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'''Duration:''' When holy weapon is running low on charges. <br>
'''Duration:''' When holy weapon is running low on charges. <br>
'''Quest Giver''': Sir [[Darius]] <br>
'''Quest Giver''': Sir [[Darius]] <br>
'''Effect:''' The Paladin receives the glyph of renewal at the same time as the Paladin's [[holy weapon]]. It's used to recharge the holy weapon at one of the recharging sites (one is in all provinces but Therengia and Forfedhdar) or through the ritual with holy icons. <br>
'''Effect:''' The Paladin receives the glyph of renewal at the same time as the Paladin's [[Holy Weapon]]. It's used to recharge the holy weapon at one of the recharging sites (one is in all provinces but Therengia and Forfedhdar) or through the ritual with holy icons. <br>
'''Messaging:''' <Paladin> traces a glyph upon his <holy weapon> causing it to glow.
'''Messaging:''' <Paladin> traces a glyph upon his <holy weapon> causing it to glow.

Revision as of 00:57, 19 April 2009

Glyphs are holy symbols traced by Paladins for varying extrinsic effects. They are powered by a Paladin's soul pool and are gained from completing quests given by the guildleaders after reaching a certain level. Charisma has an effect on glyph duration and power.

Glyph of Warding

Circle: 5th
Usage: trace ward <body/assailant>
Duration: Dependant on circle and charisma
Quest Giver: Any guildleader
Effect: This glyph, when traced on a dead body, allows a paladin to protect a dead person's items when they depart. Instead of the person's posessions falling into a grave which is then susceptible to grave robbing, the glyph protects the items for a time. Only the original owner of the items can TAP the glyph, which then causes all items to be replaced upon the person's body. A paladin can retrace the glyph to see how much time is left, and if there is under two minutes remaining a retrace will refresh the glyph. When traced on a living person, this glyph prevents an assailant from using ranged weapons (including targeted magic).
Messaging: Paladin's POV: You trace the glyph of warding around <player>'s dead body!
Others see: <Paladin> traces the glyph of warding over <player>'s body until a soft red glow appears.
Upon departing: The warding glyph flares into a brilliant red light as it settles over <player>'s remains, protecting them.
On a living player: You trace the glyph of warding at <player> whose attention waivers from you.

Glyph of Bonding

Circle: 10th
Usage: trace bond <item>
Duration: N/A
Quest Giver: Any guildleader
Effect: Like the Glyph of Warding, this glyph is used in dealing with dead adventurers. In the Glyph of Bonding's case, the glyph is traced over a fallen adventurer's dropped items. When the glyph is traced, the item will find its way back to the hands of its owner. There are a few restrictions however. Both the person and their item must be in the same room, and the item must be on the ground. If the person has been dead for a long time, or if the item(s) have been handled by too many others since then, then the glyph is harder to use. Higher circle and charisma will counteract this problem.
Messaging: You trace the glyph of bonding around a <item>, and it's surrounded by a light silvery glow.
You watch as a <item> slowly slides toward <player>'s body and places itself firmly in his <hand item was in> hand.

Glyph of Light

Circle: 15th
Usage: trace light <self>
Quest Giver: Sir Eamonn
Effect: The glyph creates balls of light that float around the Paladin, providing a light source in dark areas and granting a percentage-based boost to perception. It has a relatively high soul cost and a short duration -- the balls extinguish one by one as the degree of the boost fades.
Messaging:You trace the Glyph of Light.
A brief burst of pain wracks your body and your soul feels somewhat diminished. Slowly, five globes of light extrude from your fingertips and begin to glow brightly.
The tiny balls of light swirl around you, darting around your body making your vision incredibly clear and lighting the area surrounding you.
Lights going out: One of the balls of light flares brightly for a moment before winking out of existance. The remaining spheres spin in a circle over your head, almost like a halo.
With a barely audible *POP*, one of the fragile globes extinguishes itself. Hovering for a moment over you, as if contemplating their next move, the trio of glowing balls take their new positions, one on either side of your body and the third floating in front of your forehead.
Sputtering and flickering, the sphere at your forehead spirals in an out-of-control descent until it hits the ground, shattering with a burst of light. The remaining pair of globes begin to slowly rise and fall as they take a position at your shoulders.
Slowly, the spheres gravitate towards each other and meet in front of your face. Almost touching, they begin to expand and swell until they absorb each other and become one. The new globe, larger and brighter, takes it's position in front of you and pulses in rhythm with your heartbeat.
The remaining ball of light slowly sinks into your chest causing your entire body to spasm momentarily before you are able to recover.

Glyph of Mana

Circle: 20
Usage: trace mana <self>
Quest Giver: Any guildleader
Effect: Raises Holy mana in the room where the glyph is traced by drawing it from nearby rooms. The mana boost leaves when the Paladin that traces it leaves the room, but the Marshal Order spell increases the duration of the glyph. The soul pool cost is based on the size of the boost you're looking to get -- more room exits means more potential sources of mana to draw from and therefore a higher boost (higher circles also get higher boosts). The Paladin will experience a moderate soul boost if it's traced in a room where a Cleric is rejuventating or resurrecting a dead person.
Messaging: You trace a glyph into the air in an attempt to channel more mana into the area from the surrounding area.
You sense a change in holy power throughout the area.

Glyph of Ease

Circle: 25
Usage: Trace ease <target>
Quest Giver: Sir Darius
Description: The glyph of ease has two uses. One can trace it on a corpse to make it signifcantly easier to drag. It can also be traced on yourself or another PC to help restore fatigue.
Messaging: You trace the Glyph of Ease over yourself.
Your weariness is eased.


Level: 30
Usage: None
Duration: As long as glyph of warding lasts
Quest Giver: Automatic
Description: Upon the Paladin's death the glyphs of bonding and warding automatically activate. Knowledge of those two glyphs are required for this ability to work.
Messaging: A soft red glow appears over your body.
A light silvery glow surrounds your <item> and it stays in your hand.

Glyph of Renewal

Level: 50
Usage: Trace renew <holy weapon>
Duration: When holy weapon is running low on charges.
Quest Giver: Sir Darius
Effect: The Paladin receives the glyph of renewal at the same time as the Paladin's Holy Weapon. It's used to recharge the holy weapon at one of the recharging sites (one is in all provinces but Therengia and Forfedhdar) or through the ritual with holy icons.
Messaging: <Paladin> traces a glyph upon his <holy weapon> causing it to glow.