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ItemSource isRarity is
Baggy sand-colored breeches tailored from smooth Velakan linentreasure maptreasure map
Billowing golden robe elaborately embroidered in deep sanguine threadShh'oi Mhhg
Blackened steel scimitar with a Musparan silk wrapped hiltPremium rafflesraffle
Breaking and Entering/Rooms and Loot/Material options
Brushed Musparan silk cloak with a missing claspPi'rasha's Pins (2) Pi'rasha's Pins (1)
Cloth-lined celestial charts detailed with inkBreaking and Entering/Sanctum lootcommon
Colorful Musparan silk dance veil dangling a fringe of copper Lirum charmsHollow Eve Festival 425/Raffles
Copper Musparan silk duffel bag fettered with ivory togglesSindah's Silk Sensations (3) Sindah's Silk Sensations (2)
Deep maroon shirt with wide sleeves gathered by large golden buttonsShh'oi Mhhg
Dramatic cloak fastened with a claspHollow Eve Festival 439/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 436/Game prizesHollow Eve Festival 450/Game prizes Hollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizesincidental