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Post:New treasure system - 2/1/2009 - 14:57:10

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re: new treasure system · on 2/1/2009 2:57:10 PM 49638
>>So say a Moon Mage were to take Dinegavren, walk/swim to Rolagi or Emalerje, open a Moongate, and step through. Does Dinegavren bounce off the barrier between planes? Does it vanish? Does it make the Moon Mage explode to keep itself from violating metaphysical rules?

Dinegavren doesn't bounce, vanish, or explode; Dinegavren is already there, it's the Moon Mage who is changing states. To the Moon Mage's perspective Dinegavren would vanish while he is crossing the void. To the outside observer, the Moon Mage vanishes and the shard stays in place.

In the moment of teleportation, the Moon Mage transitions into an entirely different space. Grazhir shards cohabit both spaces, but their coordinates in one have nothing to do with the other. The magic used pierce the planar void positions the Moon Mage relative to the shard he's using as an anchor. Any attempt to use multiple shards as anchors would have the normal effect of the Moon Mage trying to teleport himself into multiple pieces (it'd work, but the Moon Mage wouldn't be in a state to care).

It's entirely possible to have two shards in a single laboratory that are dozens of astral miles apart. Nothing theoretically stops this from happening in the Astral Plane either, though its rather unique notion of space and omnipresent danger makes shortening the way unfeasible.


This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players (1) \ Responses to GM/Official Announcements (2), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.