Property:Has item property

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[[has type:String]]
|desc=A property for declaring the properties of an item.
[[allows value::alchemy]]
[[allows value::anatomy chart]]
|value=alchemy,anatomy,anatomy chart,anti-locate,area marker,atmo,autolooter,backlash absorber,cambrinth,casts spell,celestial jewelry,chakrel,challenger's beverage,chipper weapon,clothing,container,creation,drifter,drink,enchanted,enchanting,energy weapon,engineering,foraged,food,gaethzen,gives light,glamour,gore weapon,gourmand's wand,haste item,heroic tattoo,hiding,hood,horse,housing,instrument,feature,forging,jewelry,lock,mail,magic,magical tattoo,material,moneybelt,morph,mirror weapon,misc,outfitting,outrage,parallel casting focus,pet,pilgrim's badge,pockets,recall,regenerator (concentration),regenerator (confidence),regenerator (devotion),regenerator (elemental charge),regenerator (inner fire),regenerator (fatigue),regenerator (mana),regenerator (mojo),regenerator (soul pool),regenerator (spirit),regenerator (vitality),regenerator (wilderness),regenerator (voice pool),repair (armor),repair (tool),repair (weapon),ritual focus,sanowret crystal,smoking,spacious,stacking,summoner identifier,sorcery focus,tack,targeted magic focus,tie item,toy,trainer,universal translator,verby,weapon frog,whisper charm,writing,Dwarf style,Elf style,Elothean style,Fae style,Gnome style,Gor'Tog style,Halfling style,Human style,Kaldar style,Merelew style,Prydaen style,Rakash style,S'kra Mur style,Barbarian style,Bard style,Cleric style,Commoner style,Empath style,Moon Mage style,Necromancer style,Paladin style,Ranger style,Thief style,Trader style,Warrior Mage style,Immokokkon, Hollow Eve
[[allows value::clothing]]
[[allows value::container]]
==Value Definitions==
[[allows value::creation tool]]
* alchemy - A catalyst or a tool used in the process of alchemy or is slated for inclusion into the [[alchemy craft|alchemy system]]. Ex: Mortars and pestles.
[[allows value::food]]
* atmo - Any item that messages on it's on periodically.
[[allows value::drink]]
* cambrinth - Any item having functional [[cambrinth]].
[[allows value::jewelry]]
* casts spell - Any item that casts a spell either directly or allows the user to cast a spell. Please also tag with [[Property:Item casts spell]]. Ex: Runestones, wands.
[[allows value::juggle]]
* celestial jewelry - Any item non-PC created that naturally has celestial jewelry properties. Ex: Certain items from the [[Museum of Imperial History]].
[[allows value::quest]]
* chakrel - Has enough [[chakrel]] in it to allow a [[Barbarian]] to speed meditations.
[[allows value::writing]]
* clothing - Any clothing-sytle item.
[[allows value::instrument]]
* container - Any item that can hold another. Ex: Backpack, pocketed shirt.
[[allows value::magic]]
* creation - Any item that is used to create other items that does not fall into the updated [[crafting]] systems.
[[allows value::cambrinth]]
* drink - Any item drunk for RP reasons. Magical and healing potions excluded. Ex: Ale.
[[allows value::gaethzen]]
* enchanting - A tool used in the process of enchanting or is slated for inclusion into the [[enchanting craft|enchanting system]].
[[allows value::perfect chakrel]]
* engineering - A tool used in the process of engineering or is slated for inclusion into the [[engineering craft|engineering system]].
[[allows value::rought chakrel]]
* feature - Any item that alters the look of a person when worn or activated.
[[allows value::celestial jewelry]]
* foraged - Any item able to be foraged using the {{com|forage}} command.
[[allows value::runestone]]
* food - Any item eaten for RP reasons. Herbs are specifically excluded. Ex: Sandwich.
[[allows value::holds a spell]]
* forging - A tool used in the process of forging or is slated for inclusion into the [[forging craft|forging system]].
[[allows value::light]]
* gaethzen - Any item possessing functional [[gaethzen]].
[[allows value::dwarf]]
* gives light - Any item that can be induced to provide light, magical or otherwise. Ex: Torches, gaethzen.
[[allows value::dwarf only]]
* gourmand's wand - Items that summon food or drinks from a list when activated
[[allows value::elf]]
* haste item - Any item that provides a reduction to roundtimes
[[allows value::elf only]]
* hiding - Any item that hides either character features or worn items. Ex: Hooded cloaks, shaman's robe.
[[allows value::elothean]]
* horse - Any item for use on a horse. Ex: Bridge, horse armor. (formerly TACK as of 2019)
[[allows value::elothean only]]
* housing - Any item designed for use in a house, whether it's a pet, furniture, walls, etc. Also includes items designed to be placed on furniture or hung on walls.
[[allows value::gnome]]
* instrument - Any instrument or tool used to play one.
[[allows value::gnome only]]
* jewelry - Any jewelry style item, regardless of other purposes.
[[allows value::gortog]]
* lock - Can be locked by a key.
[[allows value::gortog only]]
* magic - Any item that has magical properties.
[[allows value::halfling]]
* material - Items that are primarily used as alteration fodder or similar uses.
[[allows value::halfling only]]
* misc - Any item that doesn't fall into the other categories.
[[allows value::human]]
* morph - An item that can change color, pattern or worn location; sometimes also referred to as "shimmer" items.
[[allows value::human only]]
* outfitting - A tool used in the process of outfitting or is slated for inclusion into the [[outfitting craft|outfitting system]].
[[allows value::kaldar]]
* parallel casting focus - This item allows preparation of a second spell which is not debil/TM/ritual alongside a normal spell preparation.
[[allows value::kaldar only]]
* smoking - For items related to tobacco or other smoking.
[[allows value::prydaen]]
* stacking - This item reduces the inventory count and/or weight of its contents.
[[allows value::prydaen only]]
* tack - Any item for use on a horse. Ex: Bridge, horse armor. (phasing to HORSE as of 2019)
[[allows value::rakash]]
* toy - A general catch all for toyish items.
[[allows value::rakash only]]
* trainer - This item trains a skill when it is used. This excludes weapons and armor.
[[allows value::skra mur]]
* verby - For items that have verbs either different from or in addition to the typical item.
[[allows value::skra mur only]]
* writing - Any item that enables writing, (Ex: Stylus) or can be written on.
[[allows value::smallomly]]
* dwarf style - Any item designed for or possessing the stylings of, or having special functions for a specific race or set of races. Ex: Dwarven tunneler's axe, Elven trailbread. Please do not include items that are simply sold at shops themed for a race.
[[allows value::medium-size only]]
* elf style
[[allows value::large-size only]]
* elothean style
[[allows value::barbarian]]
* gnome style
[[allows value::barbarian only]]
* gortog style
[[allows value::bard]]
* halfling style
[[allows value::bard only]]
* human style
[[allows value::cleric]]
* kaldar style
[[allows value::cleric only]]
* prydaen style
[[allows value::empath]]
* rakash style
[[allows value::empath only]]
* skra mur style
[[allows value::moon mage]]
* barbarian style - Any item designed for, possessing the crest of, or having special functions for a specific guild or set of guilds. Ex: chakrel. Please do not include items that are simply sold at shops themed for a guild.
[[allows value::moon mage only]]
* bard style
[[allows value::paladin]]
* cleric style
[[allows value::paladin only]]
* commoner style
[[allows value::ranger]]
* empath style
[[allows value::ranger only]]
* moon mage style
[[allows value::thief]]
* necromancer style
[[allows value::thief only]]
* paladin style
[[allows value::warrior mage]]
* ranger style
[[allows value::warrior mage only]]
* thief style
* trader style
* warrior mage style

Latest revision as of 17:55, 29 November 2024

Description: A property for declaring the properties of an item.
Type: string
Allows Value: alchemy, anatomy, anatomy chart, anti-locate, area marker, atmo, autolooter, backlash absorber, cambrinth, casts spell, celestial jewelry, chakrel, challenger's beverage, chipper weapon, clothing, container, creation, drifter, drink, enchanted, enchanting, energy weapon, engineering, foraged, food, gaethzen, gives light, glamour, gore weapon, gourmand's wand, haste item, heroic tattoo, hiding, hood, horse, housing, instrument, feature, forging, jewelry, lock, mail, magic, magical tattoo, material, moneybelt, morph, mirror weapon, misc, outfitting, outrage, parallel casting focus, pet, pilgrim's badge, pockets, recall, regenerator (concentration), regenerator (confidence), regenerator (devotion), regenerator (elemental charge), regenerator (inner fire), regenerator (fatigue), regenerator (mana), regenerator (mojo), regenerator (soul pool), regenerator (spirit), regenerator (vitality), regenerator (wilderness), regenerator (voice pool), repair (armor), repair (tool), repair (weapon), ritual focus, sanowret crystal, smoking, spacious, stacking, summoner identifier, sorcery focus, tack, targeted magic focus, tie item, toy, trainer, universal translator, verby, weapon frog, whisper charm, writing, Dwarf style, Elf style, Elothean style, Fae style, Gnome style, Gor'Tog style, Halfling style, Human style, Kaldar style, Merelew style, Prydaen style, Rakash style, S'kra Mur style, Barbarian style, Bard style, Cleric style, Commoner style, Empath style, Moon Mage style, Necromancer style, Paladin style, Ranger style, Thief style, Trader style, Warrior Mage style, Immokokkon, Hollow Eve

There are currently 48049 items in this property, 32921 of which are incomplete, and 944 of which are outdated.

Value Definitions

  • alchemy - A catalyst or a tool used in the process of alchemy or is slated for inclusion into the alchemy system. Ex: Mortars and pestles.
  • atmo - Any item that messages on it's on periodically.
  • cambrinth - Any item having functional cambrinth.
  • casts spell - Any item that casts a spell either directly or allows the user to cast a spell. Please also tag with Property:Item casts spell. Ex: Runestones, wands.
  • celestial jewelry - Any item non-PC created that naturally has celestial jewelry properties. Ex: Certain items from the Museum of Imperial History.
  • chakrel - Has enough chakrel in it to allow a Barbarian to speed meditations.
  • clothing - Any clothing-sytle item.
  • container - Any item that can hold another. Ex: Backpack, pocketed shirt.
  • creation - Any item that is used to create other items that does not fall into the updated crafting systems.
  • drink - Any item drunk for RP reasons. Magical and healing potions excluded. Ex: Ale.
  • enchanting - A tool used in the process of enchanting or is slated for inclusion into the enchanting system.
  • engineering - A tool used in the process of engineering or is slated for inclusion into the engineering system.
  • feature - Any item that alters the look of a person when worn or activated.
  • foraged - Any item able to be foraged using the FORAGE command.
  • food - Any item eaten for RP reasons. Herbs are specifically excluded. Ex: Sandwich.
  • forging - A tool used in the process of forging or is slated for inclusion into the forging system.
  • gaethzen - Any item possessing functional gaethzen.
  • gives light - Any item that can be induced to provide light, magical or otherwise. Ex: Torches, gaethzen.
  • gourmand's wand - Items that summon food or drinks from a list when activated
  • haste item - Any item that provides a reduction to roundtimes
  • hiding - Any item that hides either character features or worn items. Ex: Hooded cloaks, shaman's robe.
  • horse - Any item for use on a horse. Ex: Bridge, horse armor. (formerly TACK as of 2019)
  • housing - Any item designed for use in a house, whether it's a pet, furniture, walls, etc. Also includes items designed to be placed on furniture or hung on walls.
  • instrument - Any instrument or tool used to play one.
  • jewelry - Any jewelry style item, regardless of other purposes.
  • lock - Can be locked by a key.
  • magic - Any item that has magical properties.
  • material - Items that are primarily used as alteration fodder or similar uses.
  • misc - Any item that doesn't fall into the other categories.
  • morph - An item that can change color, pattern or worn location; sometimes also referred to as "shimmer" items.
  • outfitting - A tool used in the process of outfitting or is slated for inclusion into the outfitting system.
  • parallel casting focus - This item allows preparation of a second spell which is not debil/TM/ritual alongside a normal spell preparation.
  • smoking - For items related to tobacco or other smoking.
  • stacking - This item reduces the inventory count and/or weight of its contents.
  • tack - Any item for use on a horse. Ex: Bridge, horse armor. (phasing to HORSE as of 2019)
  • toy - A general catch all for toyish items.
  • trainer - This item trains a skill when it is used. This excludes weapons and armor.
  • verby - For items that have verbs either different from or in addition to the typical item.
  • writing - Any item that enables writing, (Ex: Stylus) or can be written on.
  • dwarf style - Any item designed for or possessing the stylings of, or having special functions for a specific race or set of races. Ex: Dwarven tunneler's axe, Elven trailbread. Please do not include items that are simply sold at shops themed for a race.
  • elf style
  • elothean style
  • gnome style
  • gortog style
  • halfling style
  • human style
  • kaldar style
  • prydaen style
  • rakash style
  • skra mur style
  • barbarian style - Any item designed for, possessing the crest of, or having special functions for a specific guild or set of guilds. Ex: chakrel. Please do not include items that are simply sold at shops themed for a guild.
  • bard style
  • cleric style
  • commoner style
  • empath style
  • moon mage style
  • necromancer style
  • paladin style
  • ranger style
  • thief style
  • trader style
  • warrior mage style
Showing 20 pages using this property.

Showing 8 related entities.

The request is being processed and may take a moment. Preparing...
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "alchemy", "anatomy", "anatomy chart", "anti-locate", "area marker", "atmo", "autolooter", "backlash absorber", "cambrinth", "casts spell", "celestial jewelry", "chakrel", "challenger's beverage", "chipper weapon", "clothing", "container", "creation", "drifter", "drink", "enchanted", "enchanting", "energy weapon", "engineering", "foraged", "food", "gaethzen", "gives light", "glamour", "gore weapon", "gourmand's wand", "haste item", "heroic tattoo", "hiding", "hood", "horse", "housing", "instrument", "feature", "forging", "jewelry", "lock", "magic", "magical tattoo", "material", "moneybelt", "morph", "mirror weapon", "misc", "outfitting", "outrage", "parallel casting focus", "pet", "pilgrim's badge", "pockets", "regenerator (concentration)", "regenerator (confidence)", "regenerator (devotion)", "regenerator (elemental charge)", "regenerator (inner fire)", "regenerator (fatigue)", "regenerator (mana)", "regenerator (mojo)", "regenerator (soul pool)", "regenerator (spirit)", "regenerator (vitality)", "regenerator (wilderness)", "regenerator (voice pool)", "repair (armor)", "repair (tool)", "repair (weapon)", "ritual focus", "sanowret crystal", "smoking", "spacious", "stacking", "summoner identifier", "sorcery focus", "tack", "targeted magic focus", "tie item", "toy", "trainer", "universal translator", "verby", "weapon frog", "writing", "Dwarf style", "Elf style", "Elothean style", "Fae style", "Gnome style", "Gor'Tog style", "Halfling style", "Human style", "Kaldar style", "Merelew style", "Prydaen style", "Rakash style", "S'kra Mur style", "Barbarian style", "Bard style", "Cleric style", "Commoner style", "Empath style", "Moon Mage style", "Necromancer style", "Paladin style", "Ranger style", "Thief style", "Trader style", "Warrior Mage style", "Immokokkon", "Hollow Eve", "mail", "whisper charm", "recall" ] } }