Paladin/Spell Tree: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "<imagemap> File:Paladin_Spells.png|frameless|upright=4 rect 0 75 250 125 Aspirant's Aegis (Warding) rect 0 475 250 525 Heroic Strength (Augmentation) rect 0 1025 250 1075 Stun Foe (Debilitation) rect 300 25 550 75 Vessel of Salvation (Utility) rect 300 25 550 230 Tamsine's Kiss (Warding) rect 300 275 550 325 Sentinel's Resolve (Augmentation) rect 300 37...")
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(6 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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File:Paladin Spell Tree Colored by Magic skill.png|frameless|upright=4
rect 820 600 980 640 [[Rebuke]]
rect 0 75 250 125 [[Aspirant's Aegis|Aspirant's Aegis (Warding)]]
rect 820 400 980 440 [[Bond Armaments]]
rect 0 475 250 525 [[Heroic Strength|Heroic Strength (Augmentation)]]
rect 0 1025 250 1075 [[Stun Foe|Stun Foe (Debilitation)]]
rect 820 220 980 260 [[Soldier's Prayer]]
rect 300 25 550 75 [[Vessel of Salvation|Vessel of Salvation (Utility)]]
rect 620 640 780 680 [[Banner of Truce]]
rect 300 25 550 230 [[Tamsine's Kiss|Tamsine's Kiss (Warding)]]
rect 620 560 780 600 [[Clarity]]
rect 300 275 550 325 [[Sentinel's Resolve|Sentinel's Resolve (Augmentation)]]
rect 620 500 780 540 [[Rutilor's Edge]]
rect 620 400 780 440 [[Marshal Order]]
rect 300 375 550 425 [[Righteous Wrath|Righteous Wrath (Augmentation)]]
rect 300 475 550 525 [[Courage|Courage (Augmentation)]]
rect 620 340 780 380 [[Anti-Stun]]
rect 300 575 550 625 [[Divine Guidance|Divine Guidance (Augmentation)]]
rect 620 240 780 280 [[Divine Armor]]
rect 420 90 580 130 [[Tamsine's Kiss]]
rect 300 675 550 725 [[Hands of Justice|Hands of Justice (Utility)]]
rect 300 825 550 875 [[Halt|Halt (Debilitation)]]
rect 420 660 580 700 [[Shatter]]
rect 300 1025 550 1075 [[Footman's Strike|Footman's Strike (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 420 590 580 630 [[Footman's Strike]]
rect 600 25 850 75 [[Alamhif's Gift|Alamhif's Gift (Utility)]]
rect 420 240 580 280 [[Veteran Insight]]
rect 220 620 380 660 [[Halt]]
rect 600 125 850 175 [[Crusader's Challenge|Crusader's Challenge (Augmentation)]]
rect 600 225 850 275 [[Soldier's Prayer|Soldier's Prayer (Warding)]]
rect 220 60 380 100 [[Vessel of Salvation]]
rect 600 325 850 375 [[Veteran Insight|Veteran Insight (Augmentation)]]
rect 220 560 380 600 [[Hands of Justice]]
rect 600 425 850 475 [[Anti-Stun|Anti-Stun (Utility)]]
rect 220 400 380 440 [[Divine Guidance]]
rect 600 575 850 625 [[Marshal Order|Marshal Order (Augmentation)]]
rect 220 340 380 380 [[Righteous Wrath]]
rect 600 675 850 725 [[Clarity|Clarity (Augmentation)]]
rect 220 280 380 320 [[Courage]]
rect 220 220 380 260 [[Sentinel's Resolve]]
rect 600 775 850 825 [[Banner of Truce|Banner of Truce (Utility)]]
rect 600 875 850 925 [[Shatter|Shatter (Debilitation)]]
rect 20 90 180 130 [[Aspirant's Aegis]]
rect 600 975 850 1025 [[Rutilor's Edge|Rutilor's Edge (Utility)]]
rect 20 620 180 660 [[Stun Foe]]
rect 600 1075 850 1125 [[Rebuke|Rebuke (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 20 310 180 350 [[Heroic Strength]]
rect 900 325 1150 375 [[Divine Armor|Divine Armor (Utility)]]
rect 1020 690 1180 730 [[Holy Warrior]]
rect 1020 600 1180 640 [[Smite Horde]]
rect 900 500 1150 550 [[Truffenyi's Rally|Truffenyi's Rally (Augmentation, Utility)]]
rect 1020 60 1180 100 [[Alamhif's Gift]]
rect 900 1075 1150 1125 [[Smite Horde|Smite Horde (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 1020 340 1180 380 [[Truffenyi's Rally]]
rect 1200 975 1450 1025 [[Bond Armaments|Bond Armaments (Utility)]]
rect 1020 120 1180 160 [[Crusader's Challenge]]
rect 1200 1125 1450 1175 [[Holy Warrior_(spell)|Holy Warrior (Utility, Warding)]]

Latest revision as of 21:07, 23 December 2024

RebukeBond ArmamentsSoldier's PrayerBanner of TruceClarityRutilor's EdgeMarshal OrderAnti-StunDivine ArmorTamsine's KissShatterFootman's StrikeVeteran InsightHaltVessel of SalvationHands of JusticeDivine GuidanceRighteous WrathCourageSentinel's ResolveAspirant's AegisStun FoeHeroic StrengthHoly WarriorSmite HordeAlamhif's GiftTruffenyi's RallyCrusader's ChallengePaladin Spell Tree Colored by Magic skill.png
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