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Post:Tri-Tool Approach - 01/07/2008 - 15:07

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Tri-Tool Approach · on 01/07/2008 03:07 PM CST 230
Another idea for how the enchanting skill might be organized, submitted for your consideration / thoughtful input / complaints about the state of the Smithing skill:



Enchanting is a Lore skill. Even if it is dealing with magical materials and forces, the actual act of enchanting is tool-based and non-magical. Anyone with the proper tools and knowledge can craft an enchantment.

Clarification #1:
For enchantments that mimic the function of a spell, part of that essential knowledge is the ability to cast that spell. We are not going to live in a world where Clerics make Permanent Moonblades and Moon Mages make rejuvenation trinkets. The only alternative I will entertain is that these things simply will not exist in the enchanting system.

Clarification #2:
Barbarians are as capable of enchanting as anyone else, though their Inner Fire will suffer for it. It is impossible for the Barbarian to escape his beliefs and training; even if enchanting requires no direct mana manipulation, the Barbarian's inner power suffers for creating and trafficking in the ultimate form of crutch.


There are three disciplines of enchanting: Elemental Enchanting, Holy Enchanting, Lunar Enchanting. All enchantments fit into one of these three disciplines, and enchanters can use every discipline regardless of their guild status. Each discipline has a different set of tools and a different way to use them. A masterful enchanter needs to learn how to use and maintain tools for all three.

For example: The enchantment that makes a sword burst into flames on impact is an Elemental enchantment. Anyone can create this enchantment, but they must use the tools and methodology of Elemental enchanting to accomplish it.


While each system has different tools, they break down into the same three categories.

#1: The base tool. This is the source of magic which is manipulated into becoming an enchantment. The Lunar Enchanting version of this is the Imbued item. Base tools are consumed during use.

Base tools are not created, they are conjured by magic. An Elemental, Holy, or Lunar magician can create their type of base tool if they know the spell to do so. They can only create the base tool of their mana type, all other base tools the enchanter wishes to use must be bought or traded from other magic users.

Other than spell knowledge checks on certain enchantments, this is the only direct application of spellcasting in the enchanting system.

#2: The active tool. This is the tool which the enchanter manipulates the base tool with. The Lunar Enchanting version of this is the enchanter's burin.

Active tools are created with the Enchanting skill. They have varying levels of refinement, but the most basic version of the tool is the first thing an enchanter can make. Active tools may be semi-permanent, or consumed during use.

#3: The variable tool. This is the set of variables which the enchanter shapes the base tool into (using the active tool). The Lunar Enchanting version of this is the sigils.


Enchanting is the process of using a set of tools and a methodology to artificially create a magical effect. Using the active tool, the enchanter sets a number of variables into the base tool. If those variables result in a real enchantment, they have completed the major portion of creating the magical device.

What happens afterward depends on the device in question. Simple devices (the equivalent of Constellation Jewelry) could be completed once all the variables are set. More elaborate devices (the equivalent of Gwethsmashers) will be half-completed. The steps to finish a half-completed device will always be unique to that device.


This message was originally posted in Lore \ Enchanting Skill, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.