Bard/Spell Tree: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "<imagemap> Image:Bard_Spells.png|frameless|upright=4 rect 0 125 250 175 Aura of Tongues (Utility) rect 0 225 250 275 Eillie's Cry (Augmentation) rect 0 525 250 575 Faenella's Grace (Augmentation) rect 0 850 250 900 Caress of the Sun (Utility) rect 0 1200 250 1250 Aether Wolves (Debilitation) rect 300 125 550 175 Hodierna's Lilt (Utility) rect 300 225 550...")
No edit summary
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==Spell Tree==
File:Bard Spell Tree Colored by Magic skill.png|frameless|upright=4
rect 0 125 250 175 [[Aura of Tongues|Aura of Tongues (Utility)]]
rect 20 120 180 160 [[Aura of Tongues]]
rect 0 225 250 275 [[Eillie's Cry|Eillie's Cry (Augmentation)]]
rect 20 180 180 220 [[Eillie's Cry]]
rect 0 525 250 575 [[Faenella's Grace|Faenella's Grace (Augmentation)]]
rect 220 180 380 220 [[Hodierna's Lilt]]
rect 220 120 380 160 [[Demrris' Resolve]]
rect 0 850 250 900 [[Caress of the Sun|Caress of the Sun (Utility)]]
rect 0 1200 250 1250 [[Aether Wolves|Aether Wolves (Debilitation)]]
rect 420 60 580 100 [[Failure of the Forge]]
rect 300 125 550 175 [[Hodierna's Lilt|Hodierna's Lilt (Utility)]]
rect 620 180 780 220 [[Drums of the Snake]]
rect 300 225 550 275 [[Demrris' Resolve|Demrris' Resolve (Debilitation)]]
rect 620 60 780 100 [[Naming of Tears]]
rect 620 120 780 160 [[Resonance]]
rect 300 325 550 375 [[Words of the Wind|Words of the Wind (Ritual Augmentation)]]
rect 1020 180 1180 220 [[Harmony]]
rect 300 425 550 475 [[Damaris' Lullaby|Damaris' Lullaby (Debilitation)]]
rect 20 340 180 380 [[Faenella's Grace]]
rect 300 525 550 575 [[Whispers of the Muse|Whispers of the Muse (Augmentation)]]
rect 300 625 550 675 [[Redeemer's Pride|Redeemer's Pride (Warding)]]
rect 420 280 580 320 [[Damaris' Lullaby]]
rect 420 400 580 440 [[Redeemer's Pride]]
rect 300 850 550 900 [[Breath of Storms|Breath of Storms (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 300 1100 550 1150 [[Eye of Kertigen|Eye of Kertigen (Utility)]]
rect 420 340 580 380 [[Whispers of the Muse]]
rect 620 340 780 380 [[Misdirection]]
rect 300 1200 550 1250 [[Blessing of the Fae|Blessing of the Fae (Augmentation)]]
rect 300 1300 550 1350 [[Glythtide's Joy|Glythtide's Joy (Warding)]]
rect 820 400 980 440 [[Rage of the Clans]]
rect 1020 340 1180 380 [[Albreda's Balm]]
rect 600 25 850 75 [[Naming of Tears|Naming of Tears (Warding)]]
rect 1020 280 1180 320 [[Abandoned Heart]]
rect 600 125 850 175 [[Drums of the Snake|Drums of the Snake (Augmentation)]]
rect 600 225 850 275 [[Resonance|Resonance (Utility)]]
rect 20 550 180 590 [[Caress of the Sun]]
rect 600 325 850 375 [[Abandoned Heart|Abandoned Heart (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 420 550 580 590 [[Breath of Storms]]
rect 420 490 580 530 [[Words of the Wind]]
rect 600 525 850 575 [[Misdirection|Misdirection (Augmentation, Debilitation)]]
rect 820 610 980 650 [[Echoes of Aether]]
rect 600 700 850 750 [[Desert's Maelstrom|Desert's Maelstrom (Debilitation)]]
rect 600 800 850 850 [[Phoenix's Pyre|Phoenix's Pyre (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 620 610 780 650 [[Will of Winter]]
rect 1020 550 1180 590 [[Desert's Maelstrom]]
rect 600 900 850 950 [[Will of Winter|Will of Winter (Ritual Augmentation)]]
rect 1020 610 1180 650 [[Phoenix's Pyre]]
rect 600 1000 850 1050 [[Beckon the Naga|Beckon the Naga (Targeted Magic)]]
rect 600 1100 850 1150 [[Sanctuary|Sanctuary (Utility)]]
rect 1020 490 1180 530 [[Soul Ablaze]]
rect 600 1200 850 1250 [[Echoes of Aether|Echoes of Aether (Ritual Augmentation)]]
rect 20 750 180 790 [[Aether Wolves]]
rect 600 1300 850 1350 [[Nexus (spell)|Nexus (Utility)]]
rect 420 690 580 730 [[Glythtide's Joy]]
rect 900 125 1150 175 [[Harmony|Harmony (Augmentation)]]
rect 620 750 780 790 [[Blessing of the Fae]]
rect 900 275 1150 325 [[Failure of the Forge||Failure of the Forge (Warding)]]
rect 620 810 780 850 [[Eye of Kertigen]]
rect 1220 750 1380 790 [[Nexus]]
rect 900 425 1150 475 [[Albreda's Balm|Albreda's Balm (Debilitation, Utility)]]
rect 1020 810 1180 850 [[Sanctuary]]
rect 1200 425 1450 475 [[Rage of the Clans|Rage of the Clans (Augmentation)]]
rect 1500 425 1750 475 [[Soul Ablaze|Soul Ablaze (Ritual Augmentation)]]
rect 1020 690 1180 730 [[Beckon the Naga]]

Latest revision as of 02:22, 22 December 2024

Spell Tree

Aura of TonguesEillie's CryHodierna's LiltDemrris' ResolveFailure of the ForgeDrums of the SnakeNaming of TearsResonanceHarmonyFaenella's GraceDamaris' LullabyRedeemer's PrideWhispers of the MuseMisdirectionRage of the ClansAlbreda's BalmAbandoned HeartCaress of the SunBreath of StormsWords of the WindEchoes of AetherWill of WinterDesert's MaelstromPhoenix's PyreSoul AblazeAether WolvesGlythtide's JoyBlessing of the FaeEye of KertigenNexusSanctuaryBeckon the NagaBard Spell Tree Colored by Magic skill.png
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