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A page for the Hollow Eve Festival 406 gift.

Both a lesser and a greater one may be purchased.


A sign reads:

"Wear these amazing medallions and then defeat Asketi's minions! She will love you for it, we promise! - Captain Kurmin"

A smaller script follows: "There are more powerful medallions available inside."

A much smaller script follows: "No refunds."

On the iron table
Item Price Done
craggy blue crystal medallion 902   !!

These could be purchased by anyone, regardless of whether he attended the festival.

When buying: Your spirit chills.

The blue crystal medallion has been imbued with a delicate pattern of Holy magic, which you recognize as the Asketian Spiritgem enchantment.
Its design suggests an ability to absorb and channel spiritual energy with certain qualities.
This medallion belongs to you.
The blue crystal blazes powerfully and will transform fully in fifteen andaen.

The more servants of Asketi that the wearer kills, the more "charged" the medallion becomes. The final line of the FOCUS indicates the degree to which the medallion has been charged. The blue crystal will blaze powerfully when this medallion is fully charged.

For more information, see Spiritgem.


A BIG SIGN reads:
"These are the upgraded versions of the medallions outside. They are on rotating stock. You can only buy ONE, and there will be NO REFUNDS, so choose carefully! - Captain Kurmin"

On the silver-gilt table
Item Price Done
aquamarine-hued crystal medallion flecked with bits of Katamba's spire 1,353   
azure crystal medallion embellished by night diamonds 1,353   
Bard-blue crystal medallion dangling a spherical shrike's eye sapphire 1,353   !!
burnished indigo crystal medallion suspended from a length of bloodlace 1,353   !!
cloudy blue-grey crystal medallion bedecked by haze sapphires 1,353   !!
dark blue crystal medallion speckled with bits of audrualm 1,353   !!
dusky cornflower crystal medallion wreathed with haralun filigree 1,353   !!
ice-blue crystal medallion hanging from a niello chain 1,353   !!
iris-blue crystal medallion wrapped with tyrium wire 1,353   !!
lapis-colored crystal medallion veined with tyrium 1,353   !!
lustrous Xibar-blue crystal medallion suspended from a length of lava samite 1,353   !!
ocean-blue crystal medallion suspended from a heavy gloamstone-link chain 1,353   !!
opaque blue-green crystal medallion hanging from a small ribbon of steelsilk 1,353   !!
ornate blue-black crystal medallion hanging from an orichalcum chain 1,353   !!
periwinkle crystal medallion suspended from an ornate niello chain 1,353   !!
polished cerulean crystal medallion painted with the image of a dusk rose 1,353   !!
royal blue crystal medallion impressed with the image of a darkstone shield 1,353   !!
sapphire-blue crystal medallion framed with many pitch pearls 1,353   !!
sapphirine crystal medallion suspended from a cobwebby tyrium chain 1,353   !!
scuffed celeste crystal medallion hanging from a chain of cloud ruby stars 1,353   !!
sea-blue crystal medallion framed within orichalcum filigree 1,353   !!
silvery blue crystal medallion suspended from a length of eolienne 1,353   !!
sky-blue crystal medallion framed within audrualm filigree 1,353   !!
slate-blue crystal medallion strewn with night diamonds 1,353   !!
smooth cobalt crystal medallion suspended from a length of Elven snowlace 1,353   !!
sparkling midnight-blue crystal medallion flecked with mistglass 1,353   !!
teal crystal medallion suspended from a string of pitch pearls 1,353   !!
turquoise crystal medallion adorned with a darkstone hammer emblem 1,353   !!
twilight-hued crystal medallion impressed with the image of a midwinter's sickle 1,353   !!
ultramarine crystal medallion encapsulated in gloomwood 1,353   !!
violet-blue crystal medallion suspended from a shadesatin ribbon 1,353   !!
zaffre crystal medallion suspended from a duchess satin ribbon 1,353   !!

The crystal medallion has been imbued with an intricate pattern of Holy magic, which you recognize as the Spectral Reaper enchantment.
Its design suggests an ability to absorb and channel spiritual energy with certain qualities.
This medallion belongs to you.
The blue crystal is fully energized.


Users could charge their medallions early by allowing it to absorb Asketian souls (by killing Asketi's servants). However, all medallions should be fully charged by now, even if the owner did nothing. Medallions gradually recharge after use.

The final line of the FOCUS indicates the degree to which the medallion has been charged.

Charge Levels To Complete Enchantment:

  1. The blue crystal is dun, awaiting more Asketian souls to complete the enchantment.
  2. The blue crystal flickers dimly, awaiting more Asketian souls to complete the enchantment.
  3. The blue crystal twinkles slightly, awaiting more Asketian souls to complete the enchantment.
  4. The blue crystal glows faintly, awaiting more Asketian souls to complete the enchantment.
  5. The blue crystal shimmers steadily, awaiting more Asketian souls to complete the enchantment.
  6. The blue crystal shines brilliantly, awaiting more Asketian souls to complete the enchantment.
  7. The blue crystal blazes powerfully, awaiting more Asketian souls to complete the enchantment.
  8. The blue crystal is fully energized.

Final Charge Levels:

  1. The blue crystal is depleted but slowly regenerating.
  2. The blue crystal has little energy but is slowly regenerating.
  3. The blue crystal is partially energized, slowly regenerating.
  4. The blue crystal is almost halfway energized, slowly regenerating.
  5. The blue crystal is fully energized.


TOUCHing your medallion while wearing it summons a spectral reaper, which is the color of your aura. (Reaper color does not affect its power.) While active, the reaper gradually drains your spirit pool. The reaper can last for a maximum of 14 minutes.

  • You lightly touch a smooth cobalt crystal medallion suspended from a length of Elven snowlace.

Rivulets of cold vapor flow outward from the medallion, extinguishing its blue crystal and knitting together until a dark yellow spectral reaper emerges.

  • A vortex of icy wind suddenly erupts around a dark yellow spectral reaper, erasing it from existence.


After being charged by killing Asketi's minions, allows summoning of a spectral reaper that behaves similarly to a Guardian Spirit but cannot be commanded. The amulet need be charged only once; once the enchantment is activated, the amulet will slowly recharge itself between uses.

The reaper's color matches the summoner's aura color.