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Post:Interaction with Drogor - 11/04/2014 - 16:00

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Interaction with Drogor · on 11/04/2014 04:00 PM CST 3511
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I wanted to share an interaction with Drogor last eve, that may shed some light on His intentions, and a way forward to resolution.

The following is a full [clean] log, that includes an invasion of the Theren Keep, and conversations that followed, including several interjections from Drogor.

[Azkaban's Home]
Walls of polished oak and a polished oak floor covered by a black bearskin rug enclose this small room. In one corner lies an overstuffed leather sofa, and near the sofa sits an elegant black lacquered desk with a silver-swirled ebon glass inkwell with a spun glass stopper and a group of well-worn songbooks on it. A low cast iron brazier burns along the far wall with a watercolor painting of a mounted cavalry unit hanging above it. The room holds a mild scent of dry parchment. You also see a long-haired grey kitten, a wide oak-framed window, a carved oak door and a stately traveler's trunk with thick brass bands with a polished gaethzen crow on it.
Obvious exits: none.

[... interrupted by thoughts.]
[Zhirrisk] "{faintly}" "From the silence in my head I presume all of Therengia to be asleep... This is troubling..." [Zhirrisk] "{faintly}" "There is a flying eel within the Keep, you know!" You hear your mental voice echo, "Whereabouts, Zhirrisk?" [Zhirrisk] "Within the Keep itself! I'm... augh!" [Zhirrisk] "He's in my head...! His anger..."

[ to the Keep]

[Theren Keep, Entrance] A squat drum-tower overlooks the forebuilding, warding the entrance with ruthless crossbow fire from arrow loops along its battle-scarred walls. Ascending through engraved marble arches, a series of chiseled stone steps leads into the Baron's resurging stronghold. Also here: Darkling Zhirrisk who is kneeling. Obvious paths: south, west.

Zhirrisk continues praying fervently.

You ask, "Alright?"

Zhirrisk glances at you.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "No... I am not..."

You are Sergeant Azkaban UiNeill, Piper of the Therengia Cavalry, an Elven Bard. You have an angular face with elegant arched eyebrows, slightly pointed ears, silver-flecked crystal blue eyes, a straight nose and dimples. Your silver-gilt hair is very long and fine, and is worn loose. You have fair skin and an athletic build. You are tall for an Elf. You are an adult. You are clean shaven. Your calf has a tattoo of Elven ivy twining upward, bearing deep green leaves covered in a thin, sparkling layer of frost. You are in good shape.

You are wearing a blackened steel targe embellished with a complex tyrium-studded design, some haralun spiked knuckles, some haralun elbow spikes, some haralun knee spikes, some silver-toed footwraps with Musparan silk straps, a silver-hued parry stick with reinforced silken straps, a damite mail balaclava, some damite mail gloves, a silver ring bearing the crest of the Bard Guild, a deeply hooded Elven wool cloak discretely lined in black and silver plaid, a full-sleeved regulation kilt doublet with Elven silver buttoned gauntlet cuffs, a black lambskin sporran, a black and silver plaid kilt fastened by a silver and cambrinth wren pin and some ankle-high Elven stalking boots.

Zhirrisk rubs his head.

Zhirrisk glances up at the sky.

Zhirrisk stands up.

You ask, "Where'd ye see the intruder?"

Zhirrisk points south.

[... search around outside the doors. No sign of trouble]

Zhirrisk loudly says, "It was here... it followed me until I went inside..."

Zhirrisk's head is surrounded by a profuse, stormy glow, as if illuminated clouds were swirling around it!

Zhirrisk frowns.

You see Darkling Zhirrisk, a Prydaen. Zhirrisk has a round face, cat-slitted dark eyes and a straight nose. His black mane is short and wavy, and is worn unkempt. He has tortoiseshell fur, a curving tail and a thin build. He is slightly under average height for a Prydaen. He appears to be young.

He has faint scuffing to the neck, faint scuffing to the right arm, faint scuffing to the left arm, faint scuffing to the right leg, faint scuffing to the left leg, minor swelling and bruising in the chest area compounded by cuts and bruises about the chest area, faint scuffing to the abdomen.

He is wearing a barbed predator's spear with a deep purple osage haft, a mirrored helm with strips of storm grey enamel over the visor, a fuzzy yellow blanket, an oilcloth duffel bag, an ornate scabbard, a black velvet robe stitched with diagonal bands of pale grey felt, a pearlescent black spidersilk swordsman's shirt, a targe, some spiked knuckles, some padded black gloves, an albredine crystal ring, a lumpy bundle, a leather utility belt with a wide silver buckle, a darkened oilcloth telescope case labeled "LORD ZIRRISK", a pair of black silk-lined suspenders with silver clasps, a soldier's supply bag, some mist grey trousers, some steel-toed footwraps, some mud-brown leather thigh boots and an etched steel parry stick with black leather straps.

Zhirrisk twitches an ear nervously. . You say, "Let me run around the Keep real quick."

Zhirrisk nods.

[... check key locations in the Keep, including Chapel and corridor to Baron's quarters.]

[Theren Keep, Chapel] Sunlight is welcomed into the Chapel of Chadatru by the rainbow colors of a stained glass window set in the eastern wall. A richly embroidered tapestry serves as a backdrop to a polished ash altar carved with the image of a golden lion upon its surface. Simple oak benches have been placed here so the devout can come and observe the first rays of dawn blaze into existence across the face of the window, casting its fiery light across the altar of the god of justice. You also see a marble archway, a blue silk curtain and a fragile-looking book on a small stand. Obvious exits: west.

A faint ripple of brackish water runs across the surface of the floor.

You notice the sharpnose brine shark attempting to stealthily advance upon you! The sharpnose brine shark advances from nearby and is closing steadily.

[... dispatch the shark.]

A sharpnose brine shark gives a final lunge, its teeth snapping mere inches from your skin, then shudders and turns belly up, biting in vain at anything within reach until it ceases all movement, now nothing more than a pile of waterlogged detritus. [You're adeptly balanced] [Roundtime 1 sec.]

You search the waterlogged detritus. You find nothing of interest.

Some waterlogged detritus abruptly decoalesces, leaving nothing but a puddle of brine to mark its place.

think Raise the alarm. Sharks in the Keep. You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

[... search the remainder of the keep, with no further sign of intruders, and return to Zhirrisk.]

You stride south. [Theren Keep, Entry Hall] Twin rows of gleaming plate armor stand along the lengthy hallway, resplendent in shimmering surcoats of blue and gold. A heavy wooden beam protrudes from a nearby pedestal, placed so that it won't disrupt the pristine view, but still close at hand should the entrance need to be barred. The polished marble floor radiates a soft, blue luminescence as it ripples northward into flickering shadows, like moonlight on the open water. You also see a pair of huge, black walnut doors. Also here: Darkling Zhirrisk who is kneeling. Obvious exits: north. bow zh Zhirrisk stands up.

You bow to Zhirrisk.

Zhirrisk begins to advance on you! Zhirrisk advances from nearby and is closing steadily.

Zhirrisk bows to you.

Zhirrisk closes to melee range on you!

[... dispatch Zhirrisk.]

< You draw a lithe icesteel cutlass with an elaborate basket hilt at Zhirrisk. Zhirrisk attempts to evade. The cutlass lands a demolishing hit that cleaves the right arm from the shoulder.

  • Zhirrisk is slain before your eyes!

Zhirrisk's scimitar falls to the ground.

You realize this probably isn't going to help with your reputation. A panicked scream pierces the air. "Murderer!" You notice the nearby citizenry looking your way for the moment, before most quickly run off in fear. [You're nimbly balanced] [Roundtime 2 sec.]

You feel fully rested.

You hear the ghostly voice of Zhirrisk say, "Lord... Drogor... I failed you..."

[... upon the death of Zhirrisk, several waves of sharks appear.]

A faint ripple of brackish water runs across the surface of the floor.

You notice movement out of the corner of your eye.

You notice movement out of the corner of your eye.

A fin breaks the surface of the floor nearby before disappearing again.

A faint ripple of brackish water runs across the surface of the floor.

You notice the sharpnose brine shark attempting to stealthily advance upon you! The sharpnose brine shark advances from nearby and is closing steadily.

You notice movement out of the corner of your eye.

A faint, watery shadow darts beneath the floor's surface.

A fin breaks the surface of the floor nearby before disappearing again.

[... dispatch sharks, during which time Zhirrisk departs.]

The substance of Zhirrisk's body shimmers, as if covered by a veil of crystal tears. A moment later he fades away, leaving nothing but empty air where his body had once lain.

think Therenborough, your Keep is under attack. Rally inside the drawbridge. You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

[... Zhirrisk returns, I give chase.]

You stride down. [Theren Keep, Entrance] A squat drum-tower overlooks the forebuilding, warding the entrance with ruthless crossbow fire from arrow loops along its battle-scarred walls. Ascending through engraved marble arches, a series of chiseled stone steps leads into the Baron's resurging stronghold. Also here: Darkling Zhirrisk. Obvious paths: south, west.

Zhirrisk hisses.

You notice Zhirrisk slip into a hiding place.

You point at Zhirrisk, ruining his hiding place. Roundtime: 1 sec.

Zhirrisk edges away from you.

Now fully raised, the drawbridge comes to a shuddering stop.

Zhirrisk approaches the drawbridge. The guard yells, "Lower the bridge!"

With a grinding of gears and clanking of chains, the great ironwood drawbridge begins its slow descent.

You turn to face Zhirrisk.

Zhirrisk twitches an ear nervously.

Opening yourself as the conduit to the rage of every innocent slain at the hands of the wicked before their time, you channel their fury into a single, prolonged shout directed at Zhirrisk. A wave of sound lands an apocalyptic strike (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) on Zhirrisk, driving him across the area with irresistable force! Unable to keep his balance, Zhirrisk lands in a heap on the ground! Roundtime: 3 sec. [You're hurt, solidly balanced and in dominating position.]

Zhirrisk loudly exclaims, " look here...!"

You begin to advance on Zhirrisk.

The drawbridge slowly lowers, causing the antique mechanism to shriek in metallic protest.

Zhirrisk stands up.

Darkling Zhirrisk marches northeast.

You have lost sight of your target, so you stop advancing.

You stride northeast. [Theren Keep, Sicle Grove] Lush grass and tiny wildflowers blanket the ground beneath a small grove of sicle trees, offering a pleasant diversion from the stark backdrop of Theren Keep. A well-branched young sicle tree is securely rooted beside an old gnarled stump, a symbolic motion by the Baron and his garrison to reestablish the honorable name of Theren and restore the keep to its former glory. You also see a smooth stone bench and a cast bronze statue of a Human Paladin. Obvious paths: southwest, west.

[... I lose sight of Zhirrisk, and return to the sharks, to be joined by Baronial soldiers.]

A group of Baronial soldiers marches through in formation, joining the fray!

A loud commotion is heard coming from the Keep! It sounds like quite the battle!

As you walk, you notice a swarm of Baronial soldiers holding off more sharks!

Shouting voices can be heard in the distance, echoing through the halls!

think Baronial soldiers are filling the halls. You will not prevail. You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.

[... together we repel the invasion.]

Victorious shouts can be heard in the distance!

Several Baronial soldiers march by you, one pausing to nod to you for your service.

A Keep crier steps in and announces, "Due to the efforts of a heroic few and the ever-ready soldiers of the Barony, the Keep and the city are safe once more!" She then rushes off.

[... I turn myself in for the murder of Zhirrisk., am found guilty, and pay my penalty. [... after retrieving my possessions, I look around the streets.]

You stride south. [Therenborough, Horseman's Run] This wide dirt pathway borders the southern end of the town, providing riders with easy access to the main streets. A vast square, paved with granite and filled with milling people, opens up to the north. To either side of it, smaller buildings made from dusty red bricks and quaint thatched cottages are scattered between impressive marble structures. You also see a Baronial guardsman and a news stand with a parchment scroll on it. Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.

You notice Zhirrisk trying to remain hidden while speaking. You hear the loud voice of Zhirrisk ask, "It is over?"

You point at Zhirrisk, ruining his hiding place. Roundtime: 1 sec.

Zhirrisk breaks out in a silly grin.

You say, "Ye seemed to hae caused it. You tell me."

Zhirrisk loudly asks, "The sharkes, the eels--gone?"

Zhirrisk shakes his head.

You ask, "Yer going to claim duress?"

You notice Zhirrisk trying to remain hidden while speaking. You hear the loud voice of Zhirrisk say, "His Jellyfish rained upon me during my hunting. I came to investigate. I asked Him what his will was..."

The air shimmers for a moment as Zhirrisk's spell ends and he becomes visible once more.

Zhirrisk ponders.

You ask, "And?"

Zhirrisk loudly says, "I had prayed during the storm in Crossing, some weeks ago... Eluned--all the altars were silent. It was not until now that I was answered."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "...and I am no closer to understanding the gods."

Zhirrisk shrugs.

You ask, "His will was that you open the drawbridge and let His minions assault the Keep?"

Zhirrisk scratches one ear, looking bemused.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "If it was, then I had done that before He told me to."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "I was looking for people to explain the kelpies, when the eel descended from the sky on that side of the gate."

Zhirrisk reaches up and moves his mirrored helm about on his head.

You say, "I don't pretend to understand the will of the Gods. But my lore tells me they [the Kelpies] are under his control also."

Zhirrisk gives a slight nod.

You ask, "Were you acting on yer own free will when ye advanced me?"

Zhirrisk loudly says, "There is a rumour... There was an invasion in Shard, not long ago... Oh, ah..."

Zhirrisk shifts uncomfortably for a moment.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "...Yes. Unfortunately."

You ask, "What does he seek from the Keep?"

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Whatever it is, He seeks it in more than just the Keep."

Zhirrisk gazes up at the sky.

You ask, "Ye are his follower?" You ask, "Before this day?"

Zhirrisk loudly says, "I suppose I am now. For I had promised to follow, if they showed themselves to me."

Zhirrisk's ears straighten up smartly, a look of pride on his face.

Zhirrisk shakes his head.

You say, "I don't hold it against you. Until recently He was peaceful."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "There are very, very few who seek to understand His rage."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "I was seeking knowledge, not enemies."

You say, "We all want to understand his will, so we can effectively end the reign of terror."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "The defenders of Crossing believe themselves to be above the gods. It is sickening to hear their thoughts as they are torn apart by His beasts. How they laugh and mock Him..."

Zhirrisk balls up his fists stiffly at his side.

You say, "You will find we are not that way in these parts. There is much respect for the Thirteen and their aspects."

Zhirrisk gives a slight nod.

You say, "But, we will defend ourselves."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "The kelpies... I would suggest listening. They are harmless, after all..."

Zhirrisk gazes off to the south.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Suw bizar had besieged Shard for a day or two, and it was not until Nakori and Whiteburn, and some other fellow whose name I did not bother to remember..."

Zhirrisk ponders.

Zhirrisk smirks to himself.

[... Drogor appears to me.]

With a striking suddeness, a rough voice rips through your mind like the winds of a hurricane! Despite the sharp pain, you can make out the word "Lies" being screamed!

Zhirrisk loudly says, "The bizar attempted to communicate with them. And they listened, and found what pleased them, and upon giving the bizar what they came for, they left."

Zhirrisk loudly asks, "Has anything like that happened before?"

Zhirrisk glances at you.

Zhirrisk frowns.

You say, "I'm not aware of such a thing."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "In Crossing, they hunt Whiteburn for being a Priestess of Drogor."

The stormy voice continues to rage within your mind, screaming, "You lie! I hear their mocking, I hear them saying there is no threat, there is nothing of concern, there is nothing but 'mere storms'! They will pay! They will know Me!"

Zhirrisk loudly says, "I wonder, if she were to come here, and speak with the kelpie again... if they would somehow be appeased and give up their struggles at the gates."

You say, "Dorgor must know that there are the naieve among all mortals."

Zhirrisk tilts his head, clearly curious about something.

Zhirrisk loudly asks, "How do you mean?"

You say, "I wonder the same."

A sharp pain blooms in your head!

You say, "I fought the Kelpie when I thought they were a threat."

Zhirrisk nods.

You say, "I also sang the songs of lost children, when I realised they weren't."

Zhirrisk gazes down at his tail.

You say, "Many are seeking to understand. Some are seeking the glory of battle. Surely some are simply not capable of a seeking journey at all."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Perhaps you will get your chance to understand a little more... Whiteburn is on her way."

You ask, "He seeks simply to be known? Or he seeks some retribution?"

Zhirrisk's ears straighten up smartly, a look of pride on his face.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "When He spoke to me, he said 'Our'."

Scofflaw Whiteburn just arrived.

Whiteburn glances up at the sky.

Zhirrisk tips his helm to Whiteburn with a courteous nod.

Whiteburn glances at Zhirrisk.

You bow to Whiteburn.

Whiteburn nods.

Whiteburn nods to you.

You say, "Welcome."

Whiteburn scans the area briefly.

Whiteburn's pupils dilate as she glances around quickly, her tail twitching into a slight "U" shape.

Whiteburn says, "The kelpies still assault the wall..."

Whiteburn says, "I can feel His anger."

You ask, "Ye can shed some light on the events of this evening?"

Zhirrisk loudly says to Whiteburn, "Give me a moment to clear my mind... Then I will tell you what I have learned..."

Whiteburn fixes you with a cold, reptilian stare.

You glance up at the sky. Driving rain falls in fierce sheets, stinging like a thousand lashes!

Whiteburn grows quiet, an intense look of introspection overtaking her features as her tail lowers slightly and stretches into stillness.

You ask, "May I invite you out of the rain?"

Whiteburn says, "It is alright, thankye. I can hear Him best beneath the torrent."

Whiteburn says, "But if you would prefer it, I understand."

The Baronial guardsman strides south, looking around carefully for signs of trouble.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Aye..."

Whiteburn unwinds the end of her uaro's'sugi, tightening the fit and settling it in place.

You say to Zhirrisk, "Understand I don't hold a grudge. Ye advanced me, and paid the price. Our quarrel is over. I'm keen to understand, as you are how we come to 'know' Drogor."

Zhirrisk slowly empties his lungs.

Zhirrisk nods in agreement.

Whiteburn's tail stands rigid against her back, the scales along it lifting to form an alarmed, serrated edge.

Whiteburn glances at Zhirrisk.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "The last thing He said... 'Make them know Me.'."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "I thought, perhaps... to make you know his power--his rage... his relentlessness."

Zhirrisk chuckles.

Whiteburn grows still, fixing Zhirrisk with a cold, calculating look and lowering her tail slightly.

Whiteburn asks Zhirrisk, "Lord Drogor spoke to you?"

Zhirrisk nods.

Whiteburn suddenly hisses in alarm, her tail lifting to stand rigidly against her back.

Whiteburn gawks at Zhirrisk.

You say, "He has spoken to us both this evening."

Zhirrisk glances at you.

Zhirrisk loudly asks, "You, as well?"

You give a slight nod.

Whiteburn asks you, "What did he say?"

You say, "He hears the mocking... 'They will know Him'... 'They will pay'..."

Whiteburn glances up at the sky.

Whiteburn kneels down.

Whiteburn says, "Finally..."

Whiteburn prays fervently.

Zhirrisk angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Whiteburn.

Whiteburn stands up.

Zhirrisk ponders.

Whiteburn says, "It is coming to pass..."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Perhaps I understand Him better than I thought I had before..."

Whiteburn asks, "Oh?"

Whiteburn casts a curious glance at Zhirrisk, uttering a brief octave-climbing trill.

Zhirrisk nods to Whiteburn.

Whiteburn says, "Tell me everything."

Whiteburn fixes Zhirrisk with a cold, reptilian stare.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "You know how they treat me in Crossing. They laugh, taunt..."

Whiteburn gives a slight nod.

Zhirrisk sighs.

Whiteburn rancidly says, "The Crossing is nothing but a spawning ground for heathens and blasphemers."

Whiteburn balls up her fists stiffly at her side.

Whiteburn darkly says, "None, none of them listened. Good, then. They will know Him."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "But in that wretched place, the children had more respect. If one could rise above the others... There was peace."

Zhirrisk nods to Whiteburn.

Whiteburn glances at Zhirrisk.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "For as long as they mock Him and laugh at His beasts, He will not rest. He will be satisfied only when He makes them respect Him."

Zhirrisk's ears straighten up smartly, a look of pride on his face.

Whiteburn laughs!

Whiteburn exclaims, "Then they will drown!"

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Yes."

Zhirrisk grins ear-to-ear.

Whiteburn says, "They will fall into the red spiral before they admit their wrongs."

Whiteburn darkly says, "It is not only Crossing..."

You ask, "Ye support these attacks?!?"

Whiteburn glances at you.

Whiteburn says, "To stand against Lord Drogor is to be His enemy. These are His days. Respect him and stand aside from His beasts or perish."

Whiteburn folds her arms and lifts her head, a proud gleam in her eye and her tail resting firmly against the ground.

You say, "It almost seems that yer taking some satisfaction from the wrath beset on the population."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "The ones who deserve it..."

Zhirrisk gives a slight nod.

Whiteburn laughs!

Whiteburn says, "The things they say..."

You say, "'They' are but small in number."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "I have been as amiable as I am able to the people of Crossing. No more. None of them have shown me kindness."

You say, "A few over zealous sword swingers."

Whiteburn says, "They spit in the face of miracles. They send Lemicus' birds to their deaths, do nothing to restore Her altar and cry foul at me for being loyal to my Lord."

Whiteburn shakes her head at you.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "There is but one I would be sad to see lost beneath His waves... the rest..."

Zhirrisk shrugs.

Whiteburn says to you, "The militia of Ilithi do not care to respect Lord Drogor. they, too, did not listen..."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Perhaps it is only Therenborough that will be spared."

Whiteburn says, "Perhaps."

Whiteburn glances up at the sky. ? You ask, "He did not see the pilgrimage led by Liurilias?"

You ask, "He did not accept the offerings?"

Whiteburn snorts, loudly.

Zhirrisk smirks to himself.

You ask, "He did not see some hand of understanding being offered?"

Whiteburn says, "One of the ones who went there spoke foul, treasonous words to Him at His own altar! On a pilgrimage of so-called peace."

Whiteburn snorts a derisive laugh, sneering in mockery.

You say, "He set his minions on the Crossings gates even as the pilgrimage was underway."

Whiteburn says, "Words are meaningless. In their hearts, they did not understand. Lord Drogor can see to the soul..."

Whiteburn gazes at you intently, clearly scrutinizing your aura.

Whiteburn says, "Too few, too little... too meaningless. The pitiful journey had no point, and the storms continued."

You force yourself to laugh through your pain.

Whiteburn says, "As they will continue to. The people will either learn to revere Him, or they will die."

Zhirrisk peers quizzically at a plump matronly woman.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "The very depressing thing, is that of all of us who Drogor has spoken to..."

Zhirrisk glances at you.

Zhirrisk loudly says to you, "Only you may be believed."

Whiteburn gives a slight nod.

Whiteburn says, "I am an enemy of the Crossing... and now of Shard."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "And they think I am some fool..."

You say, "Perhaps I have come to expect more from the Gods... benevolence, and omnipotence... but perhaps I too have been naievely following the neutral and positive aspects."

You say, "Perhaps Gods too have ego."

Zhirrisk chuckles.

Zhirrisk's ears straighten up smartly, a look of pride on his face.

Zhirrisk preens. Someone's pleased with himself!

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Dark aspects are simply aspects that are dark. Many of us enjoy the night sky. Without it, the sun would burn the crops and seas to ash, in time."

[... Drogor speaks again.]

Your Bardic training affords you many, many stories of Immortals reacting in ways related to what mortals might see as ego.

Whiteburn says to you, "Eluned is not powerless, yet She does not intervene. They gods of light will not save you. It is not their time anymore."

(Whiteburn spread her arms wide, looking reverently to the sky)

The Baronial guardsman strides south, looking around carefully for signs of trouble.

Zhirrisk loudly says to Whiteburn, "When the gods spoke to me, they said 'Our'."

You say, "There will be those that command or respect, and those that demand it."

Whiteburn says, "This is the proper balance. This is fate."

A plump matronly woman just arrived.

Whiteburn asks Zhirrisk, "Our?"

You say, "I have no doubt that there is balance."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "'You would do Our Will?' they asked me..."

Zhirrisk ponders.

The Baronial guardsman strides east, looking around carefully for signs of trouble.

You say, "At least let me add some sun to this stormy night."

You feel fully prepared to cast your spell.

You release an accompaniment of elemental fire into the music, as your chanting intensifies. The sharply chanted rhythm jumps octaves regularly, as the pace increases.

Whiteburn hisses at you.

The skipping, sparkling rhythm of Caress of the Sun flows from your lips, enticing the air around you to shed moisture and to warm as if under a summer sun.

Whiteburn flinches.

You feel fully rested.

Zhirrisk loudly asks, "But now--what is the difference between commanding respect, and demanding it? Has Drogor demanded? He has not made any demands, simply shown His power to us. Is that not commanding enough for most people?"

You glance at Whiteburn. Her features are hard to make out.

Whiteburn opens her mouth widely and expels a few quick breaths. She holds that pose for a few moments, then closes her mouth with a definite click.

Zhirrisk snickers at Whiteburn.

(Zhirrisk carefully wrings his tail out.)

Zhirrisk curls his tail into neat little coils.

You say, "Perhaps I am too focused on a mortals view."

You say, "For mine is not to understand the will of the Gods."

Zhirrisk shakes his head.

Whiteburn says to you, "Only a fool would not seek to understand."

Zhirrisk loudly asks, "If we do not understand their will, how do we respect them?"

Your chant soars through the air like the ringing cry of a hawk as you come to a high point in your song.

Zhirrisk points his thumb at a Baronial guardsman.

Zhirrisk's ears straighten up smartly, a look of pride on his face.

You say, "Only a fool would preach that they have true understanding."

Whiteburn says, "It matters not who you are, they can snuff out your entire existence before you could take your next breath if they so wanted."

Zhirrisk loudly asks, "Does the guardsman not understand the will of the Baron?"

Whiteburn shudders.

Zhirrisk begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

Whiteburn glances up at the sky.

Zhirrisk begins pouting.

You say, "As I suggested earlier, I have not desire to antagonise you, nor yer God."

Zhirrisk gives a slight nod.

Whiteburn folds her arms across her chest.

Whiteburn says, "He is your God too, whether you accept it or not."

Whiteburn fixes you with a cold, reptilian stare.

You nod at Whiteburn, in complete agreement with her views.

You say, "As all Gods and their aspects are."

Whiteburn's tail stands rigid against her back, the scales along it lifting to form an alarmed, serrated edge.

Whiteburn grows extremely still as she turns an intensely calculating look on you.

Whiteburn asks Zhirrisk, "It is odd, is it not?"

You say, "Understanding is a journey, not a destination."

Whiteburn says to Zhirrisk, "Someone who will listen to reason and not snap to their weapons..."

Zhirrisk nods in agreement.

Zhirrisk grins.

You say, "I have a great respect for the clergy that make that journey their entire existance."

Whiteburn trills softly at you.

Zhirrisk loudly says to Whiteburn, "Mind you, he has already rendered my previous vessel incapable of containing my soul."

Whiteburn exclaims to Zhirrisk, "He killed you?!"

You say, "I also have a great respect for those that choose other paths."

Whiteburn looks at you in sudden alarm, slitted pupils dilating, and her tail comes to stand rigidly against her back.

Zhirrisk shrugs.

The short, brisk notes of your chant zing with spectacular speed as you come to a refrain of the main verse in Caress of the Sun.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "In his defense, it was my goal to attempt to do so to him first."

Whiteburn says, "...."

Whiteburn rubs her scalp in agitation.

Whiteburn says, "I have missed much..."

Whiteburn says to Zhirrisk, "And you still avoid my question..."

Whiteburn growls ferociously!

Zhirrisk blinks.

Zhirrisk loudly asks, "Eh?"

You say, "Maybe it is for one of the thirty-nine to 'throw his toys' and make a point that we should all be more pious."

You say, "Some will certainly heed that warning."

Zhirrisk begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

Zhirrisk's ears straighten up smartly, a look of pride on his face.

Zhirrisk rubs his head.

You say, "And some, alas, will not. There is no getting through to all the 'Togs of this world."

Zhirrisk ponders.

You say, "To seek understanding, ye need to be capable of higher thought afterall."

Whiteburn says to you, "It is... unwise to refer to the mighty Lord Drogor as... throwing His toys."

You say, "And yet the rain still falls."

You look at Whiteburn and shrug.

Whiteburn says, "Hm. Perhaps you are no better than the rest."

Whiteburn flicks the tip of her tail toward the ground sharply.

You say, "I think you know that not to be the case."

Whiteburn flatly says, "You are beginning to make me wonder."

You say, "I've merely stated, although somewhat coloqually, that he is expressing his anger. And perhaps that is good."

You say, "Perhaps that is his role - it is certainly his will."

Zhirrisk blinks at you.

Whiteburn says, "They too liken His wrath to the tantrums of a child. Treacherous, dangerous thoughts."

You say, "But, force will be met with force..."

Whiteburn's eyes widen and she fixes you with a cautious, reptilian stare. Her body seems tense and ready to react as she focuses on you.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "It is not always."

Whiteburn asks, "Then you stand against Him?"

You say, "No."

You say, "The Gods are deservied of my respect."

You say, "Drogor included."

Zhirrisk smirks to himself.

You say, "And I prayed at his alter, and pleaded for his forgiveness when my Commander made an eer of judgement."

Zhirrisk loudly asks, "Oh?"

You say, "And I have sung to him, as recenetly as today."

You say, "So, I am not against him."

Whiteburn asks you, "What did your commander do?"

You say, "But, I will protect my provence from his minions."

You say, "My Commander was whom you referred to earlier."

Whiteburn says, "If it is His will that Theren be drowned, then so be it."

Whiteburn asks, "I?"

Whiteburn's eyes darken with thought, and her tail grows very still.

You say, "If my memory serves..."

You recite:

"Whiteburn says, "One of the ones who went there spoke foul, treasonous words to Him at His own altar! On a pilgrimage of so-called peace.""

Whiteburn says, "Ah..."

Whiteburn gives a slight nod.

You say, "I've always had a good memory for the spoken word."

Whiteburn says, "That would make sense, ay..."

You say, "If it his will that Theren is drowned, then I will work to show him Theren is worthy of salvation."

Zhirrisk loudly asks Whiteburn, "So... who is it?"

Whiteburn says to Zhirrisk, "I do not remember their name. I only heard that it happened from another, Mistanna."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Ah, her..."

Zhirrisk sighs.

Zhirrisk's ears straighten up smartly, a look of pride on his face.

Whiteburn darkly says, "And yet, perhaps she too is my enemy now..."

You ask, "Can I ask some questions to check my understanding?"

Whiteburn nods.

You say, "Some have said the genesis of this is related to the Zoulren Princess, and her connection to the Merelew."

Zhirrisk raises an eyebrow.

You say, "That there is a wrong to be righted."

Whiteburn rubs her hands together.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Therenborough truly is attempting to understand this more than anyone in Crossing."

Zhirrisk grins ear-to-ear.

Whiteburn gives a slight nod.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "This is the first I have heard of it..."

Whiteburn says to you, "You are the first to say anything about that as far as I have heard."

You say, "The early events included the twins going missing during a sea voyage."

You say, "And the lore points to Vorclaf's involvement with the Merelew people and the changing of the Princess from Merelew to Elf."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Twins... I am not familiar at all with any, ah..."

Zhirrisk blinks.

Zhirrisk curls his tail into neat little coils.

You say, "I understand that this has evloved to a battle of respect. Respect that Drogor quite rightly deserves..."

You ask, "But, was that the orignial cause of the storms?"

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Before the storms, we had visions... not only moon mages, but clerics, and even empaths. After the storms... nothing."

You say, "No mortal would have questioned Drogor before the storms."

You say, "The questioning, the disrespect was in response to his wrath."

Zhirrisk nods.

Whiteburn says to you, "Few mortals gave His Lord a thought before He showed His wrath..."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "It is not a single event that causes one to lash out. It is years and years of being scorned and mocked..."

Zhirrisk sighs.

You say, "Gods are above mortals, or so I thought. They neither want or need our devotion."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "For some, anyway. Others... yes. Others are quick to anger, and show it. And when that anger is met with respect... when it is appeased, all is well again."

You say, "Name another 'aspect' that gets any significant attention."

Whiteburn says to you, "He needs nothing. It is for OUR sakes that we revere Him as He is due."

Zhirrisk loudly asks, "If I were sti--if I were a god, I would want it. I would need it. What joy is there in having power, if there are none to admire it?"

Whiteburn chortles softly and draws tiny circles in the air with the tip of her tail.

You say to Zhirrisk, "And that is why you are not an immortal."

Zhirrisk frowns at himself.

You ask, "So, nothing in the Merelew lore, that bears any relevance - as far as yer aware?"

Zhirrisk loudly says, "I am curiously devoid of much information regarding the Merelew, or the royalty of Zoluren. Before I was born, they were not of interest to me, and after I was born, I was not adequately educated."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "I could not name them, or point to their place of residence on a map."

Whiteburn says, "Without the favor of the Gods we would all be lost to the void. Never forget that. Without the Gods, we would not even exist as we are. Keep that in mind. And they can take both - their favor and your life - away in an instant if they so felt like it."

Whiteburn says, "Remember that always."

Zhirrisk's ears straighten up smartly, a look of pride on his face.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Drogor favoured me, after our fight."

Zhirrisk nods to you.

Whiteburn says to Zhirrisk, "The truly righteous will have their reward."

Zhirrisk preens. Someone's pleased with himself!

Whiteburn says to Zhirrisk, "... then it is so. You have been Chosen..."

Whiteburn beams at Zhirrisk!

Zhirrisk bows to Whiteburn.

Whiteburn says, "Wise one."

Whiteburn praises Zhirrisk.

Zhirrisk struts around, tooting his own horn. Call an Empath, he's going to hurt something trying to pat himself on the back like that!

Whiteburn scans the area briefly.

Whiteburn clears her throat.

You ask, "This is simply... 'yer not paying me enough attention, so I'll smite you'... 'well, I smote you and now yer being disrespectful, I'll smite you again...' ?"

You say, "I can't comprehend that."

Whiteburn asks you, "What are you talking about?"

[... Drogor seeks to clarify.]

You are suddenly overtaken with a series of visions, their strength so much that you are nearly brought to your knees! First you see an Elven woman, pale and lovely, moving to bring her children to safety from growing storms. They arrive in safety and are quartered in opulence. Next you see unknown mortals creating stories and spreading them, headless of their truth or untruth. Finally, you see a wide number of scenes, there progression giving you a sense of a great passage of time. Throughout them, you see mortals moving away from the sea, and in turn, away from reverence of it in all its beauty and might. While some few do remain pious, as the scenes move forward, you are filled with the sense that fewer and fewer do so in such a way that it touches their soul. As the scenes come to a close, you are overwhelmed by the need to preserve knowledge, and a growing wrath at ignorance!

Whiteburn kneels down.

The Baronial guardsman strides west, looking around carefully for signs of trouble.

Whiteburn screams!

Zhirrisk falls over. kneel You kneel down upon the ground.

Zhirrisk rises to a kneeling position.

Whiteburn hisses in frustration.

Zhirrisk coughs.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Thank you..."

Whiteburn stands up.

Whiteburn glances up at the sky.

You cough.

Whiteburn asks, "... Eluned...?"

Whiteburn pants.

You cough.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "...all of them..."

Whiteburn nods to Zhirrisk.

You rub your head.

Whiteburn says, "I thought... it might be as such."

Whiteburn says, "My Lords..."

Whiteburn kneels down.

Whiteburn continues praying.

Zhirrisk gazes up at the sky.

Whiteburn says, "I will do whatever I can..."

You say, "In the absence of study guidance, mare mortals will fill the void with stories, that will become the myths and legends of the future... whether based in fact or not."

Whiteburn says, "Perhaps I will be slain, it matters not."

Whiteburn exclaims, "They will revere you!"

Zhirrisk loudly says, "They will know you."

(Whiteburn reaches up, claws splayed to the heavens.)

Whiteburn says to you, "... put out that false sun."

Whiteburn flatly says, "It has been up for long enough."

The skipping, sparkling rhythm of Caress of the Sun flows from your lips, enticing the air around you to shed moisture and to warm as if under a summer sun.

You say, "I felt something different... I felt a need to revere all the Gods... and not just the one..."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "The moon mages who use the moons to cross the oceans, who treat Xibar's waters as little more than a stepping stone across the vast darkling of the heavens--they are to blame as well..."

The air gradually stills as the music of your enchante comes near to its end, but a lingering warmth still hangs upon the air around you.

Whiteburn nods to Zhirrisk.

You say, "I follow the Bardess, but perhaps it is time to study beyond the Fae."

You say, "And perhaps it is time to lead whom will follow to the libraries as well as the chapels."

Whiteburn says to you, "The libraries are not enough."

You say, "Perhaps they will become our new places of worship."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Do you know, the statue in Aesry, that encompasses all Thirteen neutral aspects--that it depicts Eluned as Elven, and not Elothean."

Zhirrisk shakes his head.

You say, "Perhaps it is time to stop the aimless learning, for the pleasure of guildleaders, and return to the firesides."

Whiteburn says, "A book cannot ever capture the might and glory of the Immortals."

Whiteburn says, "We must go to Their places..."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "These storms are a gift... I love them. The power and might... It warms me."

Zhirrisk slowly empties his lungs.

The Baronial guardsman strides south, looking around carefully for signs of trouble.

Whiteburn nods to Zhirrisk.

You say, "A book may not, but in the joy of sharing what we read, the knowlege will be preserved, and the ignorant will dwindle in their numbers."

Zhirrisk nods to you.

Zhirrisk loudly asks, "Speaking of such--when you were fighting the sharks, did you find an egg?"

You shake your head.

Whiteburn darkly says, "... words. Words are pointless. Many will not listen."

'There is a fable... You say, "There is a fable..."

[... I recount the fable of the starfish thrown back to the sea - It's important to make a difference, if for just one.]

Zhirrisk loudly says, "If you come across an egg, keep it safe. We may need to help it hatch..."

Whiteburn bows her head and chants a psalm.

Whiteburn observes you with fascination.

Zhirrisk tilts his head, clearly curious about something.

You say, "Maybe many will not listen, but some may... and then some more."

Whiteburn says, "Optimistic words."

You glance up at the sky. Driving rain falls in fierce sheets, stinging like a thousand lashes!

You say, "And still it rains."

Whiteburn flatly says, "I wish I could share such optimism."

Whiteburn glances up at the sky.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "It will always rain."

Whiteburn nods.

Whiteburn says, "Unless they repent and turn to the wonders of the oceans..."

Whiteburn says, "It is not an apology that is needed. Lifelong reverence and respect."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Yes..."

Zhirrisk loudly asks, "But the eggs. That is still a mystery. Are they just... eggs, after all? It is not some war between Drogor and Lemicus?"

[... Drogor sends a sign.]

The rain reduces in intensity slightly.

Whiteburn glances up at the sky.

Zhirrisk loudly asks, "Why did He take Her altar?"

Zhirrisk glances at Whiteburn.

Whiteburn asks, "Or did She allowed Her altar to be taken?"

Whiteburn glares defiantly at Zhirrisk, setting her tail firmly behind her.

Zhirrisk ponders.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Perhaps so."

Whiteburn says, "Perhaps both..."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Rivers can be just as violent as the oceans."

Zhirrisk chortles softly at some secret joke.

A shimmer in the clouds above catches your eye. Though you see nothing else unusual, you are filled with the thought that perhaps a change in the weather mat be coming after all, some sort of respite in acknowledgement of your efforts.

You say, "Or perhaps, ours is not to question and ponder theories (and perpetuate false stories), but simply to accept, learn... and proliferate."

Zhirrisk stares at the sky for a few long moments. He breathes deeply of the air and faces the wind.

Zhirrisk nods to you.

Whiteburn gives a slight nod.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "I could never simply stop thinking. I will always think. But I will stay my tongue until I know the truth."

Whiteburn kneels down.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "The storm will abate, you will have your sun."

Zhirrisk grins at you.

Whiteburn says, "Lord Drogor... I will return to Halasa Temple. I will look out over your stormy seas and those of your Mother, Eluned... I have always found myself awestruck at the sight of Your hunters."

Whiteburn continues praying fervently.

You say, "I fear there is still a lot of cleansing to do, and perhaps this is just the beginning."

Whiteburn says, "... even the lake of Your sister, Lemicus is a grand and terrible power..."

Zhirrisk's ears straighten up smartly, a look of pride on his face.

Whiteburn says, "I have often wondered if I would survive the journey..."

Zhirrisk peers quizzically at Whiteburn.

You say, "Thank you to you both for the dialogue."

Zhirrisk nods to you.

Zhirrisk loudly says to you, "Many years from now... I would like to challenge you again. Perhaps it will not be so easy for you then."

Zhirrisk waves his hand distractedly.

(Whiteburn closes her eye tightly, murmuring under her breath.)

You bow to Zhirrisk.

Zhirrisk tips his helm to you with a courteous nod.

You say, "Perhaps."

Zhirrisk glances up at the sky.

Zhirrisk begins pouting.

You say, "Or perhaps you will spend a little more time reading, and a little less in persuing a sharper blade."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "I could do both."

Zhirrisk grins ear-to-ear.

You bow to Whiteburn.

Whiteburn says to you, "Knowledge of the art of warefare is knowledge... it is as useful as any other skill in such a world as this."

Whiteburn stands up.

Whiteburn glances up at the sky.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "If the sharpness of a sword means that others will listen when I speak... aye. It may be necessary."

You say, "We spoke earlier of the difference between demanding and commanding respect. Be a leader, and others will follow."

You say, "Revere, and ye will be revered."

Whiteburn glances at you.

You say, "Again, my most humble thanks." bow white

You bow to Whiteburn.

Whiteburn says to you, "You are an odd one..."

The tip of Whiteburn's tail makes lazy circles in the air.

Zhirrisk gives a slight nod.

You bow to Zhirrisk.

Whiteburn is looking at you very closely.

Zhirrisk bows to you.

Zhirrisk gets a steel scimitar from inside his ornate scabbard.

Zhirrisk turns in your direction and salutes you with his scimitar, bringing the weapon downwards in a precise, fluid movement.

Zhirrisk puts his scimitar in his ornate scabbard.

You say, "For now, I feel the need to pray. Which I will do privately. I bid ye both good eve."

Zhirrisk nods in agreement.

Zhirrisk joins Whiteburn's group.

With a slight smile to yourself, you rub a smudge from your medallion.

You kneel down upon the ground.

You continue praying for guidance.

l medal The engraved figure of the Bardess Faenella stands here at the shores of a peaceful lake surrounded by trees. Moonlight falls brightly upon the lake's rippled waters, reflecting upon her form to cast it into stark relief. Upon her fisted gauntlet is perched a wren she speaks quietly to, while held at her waist in her other hand is the deep-bellied lute Mythrindel.

[... after prayers, I wonder if I can negotiate with the Kelpies at the gate.]

[North Road, Barony Pass] With one final sweep, the road straightens out from the hilly pastures in the south to stop at a walled village. Looming above the stone boundary is the majestic Theren Keep, its battered towers still an imposing sight to behold. You also see a Gnome workman, a path leading toward a caged blade spider, a tri-shot munitions crate, a cable barrel, a town gate, a dusty trail, a crumbling stone wall running northwest from the main road, a tri-bolt ballista, a kelpie and a kelpie. Obvious paths: south.

The kelpie begins to advance on you! The kelpie is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.

[... I am advanced by several waves of Kelpies and offer no resistance.]

You say, "Calm yerselves, children of Drogor. I mean you no harm."

  • A kelpie bites at you. You block solidly with a blackened steel targe embellished with a complex tyrium-studded design.

[You're solidly balanced with no advantage.]

The kelpie closes to pole weapon range on you!

The kelpie closes to pole weapon range on you!

The kelpie closes to melee range on you!

The kelpie closes to melee range on you!

A kelpie runs into view.

A kelpie runs into view.

[... after several minutes Drogor makes his presence felt.]

A strong, briny scent fills the air, and you are surrounded by a crackling of marine-hued lightning, though it harms you not!

You take in a great breath of air.

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

You say, "We ask for signs often, yet when we see them, we can't interpret them."

The remaining kelpies glance at you, then at the sky, then back to you once more before they walk away, one by one.

You say, "Thank you."

[... I return to Whiteburn and Zhirrisk.]

[Therenborough, Horseman's Run] This wide dirt pathway borders the southern end of the town, providing riders with easy access to the main streets. A vast square, paved with granite and filled with milling people, opens up to the north. To either side of it, smaller buildings made from dusty red bricks and quaint thatched cottages are scattered between impressive marble structures. You also see a news stand with a parchment scroll on it. Also here: Scofflaw Whiteburn and Darkling Zhirrisk. Obvious paths: north, east, south, west.

Whiteburn shudders.

Zhirrisk chortles softly at some secret joke.

You take in a great breath of air.

Zhirrisk nods to you.

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

You say, "The God of the seas has seen fit to remove the Kelpie threat from the gate. At least for the time being."

Zhirrisk loudly says, "Ahh... good. I would not have called it a threat..."

Zhirrisk grins at you.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "But they have gone... good..."

The tip of Whiteburn's tail makes lazy circles in the air.

Whiteburn says, "Neither would I."

Whiteburn says, "Poor children."

You say, "I guess they have gone as long as we progress."

[... another sign.]

The rain slacks off somewhat.

Zhirrisk stares at the sky for a few long moments. He breathes deeply of the air and faces the wind.

Zhirrisk loudly asks, "I will miss the storm. Perhaps there will be another. One without clouds?"

Zhirrisk frowns.

Zhirrisk sighs.

A look of cold menace crosses Whiteburn's features, and her hands fall to her sides, her tail lashing at the ground with a sharp, angry slap!

Zhirrisk loudly says, "That is asking too much."

Whiteburn says to Zhirrisk, "I will take you to Halasa Temple with me one day."

Whiteburn says, "It is a... treacherous place."

Whiteburn says, "I love it."

Whiteburn flashes a wide grin.

Zhirrisk beams at Whiteburn!

Whiteburn says, "Not the same as these storms, but... still powerful and impressive all the same."

Whiteburn bows her head and chants a psalm.

Whiteburn gnashes her teeth.

You say, "I believe Drogor is showing a great kindness to let the storms abate. There is beauty in their power, but for now let's just give thanks."

Zhirrisk gestures.

Zhirrisk nods in agreement.

Whiteburn nods.

Whiteburn says, "Aye."

Zhirrisk glances up at the sky. After a few moments he lowers his gaze.

Whiteburn kneels down and touches her lips with the tips of her fingers.

You say, "Once again, fare ye well."

A cloud-ridden sky hides all but the faintest hint of the rising sun. Dim grey light devoid of color or warmth creeps across the land, diluting the dark but not quite chasing it away.

Zhirrisk nods to you.

You wave.

Zhirrisk loudly says, "You as well..."

Player of Azkaban UiNeill, Bard of Therengia, an Elf

Letting it all hang out, since 312.

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Hollow Eve Festival, by MUMFORDA on the forums.