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Provincial Dispatch
The Provincial Dispatch is a catalogue of happenings and events in Elanthia captured in brief writings of players. Entries are brief, to the point, and are offered without any expression of opinion. These entries are not player-created lore, but neither are they sponsored in any official capacity.
Lead Correspondent Lenaea Rothschild
Latest Entries
436-03-09 - Discussion on the Dragon Priest Assault
Yraggahh held a meeting at the Public Meeting Room of the Crossing Town Hall to discuss the attack on the Dragon Priests. Yraggahh explained that odd green-colored moongates opened on Aesry that led to the Black Spire, and that adventurers passing through the moongates saw faces of Dragon Priests appear in the sky watching them as they were being attacked, as if viewed through a Shadewatch Mirror. During the attack Yraggahh noticed mechanical movement in the Spire, with "walls shifting and panels moving about" and could "hear gears, something changing within the Spire itself." The Dragon Emperor did not lead forces into battle and was not seen during the assault--the Dragon Priest forces were commanded by an ancient Crone and attacked at her word, and the machinations within the spire moved at her command. There was talk of sending a scouting force again to Aesry, but Yraggahh reasoned that the way forward is not set at this time. Instead, the purpose of the meeting was to spread knowledge so that others may be informed and take what action they see fit.
Dispatch relayed by Lenaea Rothschild
Log of Discussion:
436-03-10 - A Plan to Perform Tests on Adan'f
Eyst hosted a meeting under the stars at Sunbeam Circle, just outside Shard's East gate, to announce a plan to help better understand Adan'f. Eyst explained that the Adan'f have been perceived by some as a terrible evil, a "twisted mockery of the S'kra" whose intellect "is put only to vile pursuits." But, he continued, others may see the creatures in a more sympathetic light, as beasts who, through no fault of their own, were subjected to the whims of the Dragon Priests, turned into slaves and fodder for war. Eyst announced that he was planning to seek a greater understanding of the Adan'f, similar to how he and others had done with the Kra'hei. The plan would involve subjecting a captured Adan'f subject to a battery of tests performed by individuals from a variety of disciplines, including Moon Mages, Empaths, Clerics, "and some others more escoteric." Xelten expressed interest in the endeavor but urged caution. Qihhth suspected that Necromancers might be involved, and sarcastically suggested that perhaps it would be the best idea to ask Xerasyth to help out. Lagu and Vikhhran both expressed interest in helping move the experiment along. The experiment will take place within a fortnight at the cairn in the Whistling Wood.
Dispatch relayed by Lenaea Rothschild
Log of Discussion:
436-06-34 - Moon Mage Visions Meeting
Court Mage Miskton led a meeting at the Shard Observatory to discuss recent Moon Mage visions. Four of the five visions drew varied reactions and interpretations from attendees, but most in attendance generally agreed that a vision of two women calming a herd of charging horses pertains to, or is at least related to, another series of visions involving an empath who was killed. There was no decision to take further action on any of the visions aside from the suggestion that Moon Mages should continue to monitor future visions to discern any evolving patterns.
Dispatch relayed by Lenaea Rothschild
Log of Discussion: