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- Glitter
- Glitter-covered doeskin quiver
- Glitter-covered dragonfly doll with delicate gossamer wings
- Glitter-dusted dragonfly wing earrings
- Glitter-dusted parchment
- Glitter-dusted white cotton apron
- Glitter-flecked glass terrarium cast in the shape of a rainbow
- Glittered clay mortar in the shape of a ripe turnip
- Glittered clay pestle capped with a silver turnip
- Glittered felwood mirror reflecting a non-descript figure with a slouched build
- Glittered gem pouch dangling iridescent iniskim icedrops
- Glittered green-scaled dragon mask
- Glittered inkpot
- Glittered paper carton displaying the image of a flowery dragon
- Glittered violet tart pouch adorned with circus performers
- Glittering Chris's Mass trinket
- Glittering arkrose sandstone bowl rimmed with coralite
- Glittering augmenting loop of dark blue starstones
- Glittering black marquisette gown with dramatic cobalt-blue faience beadwork
- Glittering black metal egg
- Glittering blue gold dust
- Glittering bypass wedding ring with scintillating amethyst accents
- Glittering cambrinth star
- Glittering cambrinth sun-in-glory
- Glittering coin prism
- Glittering commemorative disk
- Glittering crystal ring inset with precious gemstones
- Glittering crystal tile floor
- Glittering crystalline eldring
- Glittering cushion-cut ruby
- Glittering diamondwood treasure chest with black gold hinges
- Glittering ebonwood unicorn horn
- Glittering firefly faceted from a pale green svelae
- Glittering gaethzen sunburst
- Glittering gaethzen sunburst caught upon a dawnfire steel chain
- Glittering glass sphere
- Glittering gold jar streaked with bronze
- Glittering gold package
- Glittering gold rose
- Glittering gold torque attached to a delicately incised spherical bell
- Glittering goldstone calling card dispenser
- Glittering invitation
- Glittering kaleidoscope of pure white alerce
- Glittering lion chiseled from diamondique
- Glittering metallic green key
- Glittering model of Shard overrun by tiny multicolored cows
- Glittering night diamond snail housed in a spiraled silver-limned shell
- Glittering onyx chunk
- Glittering orichalcum tiara inset with a single piece of heliotrope
- Glittering pair of rhinestone-spangled spectacles
- Glittering phoenix amulet affixed to a strand of hawthorn worry beads
- Glittering pink morawen
- Glittering raspberry-hued shirt of uzil with blackberry-shaped onyx cufflinks
- Glittering ruby-red kaleidoscope
- Glittering sea nettle bloom sculpted from iridescent black glass
- Glittering silver belt of moons and stars linked with tiny jade bells
- Glittering silver chain
- Glittering silver ear cuff
- Glittering silver silk dance veil
- Glittering silver wand tipped with a translucent blue crystal sphere
- Glittering star-streaked sign that reads "PERFORMANCE IN PROGRESS!"
- Glittering starlight ruby rose
- Glittering sun idol of radiant-cut aurora opals strung upon faesilk filaments
- Glittering tiara carved from a single piece of pink diamond
- Glittering topaz and gold clasp
- Glittering white alerce costume trunk with a braided candy pink cire strap
- Glittering yellow diamond
- Glitterstar-eyed serpent charm
- Glittery amethyst yarn
- Glittery baby dragons
- Glittery bauble etched with a harpischord
- Glittery black box patterned with dragon scales
- Glittery black wand set with an uncut quartz crystal
- Glittery blob formed from fine silky sand
- Glittery blown-glass pen with a tapered rose gold nib
- Glittery blue candy bag stitched with fanciful images of sea creatures
- Glittery blue jar painted with a variety of spectacles
- Glittery blue paintstick
- Glittery blue watersilk gem pouch clasped with a mermaid's chalcedony dolphin
- Glittery bobbin
- Glittery coral shintu rippled with gold-flecked waves
- Glittery coralite stylus shaped like a slender trident
- Glittery crown of lush Romantic Ballad peonies dappled with opalescent crystals
- Glittery crystal thorn
- Glittery diamond-shaped note with beveled edges
- Glittery diamondique ornament inscribed with a small ballista
- Glittery diamondwood cane topped with a grinning jester's head
- Glittery emerald-shaped voucher painted with a dragonwood liquor credenza
- Glittery floor-length silk gown arrayed in champagne diamonds
- Glittery fluttering tail ribbons
- Glittery foil pinwheel with polka dots
- Glittery gold scroll
- Glittery goldweave purse in the shape of an enormous seven-pointed star
- Glittery gossamer tutu overlaid with iridescent emerald and violet taffeta
- Glittery green candy bag appliqued with a cheerful oak tree
- Glittery grey watersilk shark costume with a crescent-shaped tail
- Glittery ice skates covered in green sequins
- Glittery ink bottle
- Glittery jacket featuring tiers of metallic fringe
- Glittery kaleidoscopic ring encasing a brilliant cosmic zircon
- Glittery lipka cotton robes dyed a striking shade of blue
- Glittery lollipop-shaped pillow shaded in a swirling rainbow of hues
- Glittery mica inkpot
- Glittery midnight-hued ballgown with an overskirt of star-flocked marquisette
- Glittery mirror painted with starry eyes
- Glittery onyx paintstick
- Glittery pearl paintstick
- Glittery pink coralite tailband inlaid with a darkstone disc
- Glittery pink paintstick
- Glittery pink rose-shaped cake ball on a stick
- Glittery platinum poppet with stormfire topaz eyes
- Glittery platinum scroll
- Glittery platinum stars
- Glittery rainbow-shaped eraser
- Glittery rainbow-shaped slate framed with e'erdream clouds
- Glittery red jar dappled with shimmery hearts
- Glittery red paintstick
- Glittery rose gold jaalmin ballgown featuring a dramatically plunging neckline
- Glittery silver bracelet inlaid with jelly opals
- Glittery silver vellum
- Glittery spidersilk twine with black beads
- Glittery turban stitched to resemble a curled cloud eel
- Glittery unicorn-shaped slate framed with e'erdream hearts
- Glittery whisperlayne tutu overlaid with iridescent emerald and violet cire