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Su Helmas 440: Entrapped/Incidental loot: Difference between revisions

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< Su Helmas 440: Entrapped
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(90 intermediate revisions by 10 users not shown)
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* {{sloot|w|damite throwing blade with a softly glimmering blued moonsilver inlay}} - ''LT/SE, stackable''
* {{sloot|w|damite throwing blade with a softly glimmering blued moonsilver inlay}} - ''LT/SE, stackable''
* {{sloot|w|dragonwood crossbow with a carved stock}}- ''LX''
* {{sloot|w|dragonwood crossbow with a carved stock}}- ''LX''
* {{sloot|w|elaborately carved staff inlaid with tarnished filigree}}
* {{sloot|w|elaborately carved staff inlaid with tarnished filigree}} - ''Staff''
* {{sloot|w|elongated spiky barb}}
* {{sloot|w|elongated spiky barb}} - ''SE''
* '''{{sloot|w|Elven silver parry stick with various faces swirling across its surface}}'''
* {{sloot|w|enormous calcified leaf with sharp-looking edges}}
* {{sloot|w|excavator's mattock with a silversteel head}}- ''2HB''
* {{sloot|w|excavator's mattock with a silversteel head}}- ''2HB''
* '''{{sloot|w|glaes bastard sword with a black ironwood hilt}}'''
* {{sloot|w|finely polished silversteel mace topped with a cast desert lion's head}} - ''SB''
* '''{{sloot|w|glaes bastard sword with a black ironwood hilt}}''' - ''LE/2HE''
* {{sloot|w|jagged sandstone shard with a lump of soulstone embedded in one end}} - ''SE''
* {{sloot|w|jagged sandstone shard with a lump of soulstone embedded in one end}} - ''SE''
* {{sloot|w|ka'hurst hhr'ata inlaid with purple gold Eth'ral'khh calligraphy}} - ''HT/HB''
* {{sloot|w|ka'hurst hhr'ata inlaid with purple gold Eth'ral'khh calligraphy}} - ''HT/HB''
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* {{sloot|a|articulated plate greaves embossed with seven-pointed stars}}
* {{sloot|a|articulated plate greaves embossed with seven-pointed stars}}
* {{sloot|a|articulated leather robe embellished with complex tooling}}
* {{sloot|a|beige silk insulated mask with dark-tinted goggles}}
* {{sloot|a|beige silk insulated pants with reinforced knees}}
* {{sloot|a|beige silk insulated pants with reinforced knees}}
* {{sloot|a|buff silk insulated sleeves with reinforced stitching}}
* {{sloot|a|buff silk insulated sleeves with reinforced stitching}}
* {{sloot|a|ecru silk insulated vambraces with reinforced elbows}}
* {{sloot|a|heavy gloves embroidered with blood-shot eyeballs}}
* {{sloot|a|khaki silk insulated gloves reinforced with leather}}
* {{sloot|a|khaki silk insulated gloves reinforced with leather}}
* {{sloot|a|pair of heavily reinforced trousers fastened by glass eyeballs}}
* {{sloot|a|pair of heavily reinforced trousers fastened by glass eyeballs}}
* '''{{sloot|a|red asini plate gauntlets enameled to look like exposed musculature}}'''
* '''{{sloot|a|red asini plate vambraces enameled to look like exposed musculature}}'''
* {{sloot|a|reinforced oilcan with a missing bottom}}
* {{sloot|a|sand-colored silk insulated hauberk with an embroidered hemline}}
* {{sloot|a|sand-colored silk insulated mantle with an embroidered hemline}}
* {{sloot|a|sand-colored silk insulated mantle with an embroidered hemline}}
* {{sloot|a|sand-colored silk insulated shirt embroidered along the hemline}}
* {{sloot|a|sand-colored silk insulated shirt embroidered along the hemline}}
* {{sloot|a|sand-colored silk insulated vest embroidered along the hemline}}
* {{sloot|a|supple leather coat bearing a repeated pattern of purple-limned eyes}}
* {{sloot|a|supple leather coat bearing a repeated pattern of purple-limned eyes}}
* {{sloot|a|tan silk insulated aventail layered with various shades of filmy fabric}}
* {{sloot|a|tan silk insulated cap layered with lighter shades of filmy fabric}}
* {{sloot|a|tarnished chain gloves edged in a seven-pointed star motif}}
* {{sloot|a|tarnished chainmail hauberk worked to display a seven-pointed star upon the chest}}
* {{sloot|a|tarnished chainmail hauberk worked to display a seven-pointed star upon the chest}}
* '''{{sloot|a|red asini plate gauntlets enameled to look like exposed musculature}}'''
* {{sloot|a|tawny silk insulated tasset with dark brown stitching}}

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* {{sloot|i|asini rafflesia flower set within a tangle of tel'athi vines}}
* {{sloot|i|asini rafflesia flower set within a tangle of tel'athi vines}}
* {{sloot|i|beveled uthamar thumb ring engraved with a closed eye}}
* {{sloot|i|blindfold}}
* {{sloot|i|broad-brimmed grey hat with a stylish blue heron feather}}
* {{sloot|i|broad-brimmed grey hat with a stylish blue heron feather}}
* '''{{sloot|i|cloth of gold cloak with a butterfly-shaped enameled clasp}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|cloth of gold cloak with a butterfly-shaped enameled clasp}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|dangling earrings adorned with molten-core diamonds}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|dangling earrings adorned with molten-core diamonds}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|darkstone circlet ringed with silver leaves}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|darkstone circlet ringed with silver leaves}}'''
* {{sloot|i|dergatine explorer's hat with kau leather trim}}
* {{sloot|i|dusty silver necklace of crescent-shaped links with an amethyst ihean mysanda}}
* '''{{sloot|i|elongated purple gold bracelet strung with jet beads and pearl teardrops}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|engraved Elven silver ring grasping a faceted dewdrop diopside bloom}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|engraved Elven silver ring grasping a faceted dewdrop diopside bloom}}'''
* {{sloot|i|fan of three Tokka cards carved from a single duskbloom sapphire}}
* {{sloot|i|fan of three Tokka cards carved from a single duskbloom sapphire}}
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* {{sloot|i|glaes nose hoop}} - ''features''
* {{sloot|i|glaes nose hoop}} - ''features''
* {{sloot|i|green zibeline wool war kilt with a kertig buckle}}
* {{sloot|i|green zibeline wool war kilt with a kertig buckle}}
* '''{{sloot|i|icy white smokewhorl cloak pinned at the shoulder with a frozen-bone rimewolf}}'''
* {{sloot|i|large brass spring}}
* {{sloot|i|large bast fishing vest adorned with icesteel hooks}}
* {{sloot|i|large bast fishing vest adorned with icesteel hooks}}
* '''{{sloot|i|navy blue kau leather kilt secured with two oversized agonite pins}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|navy blue kau leather kilt secured with two oversized agonite pins}}'''
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* {{sloot|i|piece of smooth starstone embossed with a golden eye}}
* {{sloot|i|piece of smooth starstone embossed with a golden eye}}
* {{sloot|i|prickly blackthorn headdress woven with hhyssk'et and juriweed}}
* {{sloot|i|prickly blackthorn headdress woven with hhyssk'et and juriweed}}
* {{sloot|i|rikar crystal shaped like a crystal hand holding a tiny zoetia}}
* {{sloot|i|sheer batiste blindfold}}
* {{sloot|i|sheer batiste blindfold}}
* {{sloot|i|simple rope sandals}}
* {{sloot|i|slightly worn purple robes accessorized with brass-lined stone buttons}}
* {{sloot|i|slightly worn purple robes accessorized with brass-lined stone buttons}}
* {{sloot|i|small Seed of Entropy wrought from purple gold}}
* {{sloot|i|small Seed of Entropy wrought from purple gold}}
* '''{{sloot|i|sparkling eldring rose displayed on a brass stem}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|sparkling eldring rose displayed on a brass stem}}'''
* {{sloot|i|tangle of ka'hurst mantrap vines}} - ''Enhances Features - Beard''
* {{sloot|i|tarnished copper pin shaped like an open eye}}
* {{sloot|i|tattered aubergine robe covered in cambrinth-beaded symbols}}
* {{sloot|i|tattered purple robes edged with gold braiding}}
* {{sloot|i|trio of multihued moons}}
* '''{{sloot|i|twilight purple dreamweave headband with a golden phoenix pin}}'''
* {{sloot|i|wide-brimmed bast fishing hat adorned with Elven gold}}
* {{sloot|i|wide-brimmed bast fishing hat adorned with Elven gold}}
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* {{sloot|i|buffed leather pouch decorated with a border of stylized shield handles}}
* {{sloot|i|balsa burin with a delicate silk-wrapped handle}}
* {{sloot|i|buffed leather pouch decorated with a border of stylized shield handles}} - ''Leather Shield Handles stacker''
* '''{{sloot|i|colorful plaid pouch embroidered with jars of surface polish}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|colorful plaid pouch embroidered with jars of surface polish}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|demonbone belt knife with several notch marks along the spine}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|demonbone belt knife with several notch marks along the spine}}'''
* {{sloot|i|jug of oil}}
* {{sloot|i|ka'hurst hide scraper etched with evergreen trees}}
* {{sloot|i|ka'hurst hide scraper etched with evergreen trees}}
* {{sloot|i|larch burin with a soft jaspe-wrapped handle}}
* {{sloot|i|larch burin with a soft jaspe-wrapped handle}}
* {{sloot|i|silver chainmail pouch fastened with a miniature iron shield handle}}
* {{sloot|i|rough burlap pouch painted with a basalt runestone}} - ''Basic Basalt Runestones stacker''
* {{sloot|i|silver chainmail pouch fastened with a miniature iron shield handle}} - ''Iron Shield Handles stacker''
* {{sloot|i|smokewood burin with a rough sharkskin-wrapped handle}}
* {{sloot|i|smokewood burin with a rough sharkskin-wrapped handle}}
* {{sloot|i|white cotton pouch discolored with wood stain}} - ''wood stain stacker''

* {{sloot|i|beveled uthamar thumb ring engraved with a closed eye}}
* {{sloot|i|blackened verdant heart}} - ''[[Dinazen Olkar]]''
* {{sloot|i|blackened verdant heart}} - ''[[Dinazen Olkar]]''
* '''{{sloot|i|black-shelled dung beetle carved from rough larch}}''' - ''Earth Glamour Trinket''
* {{sloot|I|brass bolt with an oily sheen}} - ''[[Rend]]''
* {{sloot|I|brass bolt with an oily sheen}} - ''[[Rend]]''
* {{sloot|i|brass gear with an oily sheen}} - ''[[Tenebrous Sense]]''
* {{sloot|i|brass gear with an oily sheen}} - ''[[Tenebrous Sense]]''
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* {{sloot|i|chartreuse verdant heart}} - ''[[Shear]]''
* {{sloot|i|chartreuse verdant heart}} - ''[[Shear]]''
* {{sloot|i|cracked sandstone orb embedded with amethysts}} - ''[[Garden's Vision]]''
* {{sloot|i|cracked sandstone orb embedded with amethysts}} - ''[[Garden's Vision]]''
* {{sloot|i|deep viridian verdant heart}} - ''[[Artificer's Eye]]''
* {{sloot|i|lurid green verdant heart}} - ''[[Dazzle]]''
* {{sloot|i|lurid green verdant heart}} - ''[[Dazzle]]''
* {{sloot|i|milky celadon verdant heart}} - ''[[Shadows]]''
* {{sloot|i|milky celadon verdant heart}} - ''[[Shadows]]''
* {{sloot|i|pair of fragile colored lenses streaked with silvery spiderwebs}}
* {{sloot|i|pair of fragile black lenses streaked with silvery spiderwebs}}
* {{sloot|i|pitted and pockmarked cambrinth moon}} - ''108 mana, held''
* {{sloot|i|pitted and pockmarked cambrinth moon}} - ''108 mana, held''
* {{sloot|i|sanguine-stained verdant heart}} - ''[[Partial Displacement]]''
* {{sloot|i|sanguine-stained verdant heart}} - ''[[Partial Displacement]]''
* '''{{sloot|i|sanrisi-trimmed eye-shaped lens }}''' - ''Summon identifier''
* {{sloot|i|sickly green verdant heart}} - ''[[Psychic Shield]]''
* {{sloot|i|stylized cambrinth comet with a silver-glittered tail}} - ''108 mana, held''
* {{sloot|i|stylized cambrinth comet with a silver-glittered tail}} - ''108 mana, held''
* {{sloot|i|white-painted cambrinth cumulonimbus cloud}} - ''108 mana, held''
* {{sloot|i|white-painted cambrinth cumulonimbus cloud}} - ''108 mana, held''
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* {{sloot|i|blackened brass gear}}
* {{sloot|i|charred and melted lump of soulstone}}
* {{sloot|i|clockwork monstrosity puppet}}
* {{sloot|i|clockwork monstrosity puppet}}
* {{sloot|i|damaged leather-bound book depicting a closed golden eye}}
* {{sloot|i|damaged leather-bound book depicting a closed golden eye}}
* '''{{sloot|i|dark red glass vial painted with a sandstone golem}}'''
* {{sloot|i|dusty leather-bound journal depicting a closed golden eye}}
* {{sloot|i|dusty leather-bound journal depicting a closed golden eye}}
* {{sloot|i|fragile colored lenses streaked with silvery spiderwebs}}
* {{sloot|i|fragile black lenses streaked with silvery spiderwebs}}
* {{sloot|i|heavy gaethzen statue carved into the shape of a scarab}}
* {{sloot|i|iridescent glass perfume bottle capped with a shooting comet}}
* {{sloot|i|iridescent glass perfume bottle capped with a shooting comet}}
* {{sloot|i|luridly purple jar covered in thorns}}
* {{sloot|i|luridly purple jar covered in thorns}}
Line 130: Line 171:
* {{sloot|i|round starstone jar with glistening blue hues}}
* {{sloot|i|round starstone jar with glistening blue hues}}
* {{sloot|i|sandstone golem puppet with faceted emerald eyes}}
* {{sloot|i|sandstone golem puppet with faceted emerald eyes}}
* {{sloot|i|small lump of soulstone}}
* '''{{sloot|i|sparkling abyssal quartz flask with an ice sapphire stopper}}'''
* {{sloot|i|spiky purple pinata in the shape of a Seed of Entropy}}
* {{sloot|i|spiky purple pinata in the shape of a Seed of Entropy}}
* {{sloot|i|thin notebook bound in bright purple silk}}
* {{sloot|i|thin notebook bound in bright purple silk}}
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* {{sloot|i|flaxen-tinged sand golem eye}}
* {{sloot|n|sand golem eye}}
* {{sloot|i|pale amber-hued sand golem eye}}

===Home Decor===
===Home Decor===
* '''{{sloot|i|carnivorous plants}}'''
* {{sloot|i|carnivorous plants}}
* {{sloot|i|decorative volcanic rocks}}
* {{sloot|i|decorative volcanic rocks}}
* '''{{sloot|i|dismissive sign}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|dismissive sign}}'''
* {{sloot|i|door-shaped voucher}}
* {{sloot|i|golden eye-shaped bell}}
* '''{{sloot|i|large wooden sign painted to resemble a closed eye}}'''
* '''{{sloot|i|large wooden sign painted to resemble a closed eye}}'''
* {{sloot|i|miniature thorn hedge}}
* {{sloot|i|miniature thorn hedge}}
* {{sloot|i|nightingale windchime}}
* {{sloot|i|nightingale windchime}}
* {{sloot|i|pile of clay limbs}}
* {{sloot|i|pile of clay limbs}}
* '''{{sloot|i|tiny oak sundial}}'''
* {{sloot|i|winged sungold scarab clasping a solar disk}}
* {{sloot|i|winged sungold scarab clasping a solar disk}}
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* {{sloot|i|dreamweave saddlebag clasped with a golden eye}}
* {{sloot|i|dreamweave saddlebag clasped with a golden eye}}
* {{sloot|i|gloaming leather chanfron with a closed golden eye on the brow}}
* {{sloot|i|gloaming leather chanfron with a closed golden eye on the brow}}
* {{sloot|i|leather crinnet with a mane of nightingale feathers}}
* {{sloot|i|leather crupper pyrographed with a map of the Blasted Plains}}
* {{sloot|i|leather crupper pyrographed with a map of the Blasted Plains}}
* {{sloot|i|twilight-purple peytrel emblazoned with the sleeping eye of G'nar Peth}}
* {{sloot|i|voided flanchards painted with serpentine hieroglyphs}}
* {{sloot|i|voided flanchards painted with serpentine hieroglyphs}}

Latest revision as of 17:21, 24 September 2023

Bolded items are new.
Tip: Different monsters may drop different items.




Clothing and Jewelry






Home Decor

Horse Equipment