Post:Verb Updates POSE - 04/14/2015 - 15:58

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[Verb Updates] POSE · on 04/14/2015 03:58 PM CDT 1078
I promised changes! We have changes!

POSE has been redone, giving Gor'Togs many more options to be.. well, Gor'Togs.

What changed:

  • Gor'Togs now have new options.
  • Gor'Togs can now direct all poses AT people or even POSE at themselves.
  • Kaldars also get the option to direct POSE STRONG at people.
  • Everyone else gets the option to use the regular POSEs as well as direct poses at people / creatures / items.


This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms \ Gor'Togs - Tog Talk, by DR-NAOHHI on the forums.