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Post:Enchanting Release for Prime! - 06/13/2019 - 10:05
Enchanting Release for Prime! · on 06/13/2019 10:05 | 1658 |
Howdy folks. We just released the Artificing and Sigil Harvesting systems to Prime!
Sigil harvesting is a room based system like the other harvesting mechanics. Each room will contain a primary and secondary sigil determined by its mana concentration, urban level and season. Secondary sigils are used more often in higher difficulty enchantments, and require more skill to harvest effectively. There is no innate randomness to which sigil exists in each room, and PERCEIVE SIGIL DISTORT will allow you some control (particularly if you are a Ranger and don’t wish to go into town). Unlike traditional materials, Sigils do not have a rarity. Instead, they have a clarity (quality) and precision (hardness) that determine how well an enchantment turns out. PERCEIVE SIGIL IMPROVE allows you to play a small minigame in hopes of improving a sigil’s stats prior to scribing it. Though for some this may prove too cumbersome, so you’ll still occasionally crit high quality/precise sigils just out of nowhere. And sigils allow you to scribe them multiple times to keep the grind down a bit. Finally, sigil books let you store and filter your sigils to keep inventory counts manageable. Technique bonuses and the PERCEIVE SIGIL BONUS and DANGER commands are currently turned off to capture some base statistics. Those will get turned on once I have a feel for how things are working and should make your IMPROVE efforts about twice as effective. Artificing follows a process similar to the other crafting systems, with some nods to the old mechanics many were converted from. You’ll study the book, put the base ingredient on a brazier (and yes there are portable ones you can enchant) to kick it off. Then you’ll need to wave a Fount over the item being enchanted. Founts are the nifty bit of enchanting. Each fount has 3 stats: • Material Capacity • Grade • Bonus Effect Founts span the difficulty ranges so you could use one easier to get fount to churn through work orders, and a more complex one when you want to craft that high precision enchantment. Grade adds a new dimension to the game in that you get to control the difficulty of skillchecks required to use the enchantments. And in exchange for harder skillchecks you get some additional bonuses, often in the form of more charges, stronger effects, shorter roundtimes and cooldowns. The bonus effect can be changed by SHAKING the fount. Leaving this as a little PAFO for now, though I’ll soon be adding some QoL improvements to explain fount effects in the instruction pages. After this an imbue spell must be cast. Imbue is currently on global preview so everyone can enjoy! NMUs and low-skill MUs will need to buy an Imbue rod, adjust it to the mana they want (crafted ones are capable of higher mana amounts) and wave it at the item undergoing enchantment to imbue it. Following this the enchanted item will need sigils traced on it, and then be scribed repeatedly with a burin. There’s a couple of events, only 1 of which requires an actual tool to keep things a bit simpler. And then a final imbue to cap it off. Using too little mana is risky, particularly with higher precision sigils and rarer materials… so be safe! Enchanted items allow you to MARK them upon completion just like normal crafted goods. This allows you to gain prestige and the mark will show up when the items are FOCUSED upon. The workorder system should also be fully functional for all enchantments. CONVERT has been updated to accept Enchanting as a skill for converting mech lore into. You can only convert each skill one time, and if only 1 skill remains then you will be forced to CONVERT ALL. Mech Lore gain has been turned off globally. We went through every skill and converted them to use Outfitting or Engineering as appropriate. Most were already converted to use the higher of the two anyways. skinning and scraping still uses the skinning skill like it always has. And tanning uses Outfitting as it always had. Enchanting Halls can be found in Crossing (Firulf Vista), Haven (Theren Way), Shard (Crescent Road) and Fang's Cove. I think that about covers it for now. Hope you enjoy it :) Please post any responses, concerns or issues in the Enchanting Lore folder so I can more easily monitor things! | |
This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players/Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-KODIUS on the forums. |