Template:ItemProperties: Difference between revisions

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(Added handling for Simucon rarity)
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|{{#if:{{IfMatch| housing | {{{special}}} }} | | {{!}} '''Appraised Cost:''' {{!}}{{!}}{{#switch:{{{span}}} | 3=colspan="3"{{!}} | 2=colspan="2" {{!}} | 1 | }} <!-- [[missing::Infobox entry on appraised cost|-->''Unknown''<!--]]--> }} }}{{#if:{{{itemtype|}}}|{{#arraymap:{{{itemtype}}}|,|@@@@|[[item type is::@@@@| ]]|}}}}
|{{#if:{{IfMatch| housing | {{{special}}} }} | | {{!}} '''Appraised Cost:''' {{!}}{{!}}{{#switch:{{{span}}} | 3=colspan="3"{{!}} | 2=colspan="2" {{!}} | 1 | }} <!-- [[missing::Infobox entry on appraised cost|-->''Unknown''<!--]]--> }} }}{{#if:{{{itemtype|}}}|{{#arraymap:{{{itemtype}}}|,|@@@@|[[item type is::@@@@| ]]|}}}}
| '''Properties:''' || {{#switch:{{{span}}} | 3=colspan="3"{{!}} | 2=colspan="2" {{!}} | 1 | }} {{#if:{{{ptype|}}}| This is {{#switch:{{{ptype}}}|clothing=an article of [[item category is::clothing]]|container=a [[item category is::container]][[has item property::pockets| ]]|crafting tool=a [[item category is::crafting tool]]|housing=a designed to be used in or on [[item category is::housing| ]][[Homes|player houses]] ({{#if:{{{htype|}}} | [[housing item type::{{{htype}}}]] {{#switch:{{{htype}}}|Armor Stand|General Storage|Large Item|Wall|Weapon Rack=- holds {{#if:{{{imax|}}}|[[item capacity is::{{{imax}}}]]|''?''[[missing::Infobox entry on item capacity max| ]]}} items| }} | [[missing::Infobox entry on housing item type|''?'']]}})|instrument=an [[item category is::instrument]]{{Cat|Instruments}}|jewelry=[[item category is::jewelry]]|other=[[item category is::other|an item]]|''?''}}.|{{#switch:{{{itype}}}|item=[[missing::Item Type| ]]|}} }}{{#if:{{{rarity|}}}| {{#switch:{{{rarity}}}|common=[[rarity is::common| ]][[rare source::false| ]][[rare item::false| ]]|raffle=[[rarity is::raffle| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]|treasure map=[[rarity is::treasure map| ]][[source is::treasure map| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]{{Cat|Treasure Map Items}}|festival=[[rarity is::festival| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]|gift=[[rarity is::gift| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]|invasion=[[rarity is::invasion| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]|incidental=[[rarity is::incidental| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]|end loot=[[rarity is::end loot| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]|auction=[[rarity is::auction| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]{{Cat|Auction-Tier Items}}|}} }}{{#switch:{{lc:{{{verby}}}}}|true|yes=*This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.[[verby is::true| ]]}}{{#switch:{{lc:{{{pcrystal}}}}}|true|yes=*This item can be upgraded with {{ilink|i|potency crystal}}s.[[pcrystal is::true| ]]}}{{#switch:{{lc:{{{istone}}}}}|true|yes=*This item can have its power restored with {{ilink|i|infuser stone}}s.[[istone is::true| ]]}}{{#switch:{{lc:{{{atmos}}}}}|true|yes=*This is an [[Atmospheric item|atmo item]] that will periodically emit messaging to the entire room.[[atmo is::true| ]]{{Cat|Atmospheric items}}}}{{#if: {{{ptype|}}}{{{special|}}}{{{wearloc|}}}{{{enchanted|yes}}} | {{#ifeq: {{{special}}} | -+++++++++++ | | {{#If:{{
| '''Properties:''' || {{#switch:{{{span}}} | 3=colspan="3"{{!}} | 2=colspan="2" {{!}} | 1 | }} {{#if:{{{ptype|}}}| This is {{#switch:{{{ptype}}}|clothing=an article of [[item category is::clothing]]|container=a [[item category is::container]][[has item property::pockets| ]]|crafting tool=a [[item category is::crafting tool]]|housing=a designed to be used in or on [[item category is::housing| ]][[Homes|player houses]] ({{#if:{{{htype|}}} | [[housing item type::{{{htype}}}]] {{#switch:{{{htype}}}|Armor Stand|General Storage|Large Item|Wall|Weapon Rack=- holds {{#if:{{{imax|}}}|[[item capacity is::{{{imax}}}]]|''?''[[missing::Infobox entry on item capacity max| ]]}} items| }} | [[missing::Infobox entry on housing item type|''?'']]}})|instrument=an [[item category is::instrument]]{{Cat|Instruments}}|jewelry=[[item category is::jewelry]]|other=[[item category is::other|an item]]|''?''}}.|{{#switch:{{{itype}}}|item=[[missing::Item Type| ]]|}} }}{{#if:{{{rarity|}}}| {{#switch:{{{rarity}}}|common=[[rarity is::common| ]][[rare source::false| ]][[rare item::false| ]]|raffle=[[rarity is::raffle| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]|treasure map=[[rarity is::treasure map| ]][[source is::treasure map| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]{{Cat|Treasure Map Items}}|festival=[[rarity is::festival| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]|gift=[[rarity is::gift| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]|invasion=[[rarity is::invasion| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]|incidental=[[rarity is::incidental| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]|end loot=[[rarity is::end loot| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]|simucon=[[rarity is::simucon| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]|auction=[[rarity is::auction| ]][[rare source::true| ]][[rare item::true| ]]{{Cat|Auction-Tier Items}}|}} }}{{#switch:{{lc:{{{verby}}}}}|true|yes=*This item has more than normal or unusual verbs.[[verby is::true| ]]}}{{#switch:{{lc:{{{pcrystal}}}}}|true|yes=*This item can be upgraded with {{ilink|i|potency crystal}}s.[[pcrystal is::true| ]]}}{{#switch:{{lc:{{{istone}}}}}|true|yes=*This item can have its power restored with {{ilink|i|infuser stone}}s.[[istone is::true| ]]}}{{#switch:{{lc:{{{atmos}}}}}|true|yes=*This is an [[Atmospheric item|atmo item]] that will periodically emit messaging to the entire room.[[atmo is::true| ]]{{Cat|Atmospheric items}}}}{{#if: {{{ptype|}}}{{{special|}}}{{{wearloc|}}}{{{enchanted|yes}}} | {{#ifeq: {{{special}}} | -+++++++++++ | | {{#If:{{
IfMatch| magic | {{{special}}} }}{{
IfMatch| magic | {{{special}}} }}{{
IfMatch| cambrinth | {{{special}}} }}{{
IfMatch| cambrinth | {{{special}}} }}{{

Latest revision as of 14:07, 13 December 2024

Essential Template
  • This template is so essential that it has been protected to prevent tampering.
  • If you have suggestions to extend its function or have observed bugs, please post to the discussion page.

This template is a display and categorization plug-in for other templates, including Template:Item, Template:Shield,Template:Armor, and Template:Weapon.

This is because several of the basic ones share features in addition to becoming too large.