Post:DEMEANOR GUILD - 4/11/2011 - 3:05:21

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RE: DEMEANOR [GUILD] · on 4/11/2011 3:05:21 AM 58573
>>Seems to out a thieves guild quite effectively... bravo, bravo.

Or anybody else with SET !PROFESSION turned on...?

Anybody that looks at you will NOT see: You see Yamcer, a Warrior Mage. This indicates that you (wisely) have SET !PROFESSION turned on. This is true for anybody, thief or not.

This doesn't out thieves any more than anybody wondering 'Why does he use Warrior Mage in his title but not have SET PROFESSION turned on?'.

Titles are not yet included in the calculations for 'what profession do you out yourself to be?'. They may be in the future but for now they're not used by the DEMEANOR system.

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players (1) \ Responses to GM/Official Announcements (2), by DR-SOCHARIS on the forums.