         
                                 : ushar [v]           trust        
U ============================== : ushierin [adj]      else         
ubat [n]            medicine     : usitan [n]     interest (finance)
uge [n]             south        : ushirar [v]         write        

usun [n]            water        : vienagar [v]        speak        
utama [n]           lady         : vienagloa [n]       speaker      
ute [n]             fox          : vilkeni [n]         ale          
uturon [v]          weep         : vivet [n]           summer       
                                 : viyrekana [n]       announcement 
V ============================== : viyrekion [v]       announce     
vaelvea [n]         dagger       : vorikrar [v]        betray       
vaerikar [v]        see          : vuar [v]            die          
vaerikion [v]       behold       : vulati [n]         scythe, sickle
vaerikloa [n]       seer         : vuletea [adj]       bad          
valoi [n]           eagle        : vulo [n]            death        
vanelitan [n]       today        : vuloa [adj]         dead         
vaston [v]          make         : vultloa [n]         warrior      
veedelkuna [adj]    actual       : Vultloa Eloira [n]  Paladin      
veedelkuva [adv]    actually     : Vultloa Tayeuraesh [n]           
velenchi [n]        face         :                     Warrior Mage 
vemeilehtion [v]    illuminate   : vulton [v]          kill         
vemitan [v]         approach     : vuraensh [n]        assassin     
venonis [n]         ring         : vuri [n]            son          
viemil [n]          air          : vurini [n]          grandson     
vinamar [v]         remember     : vuutul [n]          valley       

vyleht [n]    intelligence, skill: yeno [n]            silk         
vyrek [c]           if           : yente [n]           wind         
                                 : ylen [n]            gold         
W ============================== : ylosh [n]           peace        
waiwalon [v]        turn         : yloshina [adj]      peaceful     
waktu [n]           trail        : ynith [n]           city         
wanaka [n]          lightning    : yoala [n]           dove         
washt [n]           journey      : yor [n]             plain        
wen [n]             north        : yrlais [n]          love         
wendacor [n]        northwest    : yrlaisar [v]        love         
wendanata [n]       northeast    : yrlea [adj]         lovely       
widanoi [n]         sight        : ysen [n]            glove        
wikang [adv]        ever         : yuenga [n]          leopard      
wornog [n]          ear          :                                  
Y ============================== :                                  
yalel [n]           nose         :                                  
yan [relpn]      that, which, who:                                  
Yaranisloa [n]      Bard         :                                  
yariki [c]          though       :                                  
yash [n]            too          :                                  


  0 cosono   : 5 medro    : 10 tono         : 60 tonenamo
  1 sato     : 6 enamo    : 20 tonmudo      : 70 tontuno 
  2 mudo     : 7 tuno     : 30 tontigo      : 80 tontiro 
  3 tigo     : 8 tiro     : 40 tonempato    : 90 tonbilo 
  4 epato    : 9 bilo     : 50 tonmedro     : 100 pulo 

Names of the Houses

House of the Silver Star         Shoana ilet Miaka Dahl           
House of the Verdant Lily        Shoana ilet Niir Syela           
House of the Steel Dove          Shoana ilet Mura Yoala           
House of the Silk Strings        Shoana ilet Yeno Tiapla          
House of the Floating Reed       Shoana ilet Liianil Remalta      
House of the Rowan Branch        Shoana ilet Rowana Aganu         
House of the Grey Storm          Shoana ilet Dilaan Aurdru        
House of the Ivory Scroll        Shoana ilet Lamiir Fenasta       
House of the Gilded Longleaf     Shoana ilet Ysen Ilaarnu         
House of the Waxen Moons         Shoana ilet Usun Sarbu           
House of the Gentle Lion         Shoana ilet Irii Nla             
House of the Glittering Diadem   Shoana ilet Miilnil Kiaar        
House of the Black Fang          Shoana ilet Sibo Dernaka         
House of the Marching Lotus      Shoana ilet Kiril Shaa