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Unctuous Rakash zombie

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Unctuous Rakash Zombie
Unknown creature.jpg
Creature Levels:
    Overall ?
    Level Variance -
    Natural Attack ?
    Weapon Attack ?
    Defense ?
    Player Estimated -
Potential overall skill: ?
Skill Cap 260 to ?
Skinnable No
Has Coins Yes
Has Gems Yes
Has Boxes Yes
Has Other Unknown
Uses Weapons Unknown
Alignment Undead
Corporeal Yes
Construct No
Casts Spells No
Attack Range Melee
Stealthy No
Special Attacks Yes
Special Defenses Unknown
Body Type Biped
Body Type (Alt) unknown
Body Size unknown
  • Invasion only
Premium-Only Unknown
Locksmithing Details
Skill Required Careful: ?
Teaching Cap ?

One of Lyras' creatures that invaded during the war that followed the breaching of the Great Barrier.

Was found in the area surrounding Therenborough.


Mangy skin covers the Rakash zombie, tightly stretched over bone and rotting sinew. Despite the fact that its features are badly distended and bloated, the lupine nature of its former race in moonskin is evident. A stench of decay rises from the zombie, and flies swarm about every oozing orifice.

In Depth

The Rakash zombie gets stronger as it successfully hits an opponent.

An unctuous Rakash zombie claws at you. You barely block with a crocodile-skin buckler. The claw lands a very heavy hit that severs your left hand and sends it flying through the air, knocking you completely senseless.
It seems to gain strength from its attack, growing somewhat in size and stature!


It is wearing nothing!
It is carrying nothing!