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Post:Background - 10/09/2013 - 20:42

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Re: Background · on 10/09/2013 06:42 PM PDT 754
>>Is Urvkil an anomaly among his people or did they all use voidspawn? Are there more still alive from his sect? Other than teaching us that clerics are horrible people, what is it he wants?

Urvkil is a mad lunar mage who was trained by the Gorbesh, who wouldn't be considered a 'Lost Sect' because they were never invited to join the Moon Mage Guild. At the time of it's formation they were still down in Albaria doing whatever it is Albarians were doing. Fighting and eating snow most likely. He was later banished by the Kaldar years ago for his dubious choice of research projects. He is not part of a lost sect nor does he have a "people" outside of the Kaldar.

What does he want? Who knows.

Can he be trusted? Doubtful.

Is he even still alive? No one knows.


This message was originally posted in The Moon Mages \ Guild Events, by DR-RAESH on the forums.