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Saendalen shark

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saendalen shark
Unknown creature.jpg
Creature Levels:
    Overall 63
    Level Variance -
    Natural Attack 63
    Weapon Attack 63
    Defense 63
    Player Estimated -
Potential overall skill: 285
Skill Cap 300 to 475
Skinnable Yes
Has Coins No
Has Gems No
Has Boxes No
Has Other Unknown
Uses Weapons Unknown
Alignment No
Corporeal Yes
Construct No
Casts Spells No
Attack Range Melee
Stealthy Yes
Special Attacks Yes
Special Defenses Unknown
Body Type fish
Body Type (Alt) unknown
Body Size unknown
  • Quest only
Premium-Only Unknown
Skinning Details
Skin Name sharkskin hide
Skin Weight 5
Ranks Required 260
Max Value ?
Max Arranged ?
Manipulatable Yes
Skill Required ? / ?
Teaching Cap ?

Found during the Taisidon Safari and Taisidon Mystery events.


They come in many sizes and varieties, but for most people who encounter these sleek predators, it is the rows of razor-sharp teeth and soulless black eyes that will forever linger in their minds.


  • You recall that is among the most fearsome predators of the sea, possessing a voracious appetite and keen hunting instincts. Dangerous under the best of circumstances, are said to be even more aggressive when fresh blood is in the water, and are known to be drawn to the scent of blood.
  • They are not known to cast any recognized spells.
  • They are not known to carry loot in locked boxes.

In Depth


It is wearing nothing!
It is carrying nothing!

Special Attack

If you get one to bleed, you receive the message:

  • As blood fills the water, a Saendalen shark grows agitated, thrashing about hungrily. You have a very bad feeling about this.

This then has the potential to summon an additional 3 whitetip shark to the fight.