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Hill sledding is a fun winter-time activity available during Chris' Mass!
Sledding Hills
Sleds For Purchase
How to Sled
Buy yourself a sled (or not), head to the nearest sledding hill, Either GO HILL or JUMP HILL. Results appear to be random, end in 5-15 second roundtime, and several can leave you sitting or prone. People at the top of the hill and at the bottom of the hill will see different messages depending on which result you end up with.
Possible Results, With Sled
You see:
With a joyful hoot, you throw your sled to the ground and leap onto it! Everything goes well for a few moments of your rapid descent down the hill until an icy patch midway down the slope. Time seems to drag out as your arms flail wildly, the sled flying out from under your feet and hitting you squarely in the forehead! Everything goes black for a moment. Next thing you know, you're laying on the ground at the bottom of the hill, stunned! Somehow, your sled ends up in your hand.
You end prone. Although you do not get stun messaging, you are technically stunned and if you are wearing a stun hider, it may activate it and automatically hide you.
Others see, from top:
<name> gives a rowdy hoot, throwing <his/her> sled to the ground and leaping atop it! <name> glides down the hill with a casual grace until <he/she> begins to flail <his/her> arms wildly, quickly disappearing from view.
'Others see, from bottom:
A loud hoot can be heard from high up on the hill. Looking up, you see <name> hurdling down the hill from atop <his/her> sled. The confident grin on <his/her> face lasts only a moment before <he/she> skids wildly out of control, <his/her> sled flying out from under <his/her> and bopping <his/her> on <his/her> forehead! <name> flops face first down the rest of the hill before finally reaching the bottom, a stunned look on <his/her> face. To add insult to injury, <his/her> sled bounces off of <his/her> rear before landing in <his/her> hand.
You see:
A cloud of snow fans around you as you leap atop your sled and speed down the hill. With your feet in front of you, you lean to and fro, guiding the sled around with grace. Near the bottom, you slow to a smooth stop.
Other see, from top:
A cloud of snow rises from the edge of the hill as <name> leaps atop <his/her> sled and speeds downward. You watch as <he/she> leans to and fro, guiding the sled around with grace before <he/she> disappears from view.
'Others see, from bottom:
A cloud of snow draws your attention as <name> speeds down the hill, feet stretched out in front of <his/her>. Leaning to and fro, <he/she> guides the sled around with grace. Not far from you, <he/she> slows to a smooth stop.
You see:
With grace and swiftness you leap atop your sled and plummet down the slope at break-neck speed. In a fluid movement, you shift your weight, bringing the front of your sled into the air followed by the rear, and sail effortlessly through the air before landing on both feet. You skid to a stop, flinging snow all around you.
Others see, from top
<name> leaps atop <his/her> sled with grace and swiftness, plummeting down the slope at break-neck speed. Standing slightly crouched, <he/she> balances expertly on both feet, navigating turns with ease. Quickly, <he/she> rushes into a tight turn, vanishing from view.
'Others see, from bottom:
<name> plummets down the slope at break-neck speed, expertly balanced atop a sled. You watch as <he/she> fluidly brings the front of the sled into the air, followed by the rear, and sails effortlessly through the air before landing on both feet. Skidding to a stop, <he/she> flings snow all about.
You see:
With a shriek of glee, you throw your sled to the ground and leap atop it! Your arms flail for a moment as you begin your descent down the hill, though you quickly regain your balance and even manage a few fancy turns before coming to a halt at the bottom of the hill and quickly scoop up your sled.
Others see, from top:
<name> gives a manic shriek, throwing <his/her> sled to the ground and leaping atop it! She flails <his/her> arms wildly for a moment, about to plunge face first into the snowy hill. Straightening out, <name> manages to execute a series of impressively sharp turns, sending snow streaking through the air before <he/she> disappears from sight down the hill.
Others see, from bottom:
From high up on the hill, you see <name> standing atop <his/her> sled as <he/she> rapidly descends down the snowy slope. She executes an impressive series of sharp turns, sending snow cascading through the air before coming to a halt at the bottom of the hill and scooping up <his/her> sled.
You see:
Laughing loudly, you shove away from the slope and barrel towards the bottom. The sled coasts easily around the turns and the wind rushes into your face, leaving you teary-eyed as you speed along. A grin spreads from ear to ear as you slow to a stop, rise to your feet and offer an exaggerated bow.
Others see, from top:
With loudly ringing laughter, <name> shoves away from the slope and barrels down the hill. You observe the ease with which <his/her> sled navigates the turns as <his/her> image grows smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing completely from view.
Others see, from bottom:
Zipping around a tight turn and barreling toward the bottom of the hill, <name>'s laughter rings loudly around you. As <he/she> pulls <his/her> sled to a stop, <he/she> flashes an ear-to-ear grin, rises to <his/her> feet and bends in an exaggerated bow.
You see:
You sail down the slope, nimbly balanced atop your sled. Across a long, flat stretch, you suddenly shift position to bring the front edge of your sled into the air, pivoting in a half-circle. You guide the sled downward again and smoothly spin once more, turning yourself with ease until you reach the bottom, sliding to a stop.
Others see, from top:
Balanced nimbly atop <his/her> sled, <name> sails over the edge and down the slope. Shifting position across a flat stretch, <he/she> brings the front edge of the sled into the air, pivoting in a half-circle. Guiding the sled downward again, <he/she> smoothly spins once more, before turning with ease until disappearing out of sight.
Other see, from bottom:
Balanced atop <his/her> sled, <name> sails downward nimbly, balancing atop a sled. As <he/she> approaches, <he/she> executes a series of spins, turning to face opposing directions with each maneuver until sliding to precise stop.
You see:
Leaving behind a trail of flying snow, you speed down the slope balanced atop your sled. Leaning backwards, you drive the front of your sled into empty space and push yourself into the air, landing neatly after several seconds and executing a short spin before skidding to a stop.
Other see, from top:
Leaving behind a trail of flying snow, <name> speeds nimbly down the slope balanced atop a sled. As <he/she> descends, <he/she> leans backwards, driving the front of <his/her> sled out. Landing neatly after several seconds, <he/she> races around a curve and out of sight.
Others see, from bottom:
<name> approaches, a trail of snow flying behind <his/her>. As <he/she> descends,<he/she> leans backwards, driving the front of <his/her> sled out. Landing neatly after several seconds, <he/she> skids to a stop.
Possible Results, Without Sled
You see:
With a mighty bellow, you summon all your strength and fling yourself headfirst down the hill. Moving with the agility of an eel, you twist and turn your body as the snow rushes past before coming to a graceful stop at the bottom.
Others see, from top:
<name> gives a mighty bellow, summoning <his/her> strength and flinging herself headfirst down the hill. Moving with the agility of an eel, <he/she> twists and turns <his/her> body as the snow rushes past before <he/she> rounds a corner and disappears.
Others see, from bottom:
From high above, you glimpse <name> leaping into the air and flinging herself headfirst down the hill. As <he/she> speeds artfully down the hill, the snow scatters in a cloud of white behind <his/her>.
You see:
With a squeal of laughter, you dive headfirst off the edge of the slope and skid across the snow on your belly. Holding your legs bent at the knees, you twist artfully as you speed downward rapidly. Drawing near the bottom, you pull yourself into a sitting position and slow to a stop.
You end sitting.
Others see, from top:
<name>'s laughter echoes around you as <he/she> dives headfirst off the edge and skids downward on <his/her> belly. With <his/her> legs bent at the knees, <he/she> twists artfully as <he/she> speeds farther and farther away, eventually disappearing beyond a tight turn.
Others see, from bottom:
From the top of the slope, <name>'s hearty laughter rings out as <he/she> dives headfirst off the edge and skids downwards on <his/her> belly. Holding <his/her> legs bent at the knees, <he/she> twists artfully, drawing closer before <he/she> pulls herself into a sitting position and stops.
You see:
Glancing down the side of the slope, you take a deep breath and jump headlong down the hill. Stumbling at the last minute, snow covers your face and wedges beneath your clothes. You quickly right yourself and manage a merry squeal as you slow to a gradual stop.
Others see, from top:
<name> peeks down the side of the hill and heaves a huge sigh. Closing <his/her> eyes a moment, <he/she> appears to utter a quick prayer before jumping into a headlong slide down the slope. A strangled cry and a cough floats back from <his/her> direction as <he/she> bumps over a rut and disappears around a bend.
Others see, from bottom:
A strangled cry announces <name>'s arrival as <he/she> launches around a curve at high speed. Appearing like a living icicle from the snow blanketing <his/her>, <he/she> tilts dangerously to one side, hurtling toward the bottom of the hill. Quickly righting herself, <he/she> manages a merry squeal as <he/she> slows to a gradual stop.
You see:
You fling yourself headfirst over the edge of the hill, catching your foot against a rock in the process. Tumbling out of control, you skid head over heels downwards, sputtering as snow fills your mouth and nose. Blind and dizzy, roll comically, landing in a heap.
You end prone.
Others see, from top:
As <name> flings herself over the edge of the slope, <he/she> catches <his/her> foot on a rock, disrupting <his/her> balance. Tumbling head over heels downwards spluttering and kicking, <he/she> cartwheels around a curve and vanishes from sight. That's going to hurt come morning!
Others see, from bottom:
Glancing at the top of the hill, you notice <name> fling herself over the edge of the slope. Catching <his/her> foot on a rock, <he/she> knocks herself off balance. Spluttering and kicking, tumbling head over heels downwards, you watch as <he/she> rolls comically, landing in a heap.
You see:
You glance over the side of the slope before lowering onto your belly and pushing off downwards. Unable to laugh aloud and not inhale snow, your eyes light with merriment as you steer around before easing into a controlled stop at the bottom.
You end prone.
Others see, from top:
With eyes crinkling in silent laughter, <name> flattens herself against the snow and artfully slides belly-first over the edge. Artfully speeding through twists and turns, snow flies about behind <his/her> as <he/she> vanishes from sight around a bend.
Others see, from bottom:
Near the top of the slope <name> edges downwards, flattening herself against the snow and artfully slides belly-first downhill. Spiraling with ease around the bends, you notice the crinkle in <his/her> eyes that speaks of silent laughter as <he/she> eases to a stop.