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Post:Tentative Paladin Spell List - 08/20/2011 - 19:09
Re: Tentative Paladin Spell List · on 08/20/2011 07:09 PM CDT | 1143 |
>>SR: Question: Can you confirm there will be no offensive penalty? Confirmed. >>SP: Comment: The spell (as it exists now) is aptly named...for it to work it takes prayer. Since it is "advanced", maybe we can improve the barrier aspect of this spell significantly? I will take something similar to the necro barrier spell. >>BoT: >>TR: Comment: By cyclic, do you mean this bad boy will pulse? >>Shatter: Question: Self cast...cast on does this bad boy work? >>HW: Question: Is that damage resistance to equipment? If so, not very excited and surely rates well below other esoteric spells I have seen for other guilds. If it is damage resistance to the person, will it stack on DA? >>SMH: Comment: I would rather keep the old version with the distance limitation based on the melee weapon. >>CrC: Question: Can we get a buff to "Defense" (I think that is the name of the new armor skill) with this up? >>1. You may consider a "Battery Spell" that was proposed by Redarch after...ohh, SimuCon 2008 or so. In short, the problem is that paladins take a really, really long time to power up. The idea of a Battery Spell would allow (provided sufficient skill) to cast one spell that would quickly put up a few defined spells (i.e. courage, HoW, AS and RW) in return for shorter durations on the suite of spells cast with the one shot. >>3. I am uncertain whether the Evasion boost and the potential stacking of DA and HoWv3.0 will offset the loss of 60 stance points. It may very well be better, and I think some testing in the Test Instance would help fully understand the impact of this significant change if you have access and are willing to try it out. --Absinal | |
This message was originally posted in The Paladins \ Responses to GM/Official Announcements, by DR-ABSINAL on the forums. |