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Post:Roar Changes - 05/23/2015 - 19:06

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Roar Changes · on 05/23/2015 07:06 PM CDT 206
Hello everyone. I'm about to roll in some roar changes to Prime. Please note the following:

* Fixed a bug with roars not always affecting players in hiding.

* Changed vPOWER to contest Discipline more than Stamina

* Changed all roars to use different contests as follows:

Anger (-Balance) : Fear v Reflex

Embrace: (-Attack) : Fear v Fortitude
Rage: (-Evasion) : Power v Willpower
Screech: (-Discipline/Reflex) : Power v Fortitude

Hiss: (Enemies flee) : Fear vs Willpower
Strike: (Stun/knockdown) : Power vs Reflex
Lash: (Magic Skill/Interrupt): Fear vs Fortitude

Wail: (Immobilize) : Fear vs Fortitude
Torment: (Lose Mana) : Fear vs Willpower
Slash: (-Hiding) : Power vs Reflex
Shriek: (-Shield, kneel) : Power vs Willpower

Berserk Earthquake: : Power vs Reflex

* Serenity will no longer drop when roaring. Though the roars will consume more Voice Pool.

Please let me know if you see any problems resulting from this release.

This message was originally posted in The Barbarians \ Game Master and Offical Announcements, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.