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Post:Contest Premium HE Shop Design - 07/14/2015 - 09:44

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[Contest] Premium HE Shop Design · on 07/14/2015 9:44 AM CDT 471
Some of you have declared interest in creating shops, and specifically, creating Premium shops. Here's your chance, so get your creative juices flowing!

The deadline for shop design is August 20th. Any shops submitted afterwards will not be considered for Hollow Eve 2015 due to development time. Submitted shops may be used for future Premium shops outside of HE. All contest entries submitted become the property of Simutronics to be used as desired. The submitter gives up all rights to the submission. Entries can be modified as needed/desired and used for any needed/desired purpose. That said, we will certainly do our best to remain as close to your submission as possible!

Wondering how to get started? Please read the information below!

Shop Themes
Your shop should have a cohesive theme, even if it's "random collections". Potential themes to consider:

  • Religious - Any of the Thirteen, Triquetra, The Great Pack, The Alaudian Pantheon, etc.
  • Guilds - Necromancer or Thief shops MUST cater to everyone in a public area; their specific items can be a private area.
  • Races - Should have some items available to all races, but can favor a particular race.
  • Combat - weapons, shields, or armor.
  • Crafting - tools, containers, craft-inspired designs. Each crafting tool requires its own surface, UNLESS you bundle them as kits. This means you can't sell a hide scraper on the same shelf as sewing needles, forging tongs, etc.
  • Clothing - colors, fabrics, clothing types, gems.
  • Mechanics - All of your items use the same mechanics. Like a shop of item hiders, or beard jewelry, or tattoos.
  • Magic - Runestones (please ask for a list of approved spells), foci(permanent only), etc. Please do not design gwethdesuan items or spellbooks.
  • Past Hollow Eve Themes - Sharks, marine life, stars, black unicorns, etc.

It's ok if your theme isn't listed; they're just suggestions!

Room Design

  • Room name - Name your shop!
  • Full view - 512 character limit. Please double space your sentences. Do not use the word "You" or force feelings upon the reader.
  • Short view - Short version of the full view with minimal adjectives/fluff.
  • Sale surfaces - At minimum, it needs a SHORT (see Item Design). If your shelf/table/rack/whatever is in the room text, it will not show in the 'You also see' line.


  • Maximum rooms - 3
  • Maximum sale surfaces per room - 4
  • Maxmimum items per sale surface - 8

Item Design

  • SHORT - "article,adjective,noun", also known as the 15/15/15. Nouns can only be ONE word.
  • TAP - 82 character maximum.
  • LOOK - 512 character maximum. Please double space the sentences and don't use the word "you!" Remember to DESCRIBE the item, not tell a story about what it does or its history.
  • WEAR - Please list the wear location for your item, if any. See INV SLOTS LIST for valid locations. Please stick to standards; no head-worn backpacks or ear-worn arm pouches.
  • Mechanics - Please describe what EXISTING mechanics you want this item to have. If you suggest multiple mechanics, remember that each requires its own sales surface -- all items on that surface will have the same mechanics. Group appropriately and please avoid quest and auction-level mechanics.

Items shouldn't glow or shimmer if their composition doesn't do it. If using rares, make sure they're not limited, like moonsilver. Existing HE rares may be used. If there's a problem with one you're using, it may be changed.

Please do not send in custom verbs or mechanics for items. We can consider that as a separate contest in the future, but it could slow the development and potentially cause your shop to miss out on Hollow Eve.

How to Submit
Create your shop in a Word doc or Google doc. Please submit the shop to with the subject of "Premium Shop Design - CharacterName" ie: Premium Shop Design - Naohhi
If submitted a Google doc, please share editing privileges!

Submissions must be in by August 20th. Late submissions will not be counted as part of the contest, though we may find a use for them in the future!

While this will benefit Premium members, you do not have to be a Premium member to design a shop!

This message was originally posted in Estate Holders of Elanthia \ Game Master and Official Announcements, by DR-NAOHHI on the forums.