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Post:The Temple of Serenity - 03/10/2014 - 21:12

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The Temple of Serenity · on 03/10/2014 21:12 1152
Here is a record from the opening tour of the new Temple of Serenity on Wyvern Mountain, in Ilithi!

[The Great Tower, Chamber of Voices]
This room is a touch chilly despite the red carpet that has been laid down on the floor. Aisles of polished wooden benches allow for around seventy Human adults to sit in comfortably. A raised dais occupies the rear of the room, an ornate podium rising up in front of it.
Also here: Temple Emissary Niloa and Handmaiden Inyasa.
Obvious exits: out.

Skaen asks, "The Temple of Serenity is a temple dedicated to personal growth then?"

Niloa nods to Skaen.

Skaen gives a slight nod.

Niloa says, "That we are."

Niloa says, "The Ferdahl has given us leave to build our physical location, but our teachings as they are have been something that I have given my life to."

Niloa says, "It was very fortunate that I was able to assist the city for as long as I have. I feel blessed to be of use both to Shard and to the temple."

Inyasa says, "I've only visited it once during the construction so far, as I am not really physically equipped for dealing with the creatures that inhabit the mountain. But from what I have seen, it is a very beautiful place."

Niloa says, "I only hope that Shard will feel similarly blessed by our hospitality."

Niloa smiles at Inyasa.

Niloa says, "Artful dedication."

Niloa says, "It has been a labor of love, and of learning."

Niloa says to Inyasa, "If you wish to make the trip, I can show you the most direct way."

Niloa says, "You do have to pass many of the wyverns, but if you are quick, it is not that dangerous."

Traim says, "I see able escorts abound as well."

Traim points at Skaen.

Skaen shakes his head.

Skaen chuckles to himself.

Traim pats Skaen on the back.

Niloa says, "I'd promised a tour when I was here for the street faire, so if any of you are likewise interested..."

Niloa smiles.

Skaen asks, "A small question Niloa?"

Inyasa asks Niloa, "Perhaps in a bit, that would be good. Is the construction far along enough that we could see the temple?"

Niloa nods to Inyasa.

Niloa asks Skaen, "Yes?"

Skaen says, "I'm afraid being from the North I'm not familiar with your temple of serenity..."

Skaen asks, "Is it associated with the High Temple in Crossing or is a separate institution?"

Niloa says, "Ahh, well, not many outside the north are, either."

Niloa shakes her head.

Niloa says, "We are not a religious temple."

Inyasa says, "It's a separate institution. One of the betterment projects for Ilithi."

Traim raises an eyebrow in Niloa's direction.

Niloa smiles at Inyasa.

Niloa says, "That we are."

Skaen says, "Ah, thank you."

Skaen smiles.

Traim asks, "Not religious? The temple is secular? Personal growth for the sake of the philosophy? Like the Crystal Hand?"

Inyasa says to Traim, "From what I have seen of it, that's exactly what it is."

Niloa says, "The Temple of Serenity is a place of inner enlightenment and growth of the self, not entirely unlike the basis for the Crystal Hand, though we come from other traditions."

Traim nods.

Traim says, "That is...fascinating."

Traim says, "I had no idea."

Niloa says, "Our earliest teachings are those that have been protected throughout the ages, old Elothean philosophies and practices."

Niloa says, "We've been keepers of these ways for a long, long time now."

Traim nods to Niloa.

Niloa says, "But interest was not always so high."

Traim says, "I can imagine."

Traim says, "Or maybe I can't."

Traim chuckles.

Niloa smiles.

Niloa says, "It has been mostly passed as a living tradition, from teacher to student, all of these years."

Niloa says, "Though we do have some early artifacts still."

Niloa says, "I hope to show them to you all if you choose to come on the tour."

Inyasa says to Niloa, "This means, of course, that I'll be losing you as my assistant soon."

Niloa says to Inyasa, "I am forever at your disposal."

Traim asks, "Wouldn't miss it. Do you mind me asking if your practice has, now or in the past, specific Elothean House loyalties?"

Traim says, "It seems like a difficult thing you have sustained for so long."

Inyasa says to Niloa, "I assume, however, that you will be residing at the temple soon."

Niloa says to Inyasa, "Primarily, yes. Though I shall come to you as needed."

Inyasa nods to Niloa.

Niloa says to Traim, "We've influences from many of the same ways that created many of the early Houses."

Niloa says, "But I think you will find most similarity in approach to that of the Floating Reed."

Niloa says, "We've common roots, as it were, that are perhaps the strongest to note."

Niloa smiles.

Traim quietly says, "Thank you for indulging me. Early houses, shared roots, that's...old."

Niloa nods to Traim.

Skaen nods in agreement.

Niloa says, "A lot of our practices, you can see their influence on much of the more modern aspects of Elothean culture, but it would be perhaps... diluted from the original form."

Niloa says, "It pleases me to be able to assist in bringing the older ways back to the public."

Niloa says, "But look at me, nattering on. I apologize."

Inyasa looks like she is barely paying attention, a look of great worry clear on her face.

Niloa rests her hand softly on Inyasa's arm.

Niloa says, "I sometimes forget that not everywhere I go is the time for a grand lesson."

Sebrahn gazes sadly at Inyasa.

Inyasa says, "I am fine. It's all right."

Inyasa mutters to herself.

Niloa says to Inyasa, "You are more than fine. Such as the waters must break."

Niloa nods to Inyasa.

Inyasa says, "I would say I am less than fine, but I will be all right."

Traim asks, "No leads at all yet as to commander Rekave?"

Niloa says to Inyasa, "You are as you will be. It is in you now just as much as in potential."

Inyasa says, "Nothing. It's not like him at all."

Sebrahn glances at Traim.

Traim says, "I admit my knowledge of his disappearance is...second hand."

Traim gazes at Sebrahn.

Traim says, "But I hadn't heard anything since."

Niloa says, "That is the unfortunate reality for us all."

Traim says, "He didn't strike me as one to draw enemies."

Inyasa says, "I mean, well, it is sort of like him to charge off recklessly and get his fool self in big trouble. But it's not like him to charge off recklessly and then vanish for months on end. He's always turned up before."

Inyasa sighs.

Niloa says to Inyasa, "And he shall again. He is the Lion as well as the sparrow."

Inyasa says to Niloa, "That analogy would work better with a donkey and a goat."

Niloa grins at Inyasa.

Jaibriel appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Asurun ponders.

Niloa says, "He is not my brother, after all."

Niloa pats Inyasa on the back.

Inyasa sighs.

Traim says, "I suspect her Grace does not appoint donkeys and goats as commanders."

Traim says, "With, perhaps, an exception or two."

Traim dusts himself off.

Inyasa says, "I'm still very worried about him, no matter what animal he is most like."

Niloa pats Inyasa on the back.

Niloa says to Inyasa, "They were sweeping up when I came back to town."

Inyasa says, "I've already had plenty of crying about it. If he turns up at this point, though, I promise to hug him before I yell at him."

Niloa says, "During."

Niloa nods to Inyasa.

Inyasa says, "Let's stop talking about my brother."

Niloa glances up at the darkening sky.

Inyasa asks Niloa, "You said the temple is ready for a tour? Is it ready for opening yet?"

Niloa says, "I do think so, yes."

Niloa says, "I left some of the others sweeping up."

Inyasa asks Niloa, "You plan on teaching there in the near future as well, yes?"

Niloa smiles.

Niloa says, "That I do. Once things are settled."

Niloa says to Inyasa, "I shall get everything situated before then, though."

Niloa says, "Plus I'll be traveling between here and the temple regularly as part of my duties to both."

Niloa says, "But I've finally put my soapbox in a more pleasing form."

Inyasa says to Niloa, "I will need your help for a few more things before I let you go there. But I won't stop you from doing what you really want to."

Inyasa says to Niloa, "And yes, I will want your help, at least some of the time."

Niloa says to Inyasa, "Anything as needed, before or after I change where I sleep, I remain your assistant if you so wish."

Niloa smiles.

Inyasa nods to Niloa.

Niloa says, "Really, this is just sparing you from worrying about my fires anyway."

Niloa winks at Inyasa.

Inyasa sighs.

Inyasa says, "Fair enough."

Inyasa says, "We should get going, before the sun is fully set."

Niloa smiles.

Inyasa joins Niloa's group.

Everyone joins Niloa's group.

Niloa smiles.

Niloa asks, "All are ready who wish to come?"

Sebrahn gives a slight nod.

You follow Niloa out.

[The Great Tower, Entryway]

Inyasa sighs.

Inyasa gazes off into the distance.

[Shard, West Bridge]

Niloa says, "As we get to the mountain, please stay close."

Inyasa gives a slight nod.

Niloa says, "If you get away from the group, it may be difficult for you to rejoin us safely."

[Western Road, Foot of Wyvern Mountain]

Traim moves over to guard Inyasa.

Niloa says, "If you've any preparations you wish, I can wait a moment."

Niloa smiles.

Niloa says, "Please let me know when you are ready."

Skaen asks Inyasa, "A small warding with your permission?"

Inyasa says to Skaen, "If you like, yes."

Inyasa says, "Wyvern Mountain is a dangerous place."

Skaen chuckles to himself.

Asurun says, "I'm set."

Skaen says, "All set."

Etherian nods.

Traim nods to Niloa.

Niloa asks Inyasa, "Lady?"

Inyasa nods to Niloa.

Niloa smiles.

Niloa nods.

Everyone follows Niloa.

Skaen says, "Looks like it's unneccesary now."

Skaen chuckles.

Skaen says, "Or not."

Niloa says, "We must climb where the --."

Inyasa says, "That was a lot of wyverns."

Niloa says, "Here."

[Wyvern Mountain, Above the Treeline]
Jutting out almost directly overhead, a wide dolomite ledge shades the pathway somewhat. Numerous hardy plants cling to the side of the mountain, sheltering in the protection of the ledge above. Tufts of tall grass grow around a tall fence crafted of green bamboo that ends the mountain pathway, sturdy and very well kept.
You also see an adult wyvern and an adult wyvern that is flying around.
Obvious paths: southeast.

Niloa takes a small key and unlocks a gate in the bamboo fence.

Temple Emissary Niloa's group went through a small bamboo gate.

[Wyvern Mountain, Temple Path]
A small and well-maintained garden has been built on either side of the pathway, flourishing in the shady space between the tall mountain boulders. Bright blue violets, scorpion blossoms, and snowdrops grow in abundance, filling the air with a heady scent. Twin fountains flow on either side of the path, made from natural rocks that spill crystal clear water into perfectly circular ponds.
You also see a small bamboo gate.
Obvious paths: northwest.

Asurun casually observes the area.

Niloa says, "And here we are."

Asurun says, "I did not run."

Niloa smiles.

Traim says, "Strategic reformation."

Inyasa says, "We walked."

Etherian says to Niloa, "Will the gate remain unlocked from now on? I'd hate to run through adult wyverns to find a locked gate."

Etherian smiles.

Skaen tugs futilely at the stem of a fire-red scorpion blossom.

Niloa says, "It shall."

Traim casually observes the area.

Skaen gets a tyrium skinning knife with a mistglass handle from inside his staff harness.

Skaen cuts himself a scorpion blossom with his knife.

Skaen puts his knife in his staff harness.

Niloa says to Skaen, "Those are tough."

Skaen sniffs at a fire-red scorpion blossom.

The last few clouds drift away, leaving a fine expanse of stars.

You follow Niloa northwest.

[Wyvern Mountain, Temple Path]
Numerous shoots of bamboo frame the small path, blocking most of the view of the surrounding rock and forming a lush green canopy overhead. Blue paper lanterns hang on poles that follow both sides of the narrow path, casting a serene glow that tinges the area in gentle cerulean hues. Well-tended herbs grow in stone-lined garden beds, protected from the harsh mountain wind by the hardy bamboo plants.
Obvious paths: southeast, west.

You follow Niloa west.

[Wyvern Mountain, Temple of Serenity]
A building can be seen past a garden to the north, its elaborately tiered roofs staggerd to overlap each other and follow the mountainside. Lush bamboo grows on either side of the twisting path, the intertwined and gently swaying tops making an ever-present rustling sound. Green grass grows sheltered by the shoots of bamboo, and the dirt path transitions to tightly interlocked stone.
Obvious paths: north, east.

You follow Niloa north.

[Temple of Serenity, Garden Entrance]
Lacy foliage wends around numerous pallid statuary that blaze with inner light, illuminating the temple that rests at this garden's center. A sweeping ivory edifice rendered even more luminous by the surrounding shadows, the temple is itself of elegant construction, from its niche-carved walls to its elaborately tiered roofs, each staggered to overlap the last as they climb upward to embrace the building's integration into the mountainous terrain.
You also see a set of wide double doors.
Obvious paths: south.

Skaen puts on a fire-red scorpion blossom.

Traim says, "Celestians. Love their flowers and pomp."

Traim pats Skaen on the back.

Niloa smiles.

Skaen dusts himself off.

Inyasa says to Niloa, "It is a lovely place."

Traim flashes a quick grin.

Traim casually observes the area.

Niloa says to Inyasa, "Thank you. It is a reflection of all of the temple. The work has been hard, but valued."

Temple Emissary Niloa's group went through a set of wide double doors.

[Temple of Serenity, Sanctuary]
Rendered in burnished gold, the elaborate carvings of the temple's exterior seem to only expand once within its walls, covering the entire ceiling here. Patterned rice paper set within golden framing serves as interior walls, the warm glow of lanterns on the other side casting distorted silhouettes upon it. Set into the floor is a lidless, vertically-slitted eye crafted from amber and onyx, its edges limned in inscribed silver. You also see a set of wide double doors.
Obvious exits: north, west.

Traim raises an eyebrow.

Jaibriel gazes down at the floor.

(Traim gazes at the floor.)

Niloa says, "Most of our artifacts are kept here in the sanctuary at various spots. If you've any questions, I'll do my best to answer."

Niloa says, "The floor took ages."

Traim quietly says, "I bet."

Niloa smiles.

Niloa says, "It was important to us, as the savant eye is greatly meaningful."

You follow Niloa west.

[Temple of Serenity, Sanctuary]
Placid blue streaks across the bottom of the rice paper, as the scene upon it expands to include a multitude of robed figures seated around the banks of a lake, their raised arms meeting golden rays of sunlight. Carved into the ivory of the opposite wall, a series of fantastically embellished niches holds opened scrolls bearing silver gilt text. The scent of heavily spiced incense wafts in from the north, bringing with it the soft murmur of footsteps and song.
Obvious exits: north, east.

Traim asks, "Savant eye?"

Traim says, "Forgive my ignorance."

Asurun says, "Elotheans have slitted eyes sometimes."

Niloa says to Traim, "Elotheans are sometimes born with eyes similar to that symbol. When they are, they are called savants and are revered by our people."

Traim nods.

Niloa says, "It is considered a reflection of great inner strength and insight."

Niloa says, "These scrolls here are rather old, but are in very good condition."

Inyasa glances at a scroll.

Niloa smiles.

You follow Niloa north.

[Temple of Serenity, Sanctuary]
This portion of the chamber is arrayed entirely in shades of gold, from the gilded carving that covers all of the hard surfaces to the intense glow of the illuminated honey-hued rice paper of the interior wall. The incense is very strong here, suffusing the very air with its thick, nearly intoxicating perfume. Musical chanting comes clearly from the east, a call and response of wordless tones that evoke the sounds of a gently burbling stream. You also see a narrow golden door flanked by softly glowing lanterns.
Obvious exits: east, south.

Skaen takes a deep breath and looks dizzy for just a moment.

Traim gazes at Skaen.

The tip of Skaen's tail makes lazy circles in the air.

Niloa says, "Through the door is one of my favorite rooms, personally, but let me show you one last space before we go there."

You follow Niloa east.

[Temple of Serenity, Podium]
The walls here, two paper and two stone, are nearly obscured by the many floor-to-ceiling lanterns that line them, washing the eerily-still temple attendants in a saffron light that matches their silken robes. Mostly Elotheans and Humans, they stand upon the raised platform in the room's center, eyes closed and faces tilted skyward as they chant. Perfumed smoke filters down from the cloud-carved ivory censors set into the golden sun-patterned ceiling, tickling the senses with rich, spicy notes that play atop an earthy musk base.
Obvious exits: south, west.

Inyasa takes a deep breath and looks dizzy for just a moment.

Skaen takes a deep breath and looks dizzy for just a moment.

Niloa says, "This is where I will be doing most of my teaching."

Niloa asks Inyasa, "Are you alright?"

Skaen says, "The incense is strong."

Skaen chortles softly at some secret joke.

Niloa says, "The incense is thick, yes."

Inyasa shakes her head.

Inyasa says, "I will be all right. Just a bit distracted."

Niloa says, "Well, let us move on so it does not overwhelm. I'm rather used to it, I think."

You follow Niloa west.

Temple Emissary Niloa's group went through a narrow golden door flanked by softly glowing lanterns.

[Temple of Serenity, Meditation Chamber]
The majority of this chamber consists of large, silver-lined pools filled with shimmering koi. Slender pathways curve between them, swelling at uneven intervals to accommodate movement around those seated in meditation without causing disruption. Water cascades down the rippled golden walls, catching in ivory basins before trickling across multitudes of crystalline bells on its way to the ponds below.
You also see a narrow golden door carved with lotus blossoms.
Obvious exits: east.

Traim asks, "Do you count many elves among your followers here?"

Traim gazes at Niloa.

Niloa nods to Traim.

Niloa says, "We've had students of all races, really."

Traim nods.

Niloa says, "Before we came to build the physical temple, we were travelers ourselves."

Jaibriel just touched a crystalline bell.

Niloa says, "Both as part of the practice of our ways, and as a way to spread our teachings."

Niloa smiles.

Traim holds a crystalline bell in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

You follow Niloa east.

[Temple of Serenity, Narrow Hallway]
The elevated height of this passage alleviates any impressions of tightness engendered by its narrow width. Tranquil wave patterns wrought in alternating silver and gold stream through the ivory of the walls, the hammered metals catching light from the hanging lanterns to scintillating effect. Carried in on a soft breeze from some unknown source, the delicate scent of lotus blossoms lingers in the air.
Obvious exits: east, west.

Niloa says, "Sorry. They are just bells."

Skaen sniffs the air around him.

Niloa smiles at Traim.

Traim says, "Curiosity."

Traim smiles.

Niloa says, "Experience."

Niloa nods.

You follow Niloa east.

[Temple of Serenity, Narrow Hallway]
The ceiling here descends, tapering down to a much more humble scale that stands in striking counterpoint to the grandiosity of its etched silver embellishments. Set into the ivory walls, hammered golden troughs hold resplendent lotuses floating within crystal clear waters, their pale, unblemished petals illuminated from above.
You also see a narrow passageway.
Obvious exits: west.

Traim says, "It's a beautiful place."

Niloa says, "The hall here leads to the spring."

Inyasa says to Niloa, "I still do not entirely understand why you built here, on the mountain full of dangerous creatures, instead of in the city as offered."

Traim says, "Like the volcano in some ways, but..not."

Niloa says to Traim, "Thank you."

Skaen just touched a resplendent sunburst lotus.

Niloa says to Inyasa, "The city is too safe, too filled with the world all at once."

Asurun ponders.

Etherian paces back and forth, smiling to himself quietly.

Niloa says, "Here there is both life's lessons writ large upon the mountain, and a measure of quiet that is needed for full reflection."

Inyasa says, "Hmm, fair enough."

Niloa says, "Really, the wyverns do keep many people from making the trip."

Niloa says, "So those who come are more likely to be truly interested in study and not just disruption."

Asurun says, "So the wyverns are natural guards."

Temple Emissary Niloa's group went into a narrow passageway.

[Temple of Serenity, Side Room]
The heady aroma of dried lotus blossoms mingles with that of the sweet almond oil in the decanters situated upon the low, golden table in this small room's center. Wooden benches, heavily gilded and lacquered to a flawless sheen, line the elaborately carved walls, providing a place to sit in respite before or after enjoying the adjacent cleansing spring. A silver serving cart sits near the entry, holding a large golden pitcher. You also see a narrow passageway, a smiling robe-clad attendant, a golden ladder leading down into the spring and a towel stand with a fluffy white towel on it.
Obvious exits: none.

Niloa says, "Of a sort, yes."

Niloa says, "As well as lessons."

Asurun ponders.

Asurun asks, "Don't get eaten?"

Niloa chuckles.

Niloa nods to Asurun.

Asurun nods.

Niloa says, "That and other things, yes."

Jaibriel wryly asks, "Would you argue that's not a good skill to know?"

Skaen says, "Fleet feet earn enlightenment."

Skaen chortles softly and draws tiny circles in the air with the tip of his tail.

Niloa says, "Here is our spring. Water has a special significance in our work."

Traim whispers, "Agreed."

Niloa says, "Many elements do, as you may have noticed from the rest of the temple."

Niloa says, "The natural world is a reflection of ourselves, as we are of it."

Inyasa says to Niloa, "You said something about salt, too."

Niloa nods to Inyasa.

Traim gazes at a golden ladder leading down into the spring.

Niloa says, "I was just going to mention that."

Niloa says, "Like the water, the sun, air, earth -- we are temporary creatures."

Traim takes a sip of his water.

Niloa says, "Salt is present in all of these things, is it not. In the air, in the minerals left behind in a fire, in waters, in the very ground."

Niloa says, "And within us."

Niloa says, "Salt mingles through all things. It is a commonality that is a good respresentative of the connections we seek to emphasize in our practices."

Inyasa looks distracted, but like she is at least somewhat paying attention.

Niloa says, "Because of this, we use salt drawings, tyura circles formally, to aid us in this emphasis."

Accord Keeper Malzard came out of a narrow passageway.

Skaen nods graciously at Malzard, giving him a polite smile.

Niloa says, "We color the salts with dyes and -- oh, hello."

Niloa smiles at Malzard.

Malzard smiles at Skaen.

Traim nods to Malzard.

Asurun rubs a gilded bench.

Niloa says, "Welcome to the Temple of Serenity."

Malzard asks Niloa, "Pardon the intrusion, Skaen had sent some thoughts to me. Might I join the group?"

Niloa says, "Of course."

Malzard gives a gracious nod.

Malzard praises Skaen.

Skaen smiles.

Niloa says, "I'm afraid I've shown the bulk of the temple, but I was just now talking about tyura circles as we use them in our practice."

Asurun nods to a smiling robe-clad attendant.

Traim takes a sip of his water.

Jaibriel asks, "It's an intriguing concept. I admire the philosophy behind it... do you use salt acquired from mines?"

Niloa nods to Jaibriel.

Niloa says, "Or the sea if one is more near to it."

Jaibriel nods.

Niloa says, "We color the salts with various plants, and then each color is chosen to reflect an aspect of ourselves."

Niloa says, "With the colors, we create the circle drawing, a physical representation of the concept on which we are focusing."

Niloa says, "When the drawing in complete, it is then destroyed."

Inyasa asks Niloa, "Why destroyed?"

Niloa says, "Fleeting perfection, ephemeral understanding. We are all, and we are nothing. We are born, and we die. We are, within ourselves, both potential and void. Same with the circles."

Niloa smiles.

Skaen asks Niloa, "Would it be possible to see the tyura meditation performed?"

Niloa says to Skaen, "That could be arranged for the future, if it is wanted."

Skaen gives a slight nod.

Jaibriel says, "I should love to see it myself."

Inyasa says to Niloa, "I would be interested too."

Niloa smiles.

Sebrahn nods at Jaibriel, obviously agreeing with her views.

Asurun says, "Interesting ideal."

Niloa says, "Lovely. I shall set it up."

Asurun says, "Sorta explains the Wyverns a bit more too."

Niloa smiles at Asurun.

Niloa says, "I will make announcements for when such a demonstration will be ready."

Niloa says, "I'm afraid we're all really rather exhausted still from the construction."

Inyasa nods to Niloa.

Niloa says, "And the concept is best represented when we are better able to reflect."

Niloa blushes a bright red color.

Skaen says, "Understandably."

Skaen nods to Niloa.

Asurun nods.

Niloa says, "I think most of us are more able to reflect on sore muscles and hungry bellies just now."

Niloa chuckles.

Niloa says, "That street faire was so welcome. I bought food and brought it back here for everyone."

Jaibriel says, "Those are also valuable experiences in life. Just a bit tiresome."

Niloa says, "We were all so tired of eating wyvern."

Niloa nods to Jaibriel.

Niloa says to Jaibriel, "Extremely valuable."

Niloa says, "This is really the full of it, save for the spring itself."

Niloa says, "You are welcome to go for a dip, if you'd like."

Inyasa says to Niloa, "I wouldn't mind seeing the spring, but not right now."

Niloa says, "It is very relaxing."

Niloa nods to Inyasa.

Skaen glances outside a moment.

Traim removes a faded traveler's cloak with a dust-stained hem from his shoulders.

Traim climbed down a golden ladder leading down into the spring.

Asurun says, "I think I shall come here often."

You hear a bump from a golden ladder leading down into the spring.

Niloa smiles.

Asurun gazes at a golden ladder leading down into the spring.

Malzard ponders.

Skaen gestures.

An oozing pool of darkness collects at your feet.

Jaibriel raises an eyebrow.

Jaibriel wryly asks, "Hard to climb back up when you're wet?"

Skaen climbed down a golden ladder leading down into the spring.

Skaen climbed up a golden ladder leading down into the spring.

Malzard darkly says, "It was all a trap."

Malzard nods to Jaibriel.

Traim climbed up a golden ladder leading down into the spring.

Etherian chuckles.

Malzard glances at Traim.

Malzard says to Jaibriel, "Nevermind."

Niloa asks Traim, "Was there a problem with the ladder?"

Skaen gets a sumptuous sapphire bath towel with bright yellow ducks embroidered across the hem from inside his grey sack.

Skaen vigorously rubs his body with a sumptuous sapphire bath towel with bright yellow ducks embroidered across the hem, drying himself off as much as possible.

Jaibriel chuckles.

Skaen squeezes a wet bath towel, wringing out a stream of water.

Niloa says, "I'll have it looked at."

Skaen puts his towel in his grey sack.

Traim says, "I figured it was a puzzle to reflect over."

Traim grins wryly.

Malzard chuckles to himself.

Asurun nods.

Traim's body is dripping with water. Pools of it are forming all around him.

Asurun says, "Puzzles are good for the mind."

Asurun ponders.

Traim gestures at Asurun.

Traim nods in agreement.

Traim moves over to guard Inyasa.

Asurun asks, "Will you be expanding the temple in the future?"

Niloa says, "Well, the construction is all very new. I'll have the ladder inspected."

Niloa says to Asurun, "I suppose that will depend on how many wish to study here."

Traim says to Niloa, "If it's not an intrusion, would you mind if we asked master Tiv if he'd like to visit? Next time the opportunity to speak with him arises."

Niloa says, "We are open to any who wish to come and learn."

Niloa smiles.

Asurun asks, "Next question, you sure there isn't a nearby Volcano that will erupt soon?"

Niloa says, "It would be our pleasure to host him if he wishes it."

Asurun gazes upward.

Niloa says, "I... well no, I mean, I'm not an elementalist."

Traim says, "No volcano. Just a dragon."

Niloa says, "But there are no records of volcanic activity in the mountain."

Asurun nods.

Asurun says, "Just making sure."

Malzard asks Traim, "Have you had occasion to see him since his initial return?"

Malzard gazes thoughtfully at Traim.

Inyasa says, "I would hope there is nothing more dangerous than wyverns here. Those are fairly dangerous already."

Traim says to Malzard, "Not since then, no."

Malzard gives Traim a slight nod.

Niloa says to Inyasa, "The wyverns, and there are some other creatures native to the mountain."

Niloa says, "But nothing stronger than the eldest of the wyverns."

Niloa smiles.

Traim asks Niloa, "Necromancer's creatures, right? Several of them?"

Niloa says, "Two types of oddities, yes."

Niloa nods to Traim.

Niloa says, "Other than the bone wyverns themselves, that is."

Traim nods to Niloa.

Malzard says to Skaen, "Thank you again."

Skaen smiles at Malzard.

Malzard says to Niloa, "I look forward to coming back in the near future."

Skaen says, "Surely."

Niloa smiles at Malzard.

Malzard casually observes the area.

Sweeping the tapestry cloak quickly around himself, Malzard begins to spin rapidly until becoming nothing more than a thin spindle of dust that traverses the area several times before being swept away in blustering gust.

Niloa says, "My."

Skaen chuckles to himself.

Jaibriel chuckles.

Niloa says, "That is quite an exit."

Jaibriel says, "He makes good exits."

Skaen nods in agreement.

Niloa nods to Jaibriel.

Temple Emissary Niloa's group went into a narrow passageway.

Niloa says, "So there you have it."

You follow Niloa west.

Inyasa says, "I would like a cloak like that."

Niloa says to Inyasa, "It seems very handy."

Traim grins wryly.

Inyasa asks Niloa, "Shall we head back to the Tower?"

Niloa smiles at Inyasa.

Niloa says to Inyasa, "I know there is much work still."

Skaen gestures.

A swirling vortex of shadows draws itself from the ground and coalesces into a black Moongate, which yawns open like a hungry maw.

Inyasa peers through the Moongate.

Niloa says, "Do the rest of you... oh."

Traim asks, "Where is that?"

Asurun says, "I would like to stay here."

Skaen says, "The empath guild in Shard."

Asurun grins.

Niloa peers through the Moongate.

Traim sniffles.

Jaibriel says, "Very kind of you. I'd definitely like to come back in the future, as well."

Niloa smiles.

Niloa says, "By all means."

Sebrahn nods politely.

Asurun bows to Niloa.

Sebrahn says, "Thank you for the tour."

Niloa says, "If any wish to stay, they are welcome as well."

Asurun says, "Thank you for sharing, look forward to learning more."

Niloa smiles.

Skaen says to Niloa, "Yes thank you for sharing this beautiful temple with us."

Skaen smiles.

Niloa curtsies.

Traim nods in agreement.

A black Moongate collapses in on itself.

Niloa says, "I am going to take the Handmaiden back now, and get to paperwork."

Niloa smiles.

Skaen nods to Niloa.

Inyasa nods.

Inyasa says, "Thank you."

Skaen carefully pours a preservative potion over his blossom. The liquid is absorbed very rapidly, leaving the blossom looking just as it did before.

Traim asks Niloa, "If you don't mind a quick, and pointless question, lady. What is your preferred weapon?"

Niloa smiles.

Skaen puts on a fire-red scorpion blossom.

Niloa asks, "Oh, me?"

Traim nods.

Traim smiles.

Traim says, "Visions you see. A silly question, but sometimes I try and put pieces together in my head."

Niloa says, "I suppose daggers. It rarely comes up."

Traim nods.

Niloa says, "Brawling perhaps."

Niloa ponders.

Niloa smiles.

Traim says, "Appreciate the indulgence again. And thank you for the tour."

Niloa asks, "Do fire pots count?"

Traim flashes a quick grin.

Traim shakes his head.

Inyasa says, "I've never used a weapon, myself."

Traim says, "It is a staff I am wondering about."

Traim says, "An elothean that fights with staff and shadow."

Niloa says, "Ahh, no, not generally."

Asurun says, "Hey that sounds like me."

Niloa says, "I rarely fight, at least physically."

Niloa says, "Though some of the vines around here did give me a go."

Traim says, "Abstractions anyway, as far as my visions go generally."

Traim nods to Niloa.

Niloa asks, "Oh, I'm sorry. Are you all staying?"

Niloa smiles.

Asurun says, "I am staying."

Asurun grins.

Niloa says, "Enjoy the temple then."

Niloa smiles.

Traim says, "I will see the Handmaiden back if that's alright."

Asurun says, "Be safe."

Niloa says, "And thank you for coming."

Inyasa nods.

Niloa waves.

You follow Niloa.

Niloa inhales a great swallow of air.

Niloa slowly empties her lungs.

Inyasa says to Niloa, "I believe we went too far."

Niloa says, "I am tired."

Niloa nods.

[Western Road, Foot of Wyvern Mountain]

Etherian smiles.

Etherian says, "And safe."

Inyasa slowly empties her lungs.

Traim praises Niloa.

Niloa says, "At times one must go other directions in order to avoid the wyverns."

Niloa says, "But usually it is not so bad."

Niloa says, "They seem riled up for some reason."

Inyasa says, "They are a wee bit aggressive, yes."

Niloa frowns.

Traim says, "As long as you don't wonder north."

Traim gives Niloa a wry grin.

[Shard, West Bridge]

Niloa smiles.

Niloa says, "And here we are."

Traim says, "Thanks again."

Traim bows to Niloa.

Inyasa nods.

Niloa smiles at Traim.

Traim bows to Inyasa.

Traim pulls down the brim of hat, making it difficult for you to see his face.

Niloa says, "You are very welcome."

Inyasa says, "Thank you."

Etherian says, "Thank you for the tour. I'll be sure to return and visit."

Etherian bows to Niloa.

Inyasa nods.

This message was originally posted in Places, Cities and Provinces of DragonRealm's Elanthia/Shard and environs, in the Province of Ilithi, by BLADEDBUTTERFLY on the forums.