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Post:The Gypsy's Journal (5-27-09) - 5/27/2009 - 19:38:21
The Gypsy's Journal (5-27-09) · on 5/27/2009 7:38:21 PM | 7525 |
Time stops in that early morning silence. Deep in the thrall of night the land is still. Our breath is visible in the crisp quiet, merging with the air that shares our solitude. There is a moment before the first inkling of dawn when all out burdens are shed. All of our desires grow quiet and our pain is pushed aside as easily as mist is stirred by our passing. Thught comes sharp and clear without distration of living. Wars are started and halted. Lovers unite and drift apart. The dawns coming embraces the last shuddering breath only to give birth to another wailing inhale. Above all, the moment does not pass without a choice made or an action taken. It is the time of choosing. The first step along a path or the last impression of a footprint.
Weeks ago my Liege Lord issued a command for his armies to stay in the province and not go off fighting in foreign lands. For the first time during my service to him I was faced with conflicting orders. While I understood the reason for the command, I could not in good conscience adhere to them. Faced with choice between an Oath to a man and the dictates of my conscience, I choose to follow the latter. Along with some other like-minded Therengians, we charged to any province that was actively being bombarded by Lyras' minions to offer what aide we could. Distance to a moonmage is irrelevant and so Theren always remained a step away. I held another Oath to the undead rakash. Dzive, as people have taken to calling her. I swore I would see her free. On her last attack on Haven, Caelumia dragged her inanimate corpse into the temple. Holy ground seems to weaken Lyras' control. I suggested we put her on the altar and beseech the gods to free her. To my surprise Dzive said to try whatever we think might work. I ran to the closest altar intending to gate her in, but Lyras snagged her back to the War camp. A few days later she attacked Crossing. A few Therengians, myself included joined the fighters in Crossing. She was eventually stopped, but was yanked back to the War Camp before we could attempt anything on her. A few roisaen later we scryed her in Shard. A quick jaunt through the planes and I gated down a waiting force from Zoluren. Again, with the united effort of warriors from all provinces we took her down. Caelumia immediately gated her to the Beacon inside the High Temple of Zoluren. Another gate into the gardens and we hauled her corpse to the nearest altar with flawless efficiency. I hoisted Dzive up onto the altar and slowly she came too. She was out of sorts and wondering at her location. Ilithians, Zolurenites, Therengians, those of the dwarven lands, and wanderers all prayed on her behalf. The altar pained her in some way so we moved her a few feet away. The prayers continued and Lyras relinquished her tainted hold on the poor woman. Surrounded by words of comfort and redemption, Dzive at last faded. I was proud to stand amidst a fine group of warriors. Only one man attempted to dig up her grave and take off with her meager belongings. Digging at her grave like a flea ridden mutt, we employed what methods we could to stop him. Dzive's possessions were collected with respect and a proper ceremony will be conducted in the coming days. I sit now in the quiet before dawn, perched on a branch above the Crossroads of Theren. The shambling dead move like wraiths below me. Shrouded by the mists, they appear like drifting apparitions. Each ragged body once held life as sure as that of Dzive. She is only one of many that must be freed, but the strength of her will, her courage, and defiance is a rallying point for us all. May the gods reunite her with her children and beloved. In the end, we all must answer to the gods we serve. To the people we leave behind. How will History remember my name? I am not sure, I think it remains unwritten for now. As for Dzive's, History will remember her as the one that fought back against all odds. May she find the peace she deserves. | |
This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia (13) \ Therengia Events (15), by MARSAIS on the forums. |