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elanthipedia talk:Projects/Spells

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Hello, I've been working on finishing up the Bard spellbooks with example messaging, additional notes and completing any incomplete fields.

Does anyone know how to edit the Categories: fields in the templates to add additional categories for the spelltype? Most enchantes perform more than one function, and I wanted to update them to reflect that. I also wanted to update the valid targets fields to include the special LOUD/QUIET mechanics for enchantes, but I'm not sure how to do that!

Thanks--Slowhubb 02:46, 13 November 2007 (CST)

I wrote the {{spell}} template, which {{enchante}} was based on. I think you're asking how to put in multiple values in, for example, the "spelltype" field and have the enchante go into all the categories corresponding to those values. The short answer is, it makes for really complicated code to trap for and match multiple values in one field. The easiest way to achieve the same end would be to add multiple fields eg spelltype1, spelltype2, spelltype3, etc etc (blank entries wouldn't display) but I think this would make the template really cumbersome. It might be worth doing, but that would also require re-entering info for all the spells and enchantes. For now just add the extra category markers to the article manually.
I've never played a bard so I have no idea what the loud/quiet thing is ;) --Farman 22:33, 14 November 2007 (CST)

Okay, I'm not too good with the wikicode so I will leave it for now. I guess I can add notes in the Notes field about loud/quiet. Essentially, enchantes can affect different target sets based on your LOUD/QUIET setting, so the valid targets change with that setting.

Thanks--Slowhubb 18:30, 16 November 2007 (CST)

Finished editing the Enchantes pages. Please let me know what you think!

I'm missing some messaging for Resonance, because my Bard in TF can't sing the song through fully at the moment. Please add the verse/chorus messaging if you can!

Thanks--Slowhubb 22:43, 18 November 2007 (CST)