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Post:Terminology Question: The Perverse - 05/22/2019 - 17:36

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Terminology Question: The Perverse · on 05/22/2019 17:36 7360
>> I'd be curious to hear what the individual Perverse cults think about Jeihrem.

There is no love lost among the many cults of the Perverse, and most would chafe at the moniker (which, again, originates from Philosopher moralizing). To emphasize something you've already caught on to, there's no Legion of Doom-esque quality to the Perverse. Jeihrem's lot wouldn't be welcomed at a Bone Elf party, Sidhlot doesn't exchange polite letters with Lasarhhtha, and nobody knows what the heck is up with the False Kir and even if the Bone Dancers (*) are actually Necromancers or not.

Also bear in mind that the Philosophy is still very new in terms of, say, near-immortal undead monstrosities. Kigot died less than 200 years ago and the Philosopher movement didn't catch on until after his death. This is somewhat petty of an intellectual heritage for a living Elf, let alone someone like Sidhlot. So what does the well established cults think of a self-proclaimed lord among "the Perverse?" At best they'd see him as a politicking schemer.

(* The Bone Dancers are a cult based on the Arid Steppe. They may be performing necromantic rites, or just a particularly grissly form of Lunar divinations. Either way they tend to murder people dead.)

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino

This message was originally posted in The Necromancers / General Discussions, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.