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Revision as of 16:57, 25 February 2018

Charlize Dejacque
Status Active
Race Elf
Gender Female
Guild Ranger
Instance Prime
Relatives Church of Aldauth, Contraire family, Maxwelinski


Charlize Dejacque, by Charlize

A black vulture circles over an expanse of dense forestry. Her last memory was an Elven one and she certainly could not fly. "I must have died" she thought as she soared higher, "I suppose if this is death it isn't so bad". By the time she finished her thought, an arrow had let fly from the trees below, piercing her through the heart. She spun violently towards the ground, losing consciousness before disappearing among the evergreen trees. A lone wolf howls in the distance.

"Wake up", a voice whispered. A tiny female Elf opens her eyes slowly, taking note of her surroundings. Dirt caked her face and dried leaves fell from her long blonde hair as she sat up. Was that a dream? How long had she been here? She started picking the remaining debris from her clothes and hair.

As she did so she noticed a fresh mound of disturbed soil nearby. Curious, she began digging with her hands. Her fingers finally reached something solid and she pulled it out of the shallow hole, blowing the dust off the top. It was her old chestnut lunchbox. The paint was peeled but the detailed carvings remained, revealing the faces of her old family members.

She thought she had buried the lunchbox forever. Still not sure how she got here, or why, something moved behind her. Out of the corner of her eye was something at first resembling a hummingbird. The buzzing of small fast moving wings passed her ear until floating in front of her was a tiny fae. An image of Murrula flashed in her mind, causing her to start and blink. The fae was already gone. She felt like she could lay down and go back to sleep.

A loud crash and branches breaking snapped her out of the trance she was in. She turned around and walked towards it, feeling like she had nothing left to lose if she found something dangerous. She came upon a small bonfire in a familiar grove. Two people, and Elf and a Rakash, were dragging a dying tree towards a stump where they'd been chopping wood with an axe. Suddenly aware of the fact that she had weapons on her, but hadn't used them in years, she felt uneasy... until a voice called out "Hey! It's Charlize!".

A sigh of relief escaped her when she realized it was her old friends Maxwelinski and Jalika. They came running towards her with hugs and Jalika quickly produced some sort of tea out of thin air and handed it to her. "Come warm up by the fire", Jalika said. Charlize sat down on a log and crossed her legs in front of her. Before she knew it Max was next to her, with his head on her shoulder, his own cup of tea in hand. "I've missed you", she said. "I've missed you too", he replied.

Sitting around the fire and catching up, they heard a commotion on the main road. The festival was starting. Everyone stood up to go, and she realized she felt lightheaded. Perhaps something was in the tea and she shot Jalika an inquisitive look, who just smiled and shrugged, not giving an answer either way.

Maxwelinski offered to show Charlize around the spider. She said as long as it wasn't a date, and he made a quip about making her fall in love with him. The enchanted frost that crept along her arms while drawing on life mana felt present now in her heart, and she told him that would be doubtful.

Arriving at the spider, they stood there in silence, quickly realizing the air was pungeunt outside any of the shops or vendor's stalls. Light-headed and high on the noxious fumes, caught up in a whirlwind of shopping and games, encouraging each other's best life decisions, little did she know they would end up eloping by the end of the week.

While browsing, the two friends had purchased a small black diary that they started to fill with memories and little notes, writing back and forth when they could not be together. Amorous musings led to deeper conversations about philosophy and life, revealing a shared passion for the liberation of Siksraja.

They decided to honeymoon in Mer'Kresh where they spent a week lounging together on the library balcony, watching the sun rise and set over the Reshalian sea as they studied the history of a culture that freed itself from oppression and racial tensions. Contradicting her vegan ways, she made him his favorite type of eggs every morning, a secret recipe from their days with the church and enhanced by her lessons from the Handbook of Hygienic Housekeeping by Maudie Prudynce.

She also learned how to keep bedding fresh and springy using beech leaves, properly cure a hangover with little more than salt and fresh air, and plump her eyelashes by crushing burnt cloves into a fine powder.

Eager to get back and share the manifesto they were creating with friends and family, they boarded the airship and headed home. The next morning, over his daily breakfast of unusual looking eggs, she noticed he had a small bottle sitting next to him and asked what was in it. He only had to wink and she went to grab her old lunchbox, now covered in dried soapy rings where some bubbles had landed and popped the night before.

New Gweth Who Dis

You see Druid Charlize Dejacque, Trail Rider of M'Riss, an Elven Ranger.

She has an ornate Elven silver earcuff adorned with ivy vines accenting one of the pointed ears, thick-lashed sapphire eyes and a button nose. Her honey-streaked ash-blonde hair is very long and curly, and is worn in a deceptively careless-looking arrangement of upswept locks held in place by a tiny geshiloira flower the color of winter snow. She has star-shaped emeralds arranged in an alluring pattern across tanned skin and a svelte figure.

She is super tiny for an Elf.

She appears to be an adult.

Her face is decorated with wispy tendrils of silversteel wire dotted with pale green svelae, creating fern-like arabesques that curl around her left eye before ending in a bevy of small spirals on her cheekbone.

Her forearm has a tattoo of a voluptuous woman in a suggestive pose.

She is wearing a feral fae earcuff with adorable wide eyes, a pure white vela'tohr flower, a charming white calico sundress with eyelet lace-trimmed straps and a dainty silversteel wedding ring displaying a beautiful heartstone.

She was born on the 28th day of the 5th month of Uthmor the Giant in the year of the Emerald Dolphin, 306 years after the victory of Lanival the Redeemer.

She and Maxwelinski affirmed their vows before the gods in the 6th month of Arhat the Fire Lion in the year of the Emerald Dolphin, 425.

Formerly Known As: Charlize Vonderfecht, Charlize Contraire

Vonderfecht Crest: a pirate's flag unfurling from the stem of a jungle lily

Contraire Crest: A lime green shield emblazoned with turkey leg and a mug of beer

Other family members: Annieka Dejacque, Contrejour Dejacque, Ruven Dejacque, Dresna Dejacque, Adlyn Dejacque, Nikima Dejacque, Turuk Dejacque, Ssarek Dejacque

Lil Inski Fae

A giggle like tiny crystal bells fills the air as your fae earcuff releases your ear, fluttering her wings to remain nearby. The gentle breeze leaves you feeling a little bit better, just enough to offset the pinch as she bites down on your flesh again.

Merry Ratufihen Rihidalo ~ With Love, The Inskis

[Chris' Mass, A Card]

Thick snow blankets a large hill at the edge of the forest, the large mound sloping at a steep angle. Numerous tracks mark a path upward, following the edge of a long area of snow packed tightly by the passing of numerous sleds. Sheets of ice dot the ground in several places, making the hillside even more treacherous -- or more fun, depending on the point of view.

You also see a carved ice tree, a carved ice fae, a carved ice Elf, a carved ice Rakash, a carved ice throne, and a carved ice castle.

Also here: Snowbeast Tamer Charlize and Snowbeast Tamer Maxwelinski.

Obvious paths: east, south, up.

Prampus VonGruss: A Holiday Bedtime Story by Charlinski DeVonder

Having escaped the Town Guards, a Rakash man and Elven woman once found themselves in an alleyway adjacent an orphanage and a tie-dyed canvas canopy. The tent seemed the obvious choice to duck into without anyone asking questions, so they did. Walking into a room full of wide eyed students there was an abrupt silence. A child spoke up to say, "Oh, it's not even Dumezyl." Kids of all races, dressed in raggy clothing, went back to sitting restlessly and throwing origami dirigibles at each other.

The couple gave each other a long look. They were dismayed. Not a single student was studying. All goofing off, misbehaving. And just before Chris’ Mass! The couple decided to teach these kids a lesson. Thus began the evening the kids of Zoluren would learn the horrifying story of Prampus. They gathered the children in a circle and began:

“Prampus was a Prydaen, like Sonte Claws, except much darker. He had nightmare black fur, beady red eyes, and the sharpest pointiest teeth of any Prydaen in the lands. He wore a pair of goat horns on his forehead, and a single shoe styled to look like a black stallion's hoof.”

A few disobedient children laughed as the story continued, but soon their mirth faded. They grew silent and listened on. This was a story with implications for the naughtiest among them. For the couple continued, explaining that to the children of the Air School that day, that Prampus would come to their very school that night. The night before Chris’ Mass was about to start.

“This, children, is what is known as the Prampusnacht,” said the woman. The man said the word loudly with her, startling some of the kids, making them jump in their seats. “For the bad among you, Prampus comes with a large enchanted stick. He carries a basket of apples, to lure you. A stick, to whip you with. And for the worst, he commands a snaer hafwa, to chill your souls.”

“Prampus knows if you have been bad or good. When you take an apple, if you have been good boys and girls, he will send you on your way. Else you will find yourself on the receiving end of his stick. Children, if Prampus hits you with this stick, your features will distort and become ugly instantly!” A little girl in the back began to cry. The Rakash man nudged her. “Too much,” he whispered. She shrugged.

A boisterous, brave boy stood up suddenly. “I ain’t afraid ah nuh Prampus!” he shouted, “Prampus prolly ain’t even real!” The couple gave each other a glance, stifling a smile and a laugh as they realized their frightening story wouldn’t work on some of the young delinquents. Some would see right through it. Indeed, such a fanciful tale had to be made up, didn’t it? Of course it did. They had just made it up on the spot to frighten the children.

The next day, the day of Chris’ Mass, they passed by the same orphanage and down the alley adjacent the Air School. Curiously, a number of children they recognized from the previous day were eating apples. And then they heard a sobbing noise from inside. As they passed under the canopy, they followed the sobs to a nook. It was the brave boy, not so brave now. Bawling. As he turned, what they saw horrified them.

The Elf let out a gasp, her heart jumped in her chest and she turned away toward her partner so as not to look any longer. Before them the boy gazed up, tears running down what was now a completely different, hideously ugly, face. The man let out a high-pitched squeal and they turned, running out of the school as fast as they could.

The boy would recover, his face healed. He eventually began to claim that he had been in an unfortunate caravan accident. But the couple, as well as the children of Dumezyl’s open school outside of the orphanage, knew the truth.

Fear and Loathing in Mer'Kresh

Maxwelinski just butted his head against some iron bars, looking for all the world like a ram attacking a paladin.

You hit your head soundly against some iron bars.

Maxwelinski's song comes to an end.

You are still stunned.

Diwitt grasps your ears and returns your kiss with slobbery enthusiasm, leaving you with the taste of stale tobacco and rum in your mouth.

As you reach towards Registrar Lokrain, he pulls out a wooden ruler and swats the back of your hand! "Mind your manners! I didn't get where I am today by putting up with such shenanigans!", he exclaims.

The celpeze hatchling stares at your fingers and hisses -- perhaps anticipating a treat other than a boring familiar biscuit.

The bookcase contains such titles as: "Cooking with FireShard", "Magic in the Kitchen", "15 Easy Needlepoint Arcane Symbol Patterns", "Kort in Cooking" and "Love Potions: Belradi in the Bedroom" ... but not a single reference on warrior mage lore.

Mad Max: Staho Pivo'hrr'schu'Mus

In a world, where the weakest ones can change change the faith of their nation

A bull shark lunges through a spray of foam, its teeth bared in rage at Maxwelinski.

Maxwelinski leans back and hoists a bull shark into the air!

Maxwelinski's suplex smashes a bull shark into the ground, landing an awesome strike to a bull shark's right leg! The bull shark is severely stunned!

You lean back and hoist a bull shark into the air!

Your suplex smashes a bull shark into the ground, landing a hard hit to a bull shark's chest! The bull shark is lightly stunned!

Where the Gods themselves are being mocked by their people

You say, "Elf You Drogor!"

Moving skillfully, you bite your teeth at a bull shark. A bull shark fails to dodge. The teeth lands a good strike that lightly pierces the left forearm. A bull shark gives a final lunge, its teeth snapping mere inches from your skin, then shudders and turns belly up, biting in vain at anything within reach until it ceases all movement.

A world of betrayal

[Underground Streams, Source]

You also see a small muddied box and a small muddied box labeled "ZaiBox Nine".

A few moments later...

[Underground Streams, Source]

You also see a small muddied box and a small muddied box labeled "Charlinski".

A world of pain

You twirl Maxwelinski around, suddenly pushing him down in a dramatic dip. In a combination of sweaty fingers and mistimed movements, you drop him on the floor. Uh oh! Think he will believe that's part of the dance step?

Maxwelinski performs his zills, clacking it annoyingly in your face.

Only one person will be able to bring the balance

You pull mightily on the oars, heading west.

Maxwelinski pulls (with almost no effect) on the oars, heading west.

Follow our heroes on their trip towards an uncertain end