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Post:Tentative Paladin Spell List - 08/20/2011 - 19:09

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Re: Tentative Paladin Spell List · on 08/20/2011 07:09 PM CDT 1143
>>SR: Question: Can you confirm there will be no offensive penalty?


>>SP: Comment: The spell (as it exists now) is aptly named...for it to work it takes prayer. Since it is "advanced", maybe we can improve the barrier aspect of this spell significantly? I will take something similar to the necro barrier spell.
The numbers for the barrier aren't set in stone yet, and I'm sure even after the spell is done, it will get some tweaking during testing.

See my last post about this one.

>>TR: Comment: By cyclic, do you mean this bad boy will pulse?

>>Shatter: Question: Self cast...cast on does this bad boy work?
Self cast, and it amplifies your damage.

>>HW: Question: Is that damage resistance to equipment? If so, not very excited and surely rates well below other esoteric spells I have seen for other guilds. If it is damage resistance to the person, will it stack on DA?
Resistance for damage to the caster, and it will (likely) stack with DA unless if find that this poses a problem.

>>SMH: Comment: I would rather keep the old version with the distance limitation based on the melee weapon.
There are a lot of things I want :D Seriously, though, give me some more explanation or reasoning and we can discuss it.

>>CrC: Question: Can we get a buff to "Defense" (I think that is the name of the new armor skill) with this up?
My initial thought is no, but I'll think about it.

>>1. You may consider a "Battery Spell" that was proposed by Redarch after...ohh, SimuCon 2008 or so. In short, the problem is that paladins take a really, really long time to power up. The idea of a Battery Spell would allow (provided sufficient skill) to cast one spell that would quickly put up a few defined spells (i.e. courage, HoW, AS and RW) in return for shorter durations on the suite of spells cast with the one shot.
I like this idea and its gone on my list for later but this would absolutely not be done for M3.

>>3. I am uncertain whether the Evasion boost and the potential stacking of DA and HoWv3.0 will offset the loss of 60 stance points. It may very well be better, and I think some testing in the Test Instance would help fully understand the impact of this significant change if you have access and are willing to try it out.
You know, I agree with you. It likely isn't going to be the same. That said, 60 stance points is a ridiculous buff, so I wasn't aiming for matching it. I think in the end it will be pretty balanced, but we won't know for sure until testing time.


This message was originally posted in The Paladins \ Responses to GM/Official Announcements, by DR-ABSINAL on the forums.