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Post:For Timelines and Posterity - 7/7/2009 - 14:41:40

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Re: For Timelines and Posterity · on 7/7/2009 2:41:40 PM 8163
357 AV - First appearance in the known lands (confirmed by GM Ardaun +
350 AV - Arrival in Dwarven lands, followed by 15-17 years of wandering (GM Oolan)
330 AV - 20 year exodus begins (GM Oolan)

I never offered years so I haven't a clue where you got those two items attributed to me. However, arrival in Dwarven lands and 20 year exodus are the same event and they began roughly 20 years prior to their introduction, so toss that at 337 though the specific date is not yet firm.

>>From that book, we know that they (the remaining Prydaen, Rakash, and other races) spent a long time all living in one hub. They didn't flee east until -after- the initial attack where Lyras was killed, and the barrier was erected in Journalai, where Lyras made her counter-attack and took Sharlir.

They didn't begin GATHERING until after the initial attack you mean. They fled east after they found they couldn't kill Lyras through any skills or tools they had, but this was long, long after any initial start of the conflict.

>>1) So, it took them 20 years to get from Vael's hub to where the barrier was formed? Or is the 20 years actually starting at the beginning of the entire undead uprising and the fall of many of the hubs in Eu's Lands?

We don't yet have hard dates for any of those specific events, but no it wasn't 20 years from Vael's hub to the Barrier. Again, the 20 years is a rough timeline from the raising of the Barrier to the introduction events for the 4 races.

>>2) If they came through Journalai and spent 15-17 years living in the dwarven lands before reaching the then known provinces, how far exactly do these ruins stretch, and for curiosity's sake, what exactly are they? The only real mention I've ever seen of Journalai is that book and the room descriptions in Kaerna Rockies. And looking at the maps on, Kaerna is closer to the bordering edges of Theren than Forf. Which leads to the question of where is Journalai.

The ruins by the rockies happen to have the same name, yes. They are NOT the same ruins. The ruins in reference in the book are at or beyond the westernmost border of p5. No player can reach that point at this particular time.

>>Something about this timeline still seems off. Even without actual years presented to us, a lot of the info from the book "Prydaens in Their Own Words" seems to now have trouble fitting in with all of this.

The main reason for this is that the initial history/backstory/logic was not well developed at all prior to the introduction of the races. Much of this has been developed since and some of the initially released information boxed us into some corners. For instance, the 20 years, the mention of the ruins, etc. We are trying to make those various and often times confusing details fit into the rest of the game's story in as consistant of a manner as we can. It won't always be perfect or pretty.

GM Oolan Jeel

This message was originally posted in The Races of DragonRealms (12) \ Prydaen - The Hub (14), by DR-OOLAN on the forums.