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Post:Teaser: The Arbiter & The Children of Grazhir - 12/03/2017 - 04:22
Teaser: The Arbiter & The Children of Grazhir · on 12/03/2017 04:22 PM CST | 313 |
Lunar magic is at once both one of the oldest and youngest forms of magic practiced on Elanthia. While the Moon Mage Guild is by centuries the last magical guild to form, it was composed of multiple preexisting sects. Some of those traditions were contemporary with its founding, but others stretched back into prehistory.
In the furthest past, there is archeological evidence of Lunar magic that dwarfs its current practice. These magicians, sometimes called the proto-Moon Mages, built the great obelisks that allow the mortal mind to breach the Plane of Probability. Their knowledge of the heavens seem practically limitless. And then they were gone, surviving only in a few warped and incomplete fragments that became the nuclei for some of the Moon Mage sects. A name was given to the proto-Moon Mages and all magicians who choose to inherit their legacy: the Children of Grazhir. In the modern day, the Children of Grazhir and Lunar magic are synonymous. There may have been upstart practices that reinvented Lunar magic wholly new, but the hegemony wrought by the the Celestial Compact and Progeny of Tezirah stamped them out. All currently existing Lunar magic practice involves breaching the Plane of Probability, and the vast majority of it overseen by the greedy, manipulative eye of the Moon Mage Guild. This is... not without problems. Whatever caused the end of the proto-Moon Mages had repercussions both temporal and beyond. Lunar magic was considered a dangerous, evil sorcery and only the incredible effort of the Celestial Compact changed that. More pressingly, the Plane of Probability transformed into a place of fury and death, all of it directed at the Children of Grazhir for sins they cannot remember. The concepts of the Plane of Probability think and insofar as we can say they have dreams, they dream of a day when the last child of Grazhir has been put to rest. They think and sometimes they scheme. Arbiter in Darkness is, across the patchy history of Great Concepts, perhaps the closest one to being a human. Everything it is, is cold starlight, and everything it does is tempered within that metaphor. But it is capable of complex thought verging on mortal sapience, it knows how to feed with one hand while striking with the other. Which is not to say the Arbiter is an evil entity. Nothing in the Plane of Probability is innately evil or demonic, they are nothing more and nothing less than concepts given life. The Arbiter is deadly just, with distance and perspective that could be mistaken for honor by the unaware. Do not be mistaken, however. When the Arbiter moves, it moves with purpose. What it does, it does so out of complex calculations that it will inflict just injury to the Children of Grazhir. The question is not if these things are true, but how the scheme will play out. And just maybe, with unexpected insight and sufficient wiles, its cold justice can be turned into someone else's profit. -Armifer | |
This message was originally posted in The Traders - Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums. |