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Post:Empath 3.1 Spell Changes - 11/14/2013 - 23:21

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Re: Empath 3.1 Spell Changes · on 11/14/2013 11:21 PM CST 1247
We have some basic guidelines as far as how many signature spells a guild should have. I'm not sure we're publishing them, since we don't really want people scouring other guild's spellbooks for inconsistencies. It's really up to the dev leadership to decide whether or not to share that stuff. I am the custodian of the Empath spells and was therefore the one to bring them in line with the newest design standards.

But essentially it's based on spell tier. You'd naturally expect most guilds' signature spells to be more on the esoteric end of the spectrum. Empaths have an unusually high number of basic/intro/advanced spells that are signature (healing spells, mostly.) Since we have so many basic/advanced spells that are signature, it's much harder to justify having something like compel or innocence being signature.

This isn't something that's being forced on us from above, I should emphasize. I agree with the general dev team's design goals, it's just a tough choice to make as to what to take out of the signature pool.

Basically if there's anything we can share without doing any grievous insults to game balance or guild lore, we really should. I know it's a stretch for innocence and compel, but I think we can get there if the lore changes to NB and HL, for instance, weren't too much to overcome.

This message was originally posted in The Empaths \ Magic and Empath Spells, by DR-MELETE on the forums.